"More trouble!" Derek's face flushed deep red. "Do you realize the trouble this world is in now? The dragons drove you from your homeland. They are approaching our homeland now! Unlike you, we do not intend to run. We will stand and figh! This orb could be our only hope-"

"You have my leave to go back to your homeland and be burned to a crisp for all I care;' Porthios returned. "It was you humans who stirred up this ancient evil. It is fitting that you fight it. The Dragon Highlords have what they want from us. They will undoubtedly leave us in peace. Here, on Ergoth, the orb will be kept safe:'

"Fool!" Derek slammed his fist on the table. "The Dragon Highlords have only one thought and that is to conquer all of Ansalon! That includes this miserable isle! You may be safe here for a time, but if we fall, you will fall, too!"

"You know he speaks truly, Father," Laurana said, greatly daring. Elven women did not attend war meetings, much less speak. Laurana was present only because of her unique involvement. Rising to her feet, she faced her brother, who glowered at her disapprovingly. "Porthios, our father told us in Qualinesti that the Dragon Highlord wanted not only our lands but also the extermination our race! Have you forgotten?"

"Bah! That was one Dragon Highlord, Verminaard. He is dead-"

"Yes, because of us; • Laurana shouted angrily, "not you!"

"Laurana!" The Speaker of the Suns rose to his full height, taller even than his oldest son. His presence towered over them all. "You forget yourself, young woman. You have no right to speak to your elder bother like that. We faced perils of our own in our journey. He remembered his duty and his responsibility, as did Gilthanas. They did not go running off after a halfelven bastard like a brazen, human wh-" The Speaker stopped abruptly.

Laurana went white to the lips. She swayed, clutching the table for support. Gilthanas rose swiftly, coming to her side, but she pushed him away. "Father," she said in a voice she did not recognize as her own, "what were you about to say?"

"Come away Laurana,' Gilthanas begged. "He didn't mean it. We'll talk in the morning:"

The Speaker said nothing, his face, gray and cold.

"You were about to say'human whore'!"' Laurana said softly, her words falling like pins en nerves stretched taut.

"Go to your lodgings, Laurana," the Speaker ordered in a tight voice.

"So that is what you think of me;" Laurana whispered, her throat constricting. "That is why everyone stares and stops

talking when I come near them. Human whore:'

"Sister, do as your father commands;' Porthios said. "As for what we think of you-remember, you brought this on yourself. What do you expect? Look at you, Laurana! You are dressed like a man. You proudly wear a sword stained with blood. You talk glibly of your'adventures!' Traveling with men such as these-humans and dwarves! Spending the nights with them. Spending the nights with your half-breed lover. Where is he? Did he tire of you and-'

The firelight flared before Laurana's eyes. Its heat swept over her body, to be replaced by a terrible cold. She could see nothing and remembered only a horrifying sensation of falling without being able to catch herself. Voices came at her from a great distance, distorted faces bent over her.

"Laurana, my daughter . . :'

Then nothing.

"Mistress . . :"

"What? Where am I? Who are you? I-I can't see! Help me!"

"There" mistress. Take my hand. Shhhh. I am here. I am Silvara. Remember?"

Laurana felt gentle hands take her own as she sat up.

"Can you drink this, mistress?"

A cup was placed to her lips. Laurana sipped at it, tasting clear, cold water. She grasped it and drank eagerly, feeling it cool her fevered blood. Strength returned, she found she could see again. A small candle burned beside her bed. She was in her room, in her father's house. Her clothes lay on a crude wooden bench, her swordbelt and scabbard stood near, her pack was on the floor. At a table, across from her bed, sat a nursemaid, her head cradled in her arms, fast asleep.

Laurana turned to Silvara, who, seeing the question in her eyes, put her finger to her lips.

"Speak softly;" the Wilder elf replied. "Oh, not for that one"-Silvara glanced at the nurse-"she will sleep peacefully for many, many hours before the potion wears off. But there are others in the house who may be wakeful. Do you feel better?"

"Yes;' Laurana answered, confused. "I don't remember-"

"You fainted;' Silvara answered. "I heard them talking about it when they carried you back here. Your father is truly grieved. He never meant to say those things. It is just that you hurt him so terribly-"

"How did you hear?"

"I was hiding, in the shadows in the corner there. An easy thing for my people to do. The old nurse said you were fine, you just needed rest, and they left. When she went to fetch a blanket, I put the sleep juice in her tea:'

"Why?" Laurana asked. Looking at the girl closely, Laurana saw that the Wilder elf must be a beautiful woman-or would be if the layers of grime and filth were washed from her.

Silvara, aware of Laurana's scrutiny, flushed in embarrassment. "I-Iran away from the Silvanesti, mistress, when they brought you across the river:'

"Laurana. Please, child; call me Laurana."

"Laurana," Silvara corrected, blushing. "I-I came to ask you to take you with me when you leave:"

"Leave?" Laurana said. "I'm not goi-" She stopped.

"Aren't you?" Silvara asked gently.

"I . . . I don't know;" Laurana said in confusion.

"I can help;' Silvara said eagerly. '"I know the way through the mountains to reach the Knights' outpost where the ships with birds' wings sail. I will help you get away:'

"Why would you do this for us?" Laurana asked. "I'm sorry, Silvara. I don't mean to be suspicious, but you don't know us, and what you're doing is very dangerous. Surely you could escape more easily on your own:"

"I know you carry the dragon orb,." Silvara whispered.

"How do you know about the orb?" Laurana asked, astounded.

"I heard the Silvanesti talking, .after they left you at the river."

"And you knew what it was? How?"

"My . . . people have stories . . . about it;" Silvara said, her hands twisting. "I-I know it is important to end this war. Your people and the Silvan eyes will go back to their homes and let the Kaganesti live in peace. There is that reason and-" Silvara was silent for a moment, then she spoke so softly Laurana could barely hear her. "You are the first person who ever knew the meaning of my name."

Laurana looked at her, puzzled. The girl seemed sincere. But Laurana didn't believe her. Why would she risk her life to help them? Perhaps she was a Silvanesti spy, sent to get the orb? It seemed unlikely, but stranger things

Laurana put her head in her hands, trying to think. Could they trust Silvara-at least enough to get them out of here? They apparently had no choice. If they were going into the mountains, they would have to pass through Kaganesti lands. Silvara's help would be invaluable.

"I must talk to Elistan," Laurana said. "Can you bring him here?"

"No need, Laurana," Silvara, answered. "He has been waiting outside for you to awaken:"

"And the others? Where are the rest of my friends?"

"Lord Gilthanas is within the house of your father, of course-" Was it Laurana's imagination, or did Silvara's pale cheek flush when she said that name? "The others have been given 'guest quarters: "

"Yes;' said Laurana grimly, "I can imagine:'

Silvara left her side. Creeping quietly across the floor of the room, she went to the door, opened it, and beckoned.


"Elistan!" She flung her arms around the cleric. Laying her head on his chest, Laurana shut her eyes, feeling his strong arms embrace her tenderly. Everything will be fine now, she knew. Elistan will take charge. He'll know what to do.

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