Closing her eyes, she conjured up an image in her mind and sent a message speeding to the outskirts of the city where her friends waited to carry her from this world of humans.. Receiving their telepathic answer in reply Alhana sighed and began anxiously to scan the smoke-tilled skies, waiting.

"Ah;" said Raistlin calmly as the first horn calls shattered the stillness of the afternoon, "I told you so :'

River-wind cast an irritated glance ax the mope, even as he tried to think what to do. It was all very well for Tanis to say protect the group from the town guards, but to protect them from armies of draconians, rom dragons! River-wind's dark eyes went aver the group. Tika rose to her feet, her hand on her sword. The young girl was brave and stead}", but unskilled. The Plainsman could still see the scars on her hand where she had cut herself.

"What is it?" Elistan asked, looking bewildered.

"The Dragon Highlord, attacking the city," Riverwind answered harshly, trying to think.

He heard a clanking sound. Caramon was getting up, the big warrior appearing calm and unperturbed. Thank goodness for that. Even though Riverwind detested Raistlin, he had to admit that the mage and his warrior brother combined steel and magic effectively. Laurana, too, he saw, appeared cool and resolute, but then she was an elf-Riverwind had never really learned to trust elves.

"Get out of the city, if we don't return;' Tanis had told him. But Tanis hadn't foreseen this! They would get out of the city only to meet the armies of the Dragon Highlords on the Plains. Riverwind now had an excellent idea who had been watching them as they traveled to this doomed place. He swore to himself in his own language, then-even as the first dragons swept down over the city-he felt Goldmoon's arm around him. Looking down, he saw her smile-the smile of Chieftain's Daughter-and he saw the faith in her eyes. Faith in the gads, and faith in him. He relaxed, his brief moment of panic gone.

A shock wave hit the building. They could hear the screams in the streets below, the roaring whoosh of the fires.

"We've got to get off this floor., back to ground level," Riverwind said. "Caramon, bring the knight's sword and the other weapons. If Tanis and the others are-" he stepped. He had been about to say, "still alive;' then saw Laurana's Face. "if Tanis and the others escape, they'll return here. Well wait for them:'

"Excellent decision!" hissed the mage caustically.. "Especially as we have nowhere else to go!'"

Riverwind ignored him. "Elistan take the others downstairs. Caramon and Raistlin, stay with -me a moment" After they were gone, he said swiftly^, "Our best chance, the way I see it, is to stay inside, barricade ourselves in the Inn. The streets will be deadly:"

"How long do you think we can bald cut?" Caramon asked.

Riverwind shook his head. "Hours, maybe;" he said briefly

The brothers looked at him, each -of them thinking about the tortured bodies they had seer in the village of Que- hu, ref what they had heard about the destruction of Solace.

"We cannot be taken alive;' Raistlin whispered.

Riverwind took a deep breath. We'll hold out as long as we can;' he said, his voice shaking slightly "but when we know we can last no longer-" He stopped, unable to continue, his hand on his knife, thinking of what he must do.

"There will be no need for that;' Raistlin said softly. "I have herbs. A tiny bit in a glass of wine. Very quick, painless:"

"Are you certain?" Riverwind asked.

"Trust me;' Raistlin replied. "I am skilled in the art. The art of herb lore;' he amended smoothly; seeing the Plainsman shudder.

"If I am alive;' Riverwind said softly, "I will give herthem-the drink myself. If not-'

"I understand. You may trust me;' the mage repeated.

"What about Laurana?" Caramon asked. "You know elves. She won't-"

"Leave it to me;" Raistlin repeated softly.

The Plainsman stared at the mage, feeling horror creep over him. Raistlin stood before him coolly, his arms folded in the sleeves of his robe, his hood pulled up aver his head. Riverwind looked at his dagger, considering the alternative. No, he couldn't do it. Not that way.

"Very well;" he said, swallowing. He paused, dreading to go downstairs and face the others. But the sounds of death in the street were growing louder. Riverwind turned abruptly and left the brothers alone.

"I will die fighting;' Caramon said to Raistlin, trying to speak in a matter-of-fact tone. After the first few words, though, the big warrior's voice broke. "Promise me, Raist, you'll take this stuff if I'm . . . not there. . . ."

"There will be no need;' Raistlin said simply. "I have not the strength to survive a battle of this magnitude. I will die within my magic:

Tanis and Gilthanasfought their way through the crowd, the stranger half-eIT holding onto the elf as they shoved and clawed and pushed through the panicked masses. Time and again, they ducked for she'-ter from the dragons.. Gilthanas wrenched his knee, fell into a doorway, and was (arced to limp in agony, leaning on Tanks shoulder.

The half-elf breathed .a prayer of thankfulness when he saw the Red Dragon Inn, a prayer that changed to a curse when he saw the black reptilian. forms surging around the front. Hedragged Gilthanas, who had been stumbling along blindly, exhausted by pain, back into a recessed doorway.

"Gilthanas!" Tanis shouted. "The Inn'. It's under attack!"

Gilthanas raised glassy eyes and stared uncomprehendingly. Then, apparently understanding, he sighed and shook his head. "Laurana," he gasped, and he pushed himself forward, trying to stagger out of the doorway. "We've got to reach them :" He collapsed in Tanis's arms.

"Stay here," the half-elf said, helping him sit down. "You're not capable of moving. I'll try and get through. I'll go around the block and come in from the back:'

Tanis ran forward, darting in and out of doorways, hiding in the wreckage. He was about a block from the Inn where he heard a hoarse shout. Turning to look, lee saw Flint gesturing wildly. Tanis dashed across the street.

"What is it?" he asked. "Why aren't you with the others-" The half-elf stopped. "Oh, no;" he whispered.

The dwarf, his face smudged with ash and streaked with tears, knelt beside Tasslehoff. The kender was pinned beneath a beam that had fallen in the street. Tas's face, looking like the face of a wise child, was ashen, his skin clammy.

– Blasted, rattle-brained kender;' Flint moaned. "Had to go and let a house fall on him:' The dwarf's hands were torn and bleeding from trying to lift a beam that would take three men or one Caramon to get off the kender. Tanis put his hand to Tas's neck. The lifebeat was very weak.

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