The man suddenly looked frail in his nightshirt next to Qui-Gon's size and strength. "N-now, relax, we're all friends here," he stuttered.

"I'm not your friend, and I'm not here to relax!" Qui-Gon thundered.

"I'm here to find out why my droids were reprogrammed. And you have the answer."

Mota backed up until a table was between him and Qui-Gon.

"I'm not sure what you mean," he said.

Obi-Wan spoke quickly, wanting to give Qui-Gon a moment to control his anger. If he could control it. Obi-Wan's worry increased. This was a Qui-Gon he had never seen. Qui-Gon's sense of urgency had always been controlled. If anger came, it came in flashes of lightning that left serenity behind.

"We know that the probe droids were reprogrammed, Mota," Obi-Wan said in a calmer tone. "They never went after Balog at all. Instead they attacked two other beings. The question is, did you do it?"

Mota swallowed. "It wasn't me," he said quickly. "I don't know who it was. Someone broke into my files. I have a warning system built in, so I knew the next time I accessed them."

"When?" Qui-Gon asked.

"Within hours after you left," Mota said. "I don't know how. Or who.

You can't trust anyone these days."

"How did the security forces know that Qui-Gon had bought those droids?" Obi-Wan asked.

"They asked me," Mota said in a small voice. "All my droids are coded. They tracked the droids here. I told them the Jedi Qui-Gon had bought them. I had to tell the truth. You wouldn't want me to land in jail, would you?" Mota tried to smile.

Qui-Gon gave him an even stare. Mota backed up even farther. "Ah, I guess I should have mentioned to the officers that I suspected the droids were reprogrammed. But when speaking to security officers, it's better not to answer questions they don't ask. They might have gone through all my files. I wouldn't be able to protect my clients. And I would be out of business. Nobody wants that. You might need another probe droid, for example — "

"We need access to your computers," Obi-Wan said brusquely. "Right now."

"Of course, help yourself." Mota hurriedly pointed to his datascreen.

"Just don't erase any profits, heh heh."

Qui-Gon immediately began clicking keys and accessing datafiles. "Did you try to trace the break-in?"

"No," Mota admitted. "I'm not that advanced. I just know how to track inventory and money."

Qui-Gon continued to move through Mota's files with astonishing speed. Obi-Wan knew he was missing nothing. He could see the level of concentration on his Master's face.

Qui-Gon hit a few keys, activating a search mode Obi-Wan didn't recognize. Within seconds, he got a reply.

"Do you recognize this code?" he asked, pointing to the datascreen.

Mota leaned closer. "It's the Worker data address," he said. "It's already in my files." "Who uses it?" Qui-Gon asked.

Mota's face was tinged blue from the data-screen. "Irini and Lenz,"

he said.

Chapter 15

Obi-Wan dashed after Qui-Gon. His Master had moved so quickly he had not had time to gather his thoughts or decide on a direction. He had expected him to head for the ramp to the street, but instead Qui-Gon ran to the lower level. He needed fast transport.

"Open those bay doors!" Qui-Gon yelled to Mota as he ran.

Unease thudded with every heartbeat as Obi-Wan chased after Qui-Gon.

He had never seen his Master like this. Qui-Gon seemed to barely register his surroundings or Obi-Wan's presence. All his will was directed at his goal.

It was the goal that worried Obi-Wan. Was it justice… or revenge?

By the time they reached the lower level, the door at the end of the long warehouse space stood open. Qui-Gon jumped into an airspeeder. Obi-Wan barely had time to scramble into the passenger seat when Qui-Gon throttled the engines and zoomed down the tunnel.

The engines were pushed almost to full, much too fast to maneuver in the tunnel. Obi-Wan could see that the bay doors at the end of the tunnel had not had a chance to open. Still Qui-Gon did not reduce his speed.

Obi-Wan whipped his head around to face him. Qui-Gon wasn't just pressing his luck. This was pure recklessness. "Master!"

Qui-Gon's face seemed carved from the gray stone of New Apsolon. His lips were a thin line. His hands stayed steady on the controls. He seemed not to hear Obi-Wan.

A crack of gray light appeared ahead. It widened. The doors were opening, but too slowly for Obi-Wan's comfort.

"Hang on!" Qui-Gon warned.

Obi-Wan just had time to clutch for support as Qui-Gon flipped the airspeeder sideways. Without slackening speed, he zoomed through the opening, clearing it by centimeters. They flew into the dark night.

Obi-Wan pressed himself back into the seat, trying to still his ragged breathing. Qui-Gon seemed poised on the brink of losing control.

There didn't seem anything Obi-Wan could do or say to stop him or get him to slow down. Obi-Wan tried to stifle his own panic. He had to trust his Master.

But for the first time in their long partnership, he didn't think he could. That knowledge made fear grasp him by the throat.

Qui-Gon piloted the craft expertly through the deserted streets. He pulled up in front of Lenz's hideout and flew up the stairs. He pounded on Lenz's door. They heard the creak of a floorboard.

"Don't try your escape route," Qui-Gon warned. "We'll find you."

The door opened. Lenz looked at them warily. He looked more frail than usual, his skin pale and shiny. "It's the middle of the night."

Qui-Gon slammed the door open wider and strode inside. "I need to speak with you and Irini. If she's not here, contact her."

"She is here. But you can't see her," Lenz said quietly. "She's ill — "

Qui-Gon ignored him and pulled open a closed door. He stopped short.

Obi-Wan came up behind him. lrini lay on a sleep couch, covered in a blanket. She was shivering, and her face shone with sweat. "What is it?

What's wrong?" Obi-Wan asked. Lenz pushed past him to kneel by Irini's side.

"A blaster attack. She won't see a medic." Obi-Wan hurried forward.

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