“Bare hands cannot stand against one such as you who is a master of the blade. “ For all I knew he only used the thing to carve his roast, but flattery always helps. “However against an unskilled swordsman or knife’wielder the art has value.” He digested that, then called to the nearest guard. “You, take your knife to this one.” This was getting out of hand-but I could see no way to avoid the encounter now. The guard smiled and pulled a shining length of dagger from its sheath and stalked towards me. I smiled in return. He raised it over his head to stab down-not holding it pointed directly out before him like an experienced knife-fighter. I let him come on, unmoving until he struck.

Standard defense. Step inSide the blow, take the impact of his wrist against my forearm. Seize the knife-wrist with hands, turn and twist. All of this done veryfast.

The knife went one way, he went the other. I had to end this demonstration quickly before I was taking on clubs, guns, whatever the head thug felt like. I stepped closer to Capo Doccia and spoke in a quiet voice.

“These are ofiworld secrets of defense-and killing-that are unknown here on Spiovente. I do not wish to reveal more here. I am sure you do not wish slaves to learn dangerous blows like these. Let me show you what can be done without this raw audience. I can train your bodyguards in these skills. There are those who want to kill you. Think of your own security first. “ It sounded like a lecture on traffic safety to me, but it seemed to make sense to him. But he wasn’t completely convinced.

“I do not like new things, new ways. I like things as they are. “ Right, with him on top and the rest in chains below. I talked fast.

“What I do is not new-but as old as mankind. Secrets that have been passed on in secret since the dawn of time. Now these secrets can be yours. Change is on the way, you know that, and knowledge is strength. When others seek to take what you have, any weapon is useful to defeat them.” It sounded like nonsense to me-but I hoped that ft made sense to him. From what The Bishop had told me about this garbage world, the only security was in strengthparanoia paid off. At least it had him thinking, which from the narrowness of his forehead was something he probably found hard to do. He turned on his heel and walked away.

Politeness, like soap, was also unknown on this planet. No “see you later” or “let me think about that. “ It took me a few moments to realize that the audience was over. The disarmed guard was glaring at me and rubbing his wrist. But he had put the dagger away. Since I had talked with Capo Doccia I now had some status, so he wouldn’t knife me without reason. Which left my first protagonist, the ex-Pusher. He was sitting up dizzily when I approached. He looked up at me, blinking and befuddled. I tried to look my meanest when I spoke.

“That is two times you have come at me. You will not do it a third time. Third time means out in my ball game. You will die if you try anything ever again. “ The hatred was still there in his face-but there was fear as well. I stepped forward and he cringed back. Good enough. As long as I didn’t turn my back on him very often. I turned it now and stalked away.

He shambled after me and joined the waiting gang of slaves. He seemed to have accepted his demotion, as had the others. There were a few black looks in his direction but no more violence. Which was fine by me. It is one thing to work out in the gym-but something totally different here mixing with these heavies really trying to kill me. The Bishop beamed his congratulations. “Well done, Jim, well done.” “And all very tiring. What next?” “From what I could discover this little group is off duty, so to speak, having worked during the night. “ “Then rest and food are in order. Lead on. “ I suppose it could be called food. About the only good thing I could say about it was that it was not as repulsive as the Venian cooking aboard the spacer. A large and exceedingly filthy pot was seething over a fire to the rear of the building. The chef-if one dared use that term for this repulsive individual, as filthy as his pot – was stirring the contents with a long wooden spoon. The slaves each took a wooden bowl from the dripping pile on the table close by and these were filled by the cook. There was no worry about lost or broken cutlery because there wasn’t any. Everyone dipped and shoveled with their fingers, so I did the same. It was vegetable gruel of some kind, pretty tasteless, but filling. The Bishop sat next to me on the ground, back to the wall, and slowly ate his. I finished first and had no difficulty in restraining a desire for a second serving.

“How long do we stay slaves?” I asked.

“Until I learn more about how things operate here. You have spent your entire life on a single planet, so both consciously and unconsciously you accept the society you know as the only one. Far from it. Culture is an invention of mankind, just like the computer or the fork. There is a difference though. While we are willing to change computers or eating instruments, the inhabitants of a culture will brook no changes at all. They believe that theirs is the only and unique way to live-and anything else an aberration. “ “Sounds stupid.” “It is. But as long as you know that, and they don’t, you can step outside the rules or bend them for your own benefit. Right now I’m finding out what the rules are here. “ “Try not to take too long. “ – ”I promise not to since I am not that comfortable myself. I must determine if vertical mobility exists and how it is organized. If there is no vertical mobility, we will just have to manufacture it.” “You have lost me. Vertical what?” “Mobility. In terms of class and culture. Take for example these slaves and the guards outside. Can a slave aspire to be a guard? If he can, then there is vertical mobility. If he cannot, this is a stratified society and horizontal mobility is all that can be accomplished. “ “Such as becoming top slave and kicking all other slaves?” He nodded. “You have it, Jim. We shall cease being slaves as soon as my studies show how that is possible. But first we need some rest. You will observe that the others are now asleep on the straw to the rear of this noisome building. I suggest we join them.” “Agreed....” “You, get over here. “ It was Tars lukas. And of course he was pointing at me. I had a feeling that it was going to be a very long day, At least I was seeing more of the sights. We crossed the courtyard, scene of my triumphs, and up a flight of stone steps. There was an armed guard here and two more inside lolling about on a wooden bench. A bit more luxury too. Woven mats on the floors, chairs, and tables, a few bad portraits on the wall, some with a rough resemblance to Capo Doccia. I was hustled right along into a large room with windows that faced out over the outer wall. l~ could see fields and trees and little else. Capo Doccia was there, along with a small band of men, all drinking from metal cups. They were well-dressed, if multicolored leather trousers and billowing shirts and long swords is your idea, ofwell-dressed. Capo Doccia waved me over. “You, come here and let us look at you.” The others turned with interest and eyed me like an animal on auction.

“And he actually knocked the other one down without using his fists?” One of them said. “He is so weak and puny, not to mention ugly.” There are times wh6n the mouth should be opened only to put in food. This was probably one of them. But I was tired, fed up with my lot, and generally in a foul temper. Something snapped.

“Not as weak, puny or ugly as you, you pig’s git.” This got his attention all right. He howled with instant anger, turned bright red-then drew a long steel blade and rushed at me.

I had little time to think, less time to act. One of the other dandies was standing close by, his metal drinking mug held loosely. I grabbed it from him, turned, and threw the contents in the attacking man’s face.

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