Tapestries of the Prophet: famous paintings on leather by Hel-Vleetnav that depict Larsk’s voyage; they are kept behind sheets of thin glass in the basement of the palace office building in Capital City. [1]

Tardlo (Bog-Tardlo): a mate aboard the Dasheter. [1]

Tasnik: a female, first of seven apprentices to Tak-Saleed. [3]

tattoo of the hunt: a purple-black tattoo located above the left earhole, received upon successful completion of one’s first hunt. [1]

tattoo of the pilgrimage: a tattoo received upon completion of one’s first pilgrimage. [1]

Teevio (Pog-Teevio): Sal-Afsan’s predecessor as Tak-Saleed’s apprentice. From Chu’toolar, he lasted only thirty days before he was sent back home, [1]

telaja: a type of tree with red wood. [1]

Tendron (Hoo-Tendron): a merchant in Pack Vando, dealing in gemstones and fossils; Wab-Babnol’s teaching master. [2]

Terdog (Tep-Terdog): an old member of Pack Carno, no relation to Sal-Afsan. [1]

terrorclaw: a Deinonychus-like carnivorous dinosaur that hunts in packs. [1]

Tetex (Jal-Tetex): imperial hunt leader at the time Sal-Afsan took his first hunt; a Lubalite. She eventually died during a hunt and was succeeded by Lub-Galpook. [1]

thunderbeast: sauropod; giant herbivorous dinosaur. Their oil is often burned in lamps. [1]

Tilk: an animated character on the Jijaki children’s television program Kijititatak Gikta. [2]

Tipna (Tol-Tipna): a deceased imperial hunt leader. [1]

Toroca (Kee-Toroca): (7110– ) a male Quintaglio, one of Sal-Afsan’s children. Toroca became leader of the Geological Survey of Land at the age of sixteen kilodays. He lacks the instinct for territoriality. In kiloday 7128, he was named putative head of the bloodpriests, following the death of Mek-Maliden. [1]

Toron (Val-Toron): a hunter from Pack Gelbo who loaned Dy-Dybo her mount. [1]

Tower: space elevator extending from equatorial Fra’toolar to the L3 point, 13,000 kilopaces above the Quintaglio moon, built in 7130 by Jijaki nanotechnology. [3]

Tralen: a member of the Geological Survey of Land who wears a blue sash. [2]

traveler’s crystal: a six-sided deep red crystal that serves as a good-luck charm for travelers. [1]

Treatise on the Planets: a scholarly work in eighteen volumes (three per planet); the most famous work by Tak-Saleed. [1]

twist-saw: a saw used for amputations. [1]

uprock: igneous rock. [2]

Vanbelk (Bor-Vanbelk): inventor of the small-seer. [3]

Vando, Pack: a Pack in Arj’toolar, home of Wab-Babnol. [2]

Varkev: one of the five original male mates; the first explorer. [2]

Vatastor, Bay of: the large bay between the capes of Mekt and Belbar; the cliffs exposing the Bookmark layer are on its western shore. [2]

Vleetnav (Hel-Vleetnav): ancient artist who painted the Tapestries of the Prophet. [1]

vocational exams: administered at the age of ten or eleven; used to determine the profession one will be assigned. [1]

Voyage of Larsk, The: a ballad telling of Larsk’s discovery of the Face of God. [1]

Watcher, The: a god-like entity whose consciousness has survived from the previous cycle of creation; responsible for seeding lifeforms from Earth around the galaxy. [2]

water serpent: plesiosaur. [1]

waterweed: seaweed. [2]

Wendest: (7098–7128) the female apprentice governor from Fra’toolar. [2]

wingflnger: pterosaur; flying carnivorous reptile. [1]

Wingfingers of Land, The: a book of paintings by Pal-Noltark. [3]

Withool: a junior palace page. [2]

writing leather: although the Quintaglios have paper, it is rare; thin sheets of leather are more commonly used for writing. [1]

Yabool: (7110–7126) a male Quintaglio, one of Sal-Afsan’s children; a mathematician and naturalist. Murdered. [1]

year: the time it takes for the Face of God to complete one orbit around its sun; between 18,310 and 18,335 Quintaglio days. A Quintaglio female becomes sexually receptive at the end of each year of life. [2]

Yenalb (Det-Yenalb): (7067–7110) Master of the Faith; he blinded Sal-Afsan using a dat-kar-mas. He was killed during the skirmish between the palace loyal and the Lubalites. [1]

Zamar (Det-Zamar): one of Pack Carno’s senior priests. [1]

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