The sounds above them grew louder and louder. Goblins are strong, tireless workers. They wanted to finish this job quickly, then get back to looting Tarsis. The companions waited in grim silence below. An almost steady stream of dirt and crushed rock dropped down upon them, along with fresh rainwater. They gripped their weapons. It was only a matter of minutes, maybe, before they were discovered.

Then, suddenly; there were new sounds. They heard the goblins yell in fear, the draconians shout to them, ordering them back to work. But they could hear the sounds of shovels and picks being dropped down onto the rocks above them, then the cursing of the draconians as they tried to stop what was apparently a full-scale goblin revolt.

And above the noise of the shrieking goblins rose a loud, clean, high-pitched call, which was answered by another call farther away. It was like the call of an eagle, soaring above the plains at sunset. But this call was right above them.

There was a scream-a draconian. Then a rending sound as if the body of the creature were being ripped apart. More screams, the clash o$ steel being drawn, another call and another answer-this one much, nearer.

"What is that?` Caramon asked, his eyes wide. "It isn't a dragon. It sounds like-like some gigantic 62r3 of pre y!"

"Whatever it is, it's tearing the draconians to shreds^." Goldmoon said in awe as they listened. Tine screaming sounds stopped abruptly, leaning a silence behind that was almost

worse. What never evil replaced the old? j

Then came the sound of racks and stones, mortar and timber being lifted and sent crashing to the streets, Whatever was up there was intent on reaching them!

"It"s eaten all the draconians," whispered Caramon gruffly, "and now it's after us!"

Tika turned deathly white, clutching at Caramon's arm. Goldmoon gasped softly and even Riverwind appeared to lose same of his stoic composure, staring intently upward.

"Caramon," Raistlin said, shivering, "shut up!"

Tanis felt inclined to agree with the mage. "We're all scaring ourselves over noth-" he began. Suddenly there was a rending crash. Stone and rubble, mortar and timber clattered down around them. They scrambled for cover as a huge, clawed foot plunged through the debris, its talons gleaming in the light of Raistlin's staff.

Helplessly seeking shelter beneath broken beams or under the casks of ale, the companions watched in wonder as the gigantic claw extricated itself from the rubble and withdrew, leaving behind it a wide, gaping hole.

All wan silent. For a few moments, none of the companions dared move. But the silence remained unbroken.

"This is our chance;" Tanis whispered loudly. "Caramon, see what's up there ."

But the big warrior was already creeping out of his hiding place, moving across the rubble-strewn floor as best he could. Riverwind followed behind, his sword drawn.

"Nothing;" said Caramon, puzzled, peering up.

Tanis, feeling naked without his sword, came over to stand beneath the hole, gazing upward. Then, to his amazement, a dark figure appeared above them, silhouetted against the burning sky. Behind the figure towered a large beast. They could just make out the head off a gigantic eagle, its eyes glittering in the firelight, its. wickedly curved beak gleaming in the flames.

The companions shrank back, but it was too late. Obviously the figure had seen them. It stepped nearer. Riverwind thought-too late-of his bow. Caramon pulled Tika close with one hand, holding his sward in his other.

The figure, however, simply knelt down near the edge of the hale, being careful of its footing .among the louse stones, and removed the hood covering its head.

"We meet again,. Tanis Half-Elven," said a voice as cool and pure and distant as tile stars.

Chapter 8

Escape ~ from Tarsis. the story of the dragon orbs.

Dragons flew on their leathery wings above the gutted city of Tarsis as the draconian armies swarmed in to take possession. The task of the dragons was completed. Soon the Dragon Highlord would call them back, holding them in readiness for the next strike. But far now they could relax, drifting on the super-heaved air currents rising from the burning town, picking off the occasional human foolish enough to came out of hiding. The red dragons floated in the sky°, keeping in their well-organized flights, guiding and dipping in a wheeling dance of death.

No power on Krynn existed now that could stop them. They knew this and exulted in their victory. But, occasionally something would occur to interrupt their dance. One flight leader, for example, received a report of fighting near the wreckage of an inn. A young male red dragon, he led his flight to the site, muttering to himself about the inefficiency of the troop commanders. What could you expect, though, when the Dragon Highlord was a bloated hobgoblin who hadn't even courage enough to watch the takeover of a soft town like Tarsis?

The male red sighed, recalling the days of glory when Verminaard had led them personally, sitting astride the back of Pyros. He had been a Dragon Highlord ! The red shook his head disconsolately. Ah, there was the battle. He could see it clearly now. Ordering his flight to stay airborne, he swooped in low far a better look.

"I command you! Stop!"

The red halted in his flight, staring upward in astonishment. The voice was strong and clear, and it came from the figure of a Dragon Highlord, But the Dragon Highlord was certainly not Toede! This Dragon Highlord, although heavily cloaked and dressed in the shining mask and dragon-scale armor of the Highlords, was human, to judge by the voice, not hobgoblin. But where had this Highlord come from? And why? For, to the red dragon's amazement, he saw that the Highlord rode upon a huge blue dragon and was attended by several flights of blues.

"What is your bidding, Highlord?'" the red asked sternly. "And by what right do you stop us, you who have no business in this part of Krynn?"

"The fate of mankind is my business, whether it be in this part of Krynn or another;" the Dragon Highlord returned. "And the might of my swordarm, gives me all the right I need to command you, gallant red. As for my bidding, I ask that you capture these pitiful humans, do not kill them. They are wanted for questioning. Bring them to me. You will be well rewarded:'

"Lock!, called a young female red. "Griffons!"

The Dragon Highlord gave an exclamation of astonishment arid displeasure. The dragons looked down to see three griffons sweeping up out of the smoke. Not quite half the size of a red dragon, griffons were noted for their ferocity. Draconian troops scattered like ashes in the wind before the creatures, whose sharp talons and ripping beaks were tearing the heads from those reptile-men unlucky enough to have been caught in their path.

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