
"I mean, just what are you angry about?  Is it Posner?  Because I'm not sorry about that.  I won't apologize.  You can't mistreat people just because they're sick.  They're still people, like anybody else.  They have their rights."


"But if you think I'm some kind of a spy or something, that I'm running around and ratting on people to Ek--to Izmailova, well that's simply not true.  I mean, I talk to her, I'm not about to pretend I don't, but I'm not her spy or anything.  She doesn't have any spies.  She doesn't need any!  She's just trying to hold things together, that's all.

"Jesus, you don't know what she's gone through for you!  You haven't seen how much it takes out of her!  She'd like nothing better than to quit.  But she has to hang in there because--"  An eerie dark electronic gabble rose up on his radio, and he stopped as he realized that they were laughing at him.

"Does anyone else wish to speak?"

One of Gunther's abductors stepped forward.  "Your honor, this man says that flicks are human.  He overlooks the fact that they cannot live without our support and direction.  Their continued well-being is bought at the price of our unceasing labor.  He stands condemned out of his own mouth.  I petition the court to make the punishment fit the crime."

The judge looked to the right, to the left.  His two companions nodded, and stepped back into the void.  The desk had been set up at the mouth of what was to be the air intake duct.  Gunther had just time enough to realize this when they reappeared, leading someone in a G5 suit identical to his own.

"We could kill you, Mr. Weil," the artificial voice crackled. "But that would be wasteful.  Every hand, every mind is needed.  We must all pull together in our time of need."

The G5 suit stood alone and motionless in the center of the room.


Two of the Hyundai suits stepped up to the G5 suit.  Four hands converged on the helmet seals.  With practiced efficiency, they flicked the latches and lifted the helmet.  It happened so swiftly the occupant could not have stopped it if he'd tried.

Beneath the helmet was the fearful, confused face of a flick.

"Sanity is a privilege, Mr. Weil, not a right.  You are guilty as charged.  However, we are not cruel men. This once we will let you off with a warning.  But these are desperate times.  At your next offense--be it only so minor a thing as reporting this encounter to the Little General--we may be forced to dispense with the formality of a hearing."  The judge paused.  "Do I make myself clear?"

Reluctantly, Gunther nodded.

"Then you may leave."

On the way out, one of the suits handed him back his peecee.

Five people.  He was sure there weren't any more involved than that.  Maybe one or two more, but that was it.  Posner had to be hip-deep in this thing, he was certain of that.  It shouldn't be too hard to figure out the others.

He didn't dare take the chance.

At shift's end he found Ekatarina already asleep.  She looked haggard and unhealthy.  He knelt by her, and gently brushed her cheek with the back of one hand.

Her eyelids fluttered open.

"Oh, hey.  I didn't mean to wake you.  Just go back to sleep, huh?"

She smiled.  "You're sweet, Gunther, but I was only taking a nap anyway.  I've got to be up in another fifteen minutes."  Her eyes closed again.  "You're the only one I can really trust anymore.  Everybody's lying to me, feeding me misinformation, keeping silent when there's something I need to know.  You're the only one I can count on to tell me things."

You have enemies, he thought.  They call you the Little General, and they don't like how you run things.  They're not ready to move against you directly, but they have plans.  And they're ruthless.

Aloud, he said, "Go back to sleep."

"They're all against me," she murmured.  "Bastard sons of bitches."

The next day he spent going through the service spaces for the new air-handling system.  He found a solitary flick's nest made of shredded vacuum suits, but after consultation with the CMP concluded that nobody had lived there for days.  There was no trace of Sally Chang.

If it had been harrowing going through the sealed areas before his trial, it was far worse today.  Ekatarina's enemies had infected him with fear.  Reason told him they were not waiting for him, that he had nothing to worry about until he displeased them again.  But the hindbrain did not listen.

Time crawled.  When he finally emerged into daylight at the end of his shift, he felt light-headedly out of phase with reality from the hours of isolation.  At first he noticed nothing out of the ordinary.  Then his suit radio was full of voices, and people were hurrying about every which way.  There was a happy buzz in the air.  Somebody was singing.

He snagged a passing suit and asked, "What's going on?"

"Haven't you heard?  The war is over.  They've made peace.  And there's a ship coming in!"

The Lake Geneva had maintained television silence through most of the long flight to the Moon for fear of long-range beam weapons.  With peace, however, they opened direct transmission to Bootstrap.

Ezumi's people had the flicks sew together an enormous cotton square and hack away some hanging vines so they could hang it high on the shadowed side of the crater.  Then, with the fill lights off, the video image was projected.  Swiss spacejacks tumbled before the camera, grinning, all denim and red cowboy hats.  They were talking about their escape from the hunter-seeker missiles, brash young voices running one over the other.

The top officers were assembled beneath the cotton square.  Gunther recognized their suits.  Ekatarina's voice boomed from newly erected loudspeakers.  "When are you coming in?  We have to make sure the spaceport field is clear.  How many hours?"

Holding up five fingers, a blond woman said, "Forty-five!"

"No, forty-three!"

"Nothing like that!"

"Almost forty-five!"

Again Ekatarina's voice cut into the tumult.  "What's it like in the orbitals?  We heard they were destroyed."

"Yes, destroyed!"

"Very bad, very bad, it'll take years to--"

"But most of the people are--"

"We were given six orbits warning; most went down in lifting bodies, there was a big evacuation."

"Many died, though.  It was very bad."

Just below the officers, a suit had been directing several flicks as they assembled a camera platform.  Now it waved broadly, and the flicks stepped away.  In the Lake Geneva somebody shouted, and several heads turned to stare at an offscreen television monitor.  The suit turned the camera, giving them a slow, panoramic scan.

One of the spacejacks said, "What's it like there?  I see that some of you are wearing space suits, and the rest are not.  Why is that?"

Ekatarina took a deep breath.  "There have been some changes here."

There was one hell of a party at the Center when the Swiss arrived.  Sleep schedules were juggled, and save for a skeleton crew overseeing the flicks, everyone turned out to welcome the dozen newcomers to the Moon.  They danced to skiffle, and drank vacuum-distilled vodka.  Everyone had stories to tell, rumors to swap, opinions on the likelihood that the peace would hold.

Gunther wandered away midway through the party.  The Swiss depressed him.  They all seemed so young and fresh and eager.  He felt battered and cynical in their presence.  He wanted to grab them by the shoulders and shake them awake.

Depressed, he wandered through the locked-down laboratories.  Where the Viral Computer Project had been, he saw Ekatarina and the captain of the Lake Geneva conferring over a stack of crated bioflops.  They bent low over Ekatarina's peecee, listening to the CMP.

"Have you considered nationalizing your industries?" the captain asked. "That would give us the plant needed to build the New City.  Then, with a few hardwired utilities, Bootstrap could be managed without anyone having to set foot inside it."

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