Harpster spoke without emerging from the awning. Only Vala heard. “Fifteen hundred paces around would be less then five hundred across, in Water People paces. Two hundred for Grass Giants, three for the rest of us. Three hundred paces in diameter, as we were told.”

Vala asked, “Roobla, how high is that roof?”

Rooballabl exchanged a quick sequence of honks with someone still in the water. Then: “Fudghabladl doesn’t know.” More honking. Rooballabl said, “Low enough to block rain even in high wind. Understand, only Fudghabladl has been there.”

“What’s the Homeflow like under the Shadow Nest? Can vampires swim?”

A gabble of honking voices. One came forward—white fringes on his head and along where his jaw would have been—and chattered at Rooballabl. Rooballabl said, “We must hug the bottom when we pass through. None of us go anymore. The water is a sewer, sometimes a whonkee.” Unknown word. “Vampires never swim.”

Unseen, Harpster spoke. “Whonkee, path of the dead.” Vala nodded.

Warvia swung down into the cannon enclosure.

Vala watched Cruiser Two while the discussion ranged. Warvia didn’t emerge. And where was Tegger?

The River People had observed the vampires for generations, but from their own viewpoint. Vampires sporadically rolled corpses into the Homeflow, hundreds at a time, from ten to twenty species including their own. A turn later there would be a glut of fish. That used to be worth knowing … but old Fudghabladl hadn’t been near the Shadow Nest in twenty falans or more. Fishing aside, nothing that lay beyond was worth traversing the Shadow Nest.

Vala dropped her voice. “Harpster. Corpses rolled into the Homeflow are lost to you, aren’t they?”

“Fish eat them, and Fishers eat the fish, and in the end all is ours.”

“Flup. You’re being robbed.”

“Vala, vampires are animals. Animals don’t rob.”

Rooballabl: “None but the River People may come to the Shadow Nest and leave alive. Why do you ask these things? Why are you here, so many species?”

Beedj spoke before Vala could. “We go to end the vampire menace. We will attack them in their home. Hominids who cannot travel have supported us.”

The River People discussed that. Vala thought she saw silent laughter.

Maybe not. Rooballabl said, “Valavirgillin, we think we saw a Ghoul among your number.”

“Two of the Night People travel with us. Others parallel our path as friends. They don’t like sunlight, Roobla.”

“Ghouls and vampires are all People of the Night.”

Did Rooballabl mean they were allies? “They compete for the same prey on the same terrain. Truly, it’s more complicated than that—”

“Are you sure they stand with you?”

For all of a falan, Vala had wondered at the Ghouls’ motives. She said, “Yes, quite sure.”

“We could not travel with you.”


“But if you will roll your wagons along the Homeflow, we can travel alongside, Fudghabladl and I. Tell you things. Take vests, teach our lessons downstream.”

They began working out details. This was unlooked-for luck, and Vala knew she must pursue it, though Tegger and Warvia were nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 7


Tegger knelt with his back to a big pale rock, his heels under his buttocks, quite still. The scrub was all around him, hiding him.

This was how Reds hunted. And Tegger was hunting through his mind, seeking Tegger. His hands played idly with his sword, honing the edge.

Thoughts played over the surface of Tegger’s mind. If he let them go deeper, he’d be thinking of Warvia. He knew he couldn’t face that.

The water’s steady roar had him nodding. He would not hear any creature approaching. Perhaps he would smell it, or see motion in the scrub around him. His sword was defense enough.

All the action was at the shore. At some point the negotiations had become a swimming party.

A sword could be used on oneself. Just turn it around. Jump from the top of a rock? The thought merely skimmed the surface of his mind.

“Tegger hooki-Thandarthal.”

Tegger jumped and was on the rock, his blade swinging in a full circle before his mind caught up. Vampires don’t speak. What …

A voice just louder than the river, so low that Tegger might have imagined it, said, “I cannot harm you, Tegger. I grant wishes.”

No living thing was in sight. Tegger asked, “Wishes?” Had he been found by a wayspirit?

“I was a living woman once. Now I help others in hope of making a better self. What would you have of me?”

“Want to die.”

Pause, then, “Such a waste.”

Tegger heard a rasp of effort deep beneath the whisper. Somehow he could not believe that his sword would be fast enough. He said, “Wait.”

“I wait.” The whisper was much closer now.

Tegger had twice spoken without thinking. Now: he had evaded a quick death. Did he want that? But if wishes could be granted …

“Something happened last night. I want it not to have happened.”

“That cannot be.”

Every man on Cruiser Two, whatever his shape, chemistry, diet, had mated with Tegger’s mate. They have to die, he thought. But the women? … All who know. Warvia, too, he thought, even as his mind was rejecting the notion.

They did this to Warvia, to me. It was the vampires! Shall I kill half of us with a wish? Undefended, the rest would die. Ginjerofer’s tribe— He saw, suddenly, how the Red tribes would fall before an expanding vampire plague. Men and women, unable to trust one another, would separate in rage. Families and tribes would disintegrate. Vampires would take them one by one.

Tegger said, “I would have you kill every vampire under the Arch.”

The whisper came. “I have no such power.”

“What power have you?”

“Tegger, I am a mind and a voice. I know things. Sometimes I see things before you do. I never lie.”

Useless creature. “Wayspirit, your good intent exceeds your means. What if I wish for a fish to eat?”

“I can do that. Will you wait?”

“I will, but why?”

“I must not be seen. I could much more quickly tell you how to get your own fish.”

True, the shore was very active. “Do you have a name?”

“Call me what you wish.”



“Whisper, I want to kill vampires.”

“So do all of your companions. Will you rejoin them?”

Tegger shuddered. “No.”

“Think what you will need. By now you must know that the vampire’s power reaches farther than your sword—”

Tegger moaned, his head bowed low, his hands over his ears. The whisperer waited him out, and presently said, “You will need defenses. We should make a list.”

“Whisper, I don’t want to talk to any of them.” He was beginning to remember that for a falan of nights among the Thurl’s people, he and Warvia had tried to explain why their monogamous nature made them superior to the lure of the vampire. It made the other species irritable.

Whisper said, “The first vehicle is abandoned save for Harpster. Harpster sleeps. Even if he wakes, he will not disturb you. Take what you will need.”


Vala was wishing she could get into the spirit of the thing.

The water was cold. You had to stay active to stay warm. Everyone seemed to be washing each other. Discussions involving physiognomy or rishathra could be answered by pointing. Chitakumishad and Rooballabl were trying to work out an arrangement that would leave Chit’s mouth above water. Beedj and Twuk were watching and making suggestions. Any parasites had been washed away, but Gleaners were good at finding a phantom itch.

Barok turned, grinning. His hands took Vala’s shoulders and firmly turned her around. He scrubbed her back briskly with some scratchy sea-vegetable thing.

It was all wonderfully friendly, as it can be among species who don’t compete for the same needs. All would be well if only Warvia and Tegger would come running out of the payload shell, hand in hand.

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