“We have to leave, Gloria,”Tatiana said.

The machines continued to hiss and pump, Graham continued to float in space. Gloria bent down and kissed Graham on the forehead. A benediction or a curse, or both, because everything could be encompassed in the synthesis that was reality. Black and white, good and bad. His flesh already felt like clay.

What were the true crimes? Capitalism, religion, sex? Mur-der-usually, but not necessarily. Theft-ditto. But cruelty and indifference were also crimes. As were bad manners and callousness. Worst of all was indifference.

Not long after Gloria married Graham, they went to his par-ents’-Beryl and Jock’s-for Sunday lunch. A skinny roast duck, as Gloria remembered, counterbalanced by a hefty plum cobbler. It never ceased to amaze Gloria that she could barely remember what happened last Friday but could recall in detail meals that she had eaten forty and more years ago.

For some reason their car was in the garage that day (Graham had brought a Triumph Herald to the marriage), so Graham’s father had given them a lift to the modest “Hatter Home” (the old “Pencaitland” model, long abandoned) that had been a wedding gift from Jock and Beryl. It had been known as a “starter home.” No one sold “finisher homes,” did they?

On the way, they made a detour via “the yard” on some busi-ness or other that father and son had to attend to, long forgotten now. At the time Hatter Homes was just a builders’ yard with a ramshackle office in one corner. Gloria got out of the car, she’d never been to the yard or the office before and supposed she should take an interest now that she herself was a Hatter. She should never have given up her maiden name of Lewis, of course. Now might be a good time to revert it, now that she was an out-law widow. People changed their identities all the time, her own grandfather had changed his name to Lewis after he arrived in Leeds from Poland with nothing more than a cardboard suitcase and a surname that no one could pronounce.

The two Hatter men went into the office, and Gloria wandered around the yard with its mysterious pallets and sacks. She couldn’t imagine how you even began to build a house, she wondered what would have happened to the human race if it had all been up to her at the point when man first struck flint on flint and made a tool. She would never have managed anything as sophisticated as a shelf, everything would now be kept in hammocks and bags, probably. She was a gatherer, Graham was a screwdriver-wielding hunter. He would go out and build things, and she would stay inside and rear things. This was only a month after their wedding, when the sparkle was still on their union and Gloria was deliri-ously busy with buying matching tea plates and squeegee mops.

At that moment Gloria heard a little mewling noise that proved, when investigated, to be-joy of joys-a nest of kittens, still blind and molelike, curled up with their mother in a corner of the yard behind a pile of old wood.

Hatters, senior and junior, emerged from the office, her new father-in-law hailing her with “You found those damn kittens then, Gloria?” Gloria, who was already planning the sheepskin-lined basket she would provide for at least two, possibly all, of the kittens, a Hatter home within a Hatter Home, said, “Oh, they’re so gorgeous, Mr. Hatter.” Gloria’s toes wriggled with the cuteness of the kittens. She still couldn’t manage the familiarity of “Jock” and in fact never did for the three years she was his daughter-in-law, before he had a massive heart attack, dropping dead on-site into the mud in the breeze-block shell of one of his houses while his men gathered around and stared down at his lifeless body in as-tonishment. The titan had left the building. The Olympian, mean-while, was in the unfinished kitchen, wondering if he could get away with putting in a smaller window.

“Graham,” Jock Hatter said, “get the bloody things, will you?”

“Sure,” Graham said, scooping up all five soft, warm kitten bodies and in one easy movement plunging them into a water butt that stood next to the office. Gloria was so surprised that for a terrible second she merely watched, mute and motionless, as if she were under a spell. Then she screamed and made to run to Graham to res-cue the kittens, but “Jock” held her back. He was a small man but astonishingly strong, and no matter how much she twisted and turned to get away from him, she couldn’t escape his grip. “Has to be done, lass,” he said softly when she finally gave up. “It’s just the way of the world.” Graham removed the five limp little bodies from the water butt and threw them into an old oil drum that was used for waste.

“Fucking cats,” he said when she became hysterical with him later in the galley kitchen of their starter home. “You need to stop being so fucking soft, Gloria. They’re just fucking animals.”

Murdered.” The word had sounded strange falling from Ta-tiana’s lips, it rolled around like thunder, it cracked the sky. Glo-ria wondered if the cracked sky was going to break into pieces and fall at her feet. Her stomach felt hot and liquid, and her heart was beating faster than was healthy in a woman on the verge of a bus pass. Tatiana’s friend had been murdered. Lena. A good person.

Gloria knew what Tatiana was going to say.And the worst thing was that she had believed it even before the name was said, so she said it first.

“Graham,” she said flatly.

“Yes,” Tatiana agreed. “Graham. He is very bad man. He told Terry to kill her. Same thing as killing her himself. No difference.”

“No,” Gloria agreed. “No difference. No difference at all.”

“Lena was going to cops, tell everything she knew.”

“What did she know? About the fraud?”

Tatiana laughed. “Fraud is nothing, Gloria. Many worse things than fraud. Graham’s in business with very, very bad men. You don’t want to know, they come after you. We really have to go now.”

Gloria leaned closer to her husband and whispered in his ear,

“Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair.”

They had left the scene of a murder. They were making a real get-away. Gloria was breaking rules, although not her own. She had rescued the black plastic bag of cash and the Memory Stick, but other than that they were fleeing in the clothes they stood up in. Tatiana had made a phone call, and a big black car had driven up to the back door and they had stepped in it. It was, if Gloria wasn’t mistaken, the same car that had picked Tatiana up from the hospital after Graham’s heart attack. The driver remained mute throughout their journey, and Gloria didn’t ask who the black car belonged to. Big black cars with blacked-out windows tended to belong to bad people.

They were driving south, toward the airport, but Gloria had requested “a little detour.”

“Why?”Tatiana asked.

“Business,” Gloria said as the mute driver followed her instruc-tions and turned off the main road and onto a housing estate. “A little unfinished business.” “Glencrest Way,” Tatiana announced, reading the street sign.

Glencrest Way was followed by Glencrest Close, Glencrest Avenue, Glencrest Road, Glencrest Gardens, and Glencrest Wynd, the ti-tles of all of which Tatiana insisted on reciting, like an exotic replacement for the black car’s satellite navigation system, which refused to work among the baffling complexity of the housing es-tate’s streets, shielded by the lingering fog of Graham’s presence, the cloud of knowing.

“The Glencrest Estate,” Gloria said rather redundantly as the black car drew to a halt at the curbside. “Real Homes for Real People. Built on old mine workings.” She hauled out the black plastic garbage bag that contained seventy-three thousand, five hundred pounds in twenty-pound notes.

Tatiana leaned against the side of the car and smoked while Gloria dragged the black plastic bag from house to house, distrib-uting bundles of notes on the doorsteps. Not enough for every-one, but then life was a lottery.

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