odd-day: an odd-numbered day within a kiloday. [1]

odd-night: the night of an odd-numbered day; most Quintaglios sleep on odd-nights. [1]

One, The: prophesied by Lubal, a male Quintaglio who would be the greatest hunter of all time. The name "The One" is sometimes applied to Sal-Afsan. [1]

Orange Wingflnger: an inn near Capital City’s docks, favored by discerning mariners. [1]

original five hunters: Lubal, Mekt, Katoon, Hoog, and Belbar. according to the first sacred scroll, these five females were created from the fingers of the severed left hand of God. [1]

original five mates: Varkev, the first explorer; Dargo, the original healer; Takood, the first scholar; Jostark, the craftsperson before all others; and Detoon the Righteous, the first priest. According to the first sacred scroll, these five males were created from the fingers of the severed right hand of God. [2]

Oro (Pod-Oro): (7067–7128) male; aide to Governor Dy-Rodlox of Edz’toolar, killed by Sal-Afsan in the mass dagamant of 7128. [2]

Osbkay volcano: a volcano near Pack Gelbo. [1]

Osfik (Var-Osfik): a female Quintaglio holding the post of Arbiter of the Sequence. [2]

Others: a species of carnosaur closely related to Quintaglios but smaller in stature and with yellow skin and eyes, living on an archipelago north of the equator on the nearside hemisphere of the Quintaglio moon. [3]

Otok: a port town in Fra’toolar. [2]

pace: standard Quintaglio unit of linear measure, used for both length and height. Approximately equal to one meter. [1]

Pack: the principal Quintaglio social group. Also pack, a hunting party. [1]

Pador: the sculptor who made the statue of Larsk in the central square of Capital City. [1]

Pakta tannery: a large facility for tanning hides located near Yabool’s home in Capital City. [2]

Paldook: a mate aboard the Dasheter. [1]

Palsab (Gerth-Palsab): a pious, illiterate female citizen of Capital City who engages Sal-Afsan in an argument about his worldview. [1]

Parnood: a coastal mining town; the ill-fated sailing ship Galadoreter was blown back to shore near it. [1]

Passalat sandstones: the finest grained sandstones in all of Land, known for their magnificent fossils (including bird fossils). [2]

Patpel: the second planet of the Quintaglio sun, small and rocky. [1]

Paturn: a young male Quintaglio nurse working at the imperial surgery. [1]

Pettit: Sal-Af$an’s female apprentice. [3]

pheromones: airborne chemicals secreted by Quintaglios that elicit behavioral responses in other members of that race. [1]

pilgrimage: ritual retracing of Larsk’s ocean voyage of kiloday 6959 in which he first sighted the Face of God. A Quintaglio must be at least ten kilodays old to take the pilgrimage; a pilgrimage ship holds station beneath the Face for ten even-days and ten odd-days, during which thirty-seven penances are performed and the nine sacred scrolls devoted to Larsk’s journey are studied. [1]

Pilgrimage Guild: founded by Larsk, an organization certifying sailors to perform pilgrimages; all mariners of note belong to it. [1]

Pironto (Dem-Pironto): a deceased imperial hunt leader, gored by a triple hornface; succeeded by Jal-Tetex. [1]

pistaral: a type of plant thunderbeasts like to eat. [3]

planets: the planets of the Quintaglio sun, in order out from it, are Carpel, Patpel, Davpel (all rocky worlds), Kevpel (a ringed gas giant), the Face of God (a gas giant), Bripel (another ringed gas giant), and the rocky worlds of Gefpel and Apripel. [1]

Polemic on Battles: a famous writing by Keladax; it says that the most important thing you can have on your side is being right in the eyes of God. [3]

Porgon: individual in charge of palace protocol. [3]

Pradak (Gan-Pradak): the chief palace engineer. [2]

praenomen syllable: a component of an adult Quintaglio’s name; a prefix chosen by the bearer upon completing the rites of passage. It is usually the first syllable of the name of the individual’s patron or of an admired historical figure. Examples include Del-, a common praenomen for priests, derived from Detoon the Righteous, and Mek-, frequently chosen by bloodpriests, in honor of Mekt. Sal-Afsan’s praenomen is in honor of Tak-Saleed, his teaching master; Saleed’s commemorates Takood, the first scholar; Var-Keenir’s is in honor of Varkev, the first explorer; and Kee-Toroca’s is in honor of Keenir himself. Provincial governors always take a praenomen in honor of the current Emperor or Empress (as in Len-Haktood and Dy-Rodlox), whereas the head of state always takes a praenomen in honor of himself or herself (as in Len-Lends and Dy-Dybo). [1]

Prath: funereal site a half-day’s march southwest of Capital City; a basalt field where bodies are laid out for predators to claim. [2]

prayer neckband: a leather band worn during prayer by those who haven’t yet received the two tattoos marking completion of the rites of passage. [1]

Prophet: name given to Larsk; also, for a time, the constellation of the Hunter was renamed this in honor of him. [1]

provinces: the provinces of Land, as apportioned by the Hahat Golarda, are Jam’toolar, Fra’toolar, Arj’toolar. Chu’toolar, Mar’toolar, Edz’toolar, Kev’toolar, and Capital. [1]

Punood: a hunter who was killed by a slap from a thunderbeast’s tail during Sal-Afsan’s first hunt. [1]

Quebelmo, Pack: one of three Packs in Fra’toolar that periodically occupy stone buildings near the edge of the cliff exposing the Bookmark layer. [2]

Quelban (Len-Quelban): (7080– ) the governor of Fra’toolar. [1]

Quetik: ( –7131) the female pilot of the rebuilt glider Tak-Saleed. [3]

Quintaglios: an intelligent species of tyrannosaur, derived from the Earth genus Nanotyrannus; the name means "The People of Land." [1]

Quintaglio world: the twenty-seventh world seeded by The Watcher. A tectonically active globe mostly covered a single ocean, it has one large continent and two polar ice caps. Originally the third of fourteen moons of the Face of God, chaotic orbital dynamics made it the innermost moon. Mass: approximately the same as Earth’s. Diameter: 12,000 kilopaces. By the time of the Afsanian revolution, its center orbits at a mean distance of 162,600 kilopaces from the center of the Face of God (2.71 times the Face’s radius). [1]

raladaja: a type of tree. [1]

raloodoo: a delicacy from Chu’toolar province, consisting of shovelmouth eyes dipped in the rich, sugary sap of a raladaja tree. [1]

Reegree (Ter-Reegree): Dy-Dybo’s father (deceased). [1]

Reestee (Gar-Reestee): a male charioteer in Capital City whose hornface accidentally kicks Sal-Afsan in the head. [3]

Regbo (Dar-Regbo): a Lubalite hunter who participates in the battle with the palace loyal in 7110. [1]

Retlas: (7112– ) a female member of Capital Pack, creche-mate of Bos-Karshirl. [3]

Rewdan and the Vine: a children’s story from Mar’toolar. Rewdan planted some magic seeds and from them a vine grew up into the sky. Rewdan climbed the vine and was attacked by a giant blackdeath living at the top, but he managed to escape with a wingfinger that laid eggs of gold. [3]

Rikgot: a female, fourth of seven apprentices to Tak-Saleed. [3]

River: ancient name for the vast, world-spanning ocean covering almost all of the Quintaglio world. [1]

robe: clothing worn by priests and, on ceremonial occasions, by the Emperor. Until the Afsanian revolution, normal priests wore banded ones imitative of the Face of God’s clouds; junior priests wore red and black ones; bloodpriests wore purple ones. After the revolution, all priests wear simple white robes, except for bloodpriests, who continue to wear purple. [1]

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