The Jedi had long ago refused, and Manex had hardly been able to eat or drink himself.

"Look relaxed," Mace told him in a low tone.

"I'm trying," Manex said between his teeth.

Mace stood behind a screen of bushes. Obi-Wan was a few yards away.

Bant was on the opposite side of the small clearing where Manex had laid stone over the grass for an outdoor seating area.

If there was to be an ambush, Mace wanted plenty of room to maneuver.

He had decided that Manex would eat his evening meal outside and then linger as the suns set. Manex had picked at his food and now was making a weak attempt to sip his juice in a serene fashion. He only succeeded in spilling it down his tunic.

The suns set, and the darkness grew. Only a small light on the table illuminated the area. Obi-Wan kept himself attuned for the sound of probe droids approaching. He was determined not to let Balog slip through their fingers. Once he was in their hands, they would have justice for Tahl. And Qui-Gon would return. Obi-Wan would never admit it to anyone, but he would feel better if they were the ones to catch Balog, not Qui-Gon.

Mace had linked the house's security system to his comlink. It must have vibrated an alert, for he turned to Obi-Wan. "Security has been breached on the east wall," he said.

"What?" Manex asked.

"Move closer to us as though you are looking at the stars," Mace ordered quietly.

Manex pushed his chair back. He rose, still clutching his cup, and pretended to look at the sky. Obi-Wan knew that Mace wanted Manex close to cover if anything happened. There was a low stone wall that they could push him behind in just a few seconds.

Obi-Wan felt a surge in the Force and saw a shadow flit across the lawn. It could have been a night bird or a shadow across the moon. But it wasn't.

He and Mace sprang forward together. Bant came around the other side in a flanking motion. Obi-Wan pushed Manex behind the wall as he darted closer. Three lightsabers were activated as the Jedi advanced.

"Good to see you, too," Qui-Gon said, stepping into the light.

"Master!" Obi-Wan exclaimed.

He looked at Manex peeking over the wall at the three Jedi. "So I see it's a trap. Looks like I fell for it, not Balog."

"Qui-Gon," Mace began sternly, "what are you — "

He stopped abruptly. He and Qui-Gon looked toward the front of the dwelling. It took another beat or two, but Obi-Wan heard it, too. Angry pounding at the front door. A few seconds later Obi-Wan saw security forces pounding down the hall while Manex's protocol droid waved his arms in protest.

Mace hurried forward, saying over his shoulder to Qui-Gon, "I suggest you find another exit."

Drawing his robes around him, Mace quickly entered the house. They heard the angry voice of a security officer.

"I know he is here. We have our proof! He bought the probe droid that killed Legislator Pleni!"

Qui-Gon was screened by the elaborate bushes of the grounds. He hesitated, listening to the officer.

"Qui-Gon, you must go," Obi-Wan urged. "I'll come with you."

Qui-Gon hesitated. He met Obi-Wan's gaze. "No. I'm sorry I've caused you worry, Padawan," he said. "I must do this my way."

"But — " Obi-Wan began. Before he could finish, he felt his words snatched away by the wind, even before he had a chance to form them.

Qui-Gon had become a shadow again, moving across the soft green grass. Then he disappeared.

Chapter 12

Qui-Gon ran through the darkness, grateful for the new moons that made the night so dark. He moved from shadow to shadow noiselessly. When he had put a good deal of distance between himself and Manex's residence, he finally slowed down.

He was tired, but he wanted to run again. Pushing his body was the only time his mind had a chance to empty out. Facing Mace had been difficult. Facing Obi-Wan had been worse. He knew he belonged with the Jedi. Yet he could not seem to stop himself from going on alone. His emotions were too large right now, too raw. Around the Jedi he felt too exposed. Mace would see how difficult it was for him to maintain serenity.

He could even order Qui-Gon back to the Temple. Qui-Gon could not allow that.

The truth was, he dreaded the moment he would walk back into the Temple and know that Tahl's footsteps would never echo in its halls again.

The Temple would never again welcome him in the same way. Loss would be as much a part of it as shelter.

His fever to catch Balog battled with his fear of the future, when this mission would be over. He would be faced with only his grief to bear, and he would have to look ahead to empty years. What would happen to him then?

A deep chill caused him to shudder. The cool wind was drying his sweat. He saw a security patrol ahead and quickly turned down a side street. Once again he would not sleep tonight. He would have to keep alert.

Every officer in the city was now looking for Qui-Gon Jinn.

But he had learned something. They had tied him to the murder through the probe droids. He could not understand why the probe droids had attacked someone instead of tracking Balog, as they had been programmed to do. He wondered if the two droids that had veered off when attacking him had actually been his own droids. It had been strange that they had suddenly gone away. Did that mean that his droids had attacked Oleg, too? Someone had reprogrammed them.

He needed answers, and for once he knew where to find them. He would pay a visit to the black-market dealer, Mota, who had sold him the droids.

If they were reprogrammed, Mota was undoubtedly the link to whoever reprogrammed them. And if that person was Balog, he might have a way to contact him.

Qui-Gon circled back and glanced down the street. The security officer was gone. He struck out across the road into the park. There were more places to hide here in case he was spotted. And cutting across the park would bring him closer to the Worker Sector.

Qui-Gon suddenly sensed that someone was behind him, matching his footsteps and trying to match his speed. Qui-Gon melted off into the trees.

He made an arc and came up behind his pursuer. He saw a glint of gold hair in the darkness. It was Eritha.

He strode forward and grasped her arm. She gasped, then saw it was him. She was breathing hard, as if she'd just had a hard run. "I've been following you since you left Manex," she said. "Or at least I've been trying to. I lost you and kept circling around. Finally I thought I saw you enter the park."

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