"We must hurry!" she said, and there was an edge of steel in her low voice. Her grip on Laurana's arm was painful, even through the thick fur of Laurana's heavy cloak.

"Let go of me;" Laurana said coldly, staring at the girl, her green eyes showing neither fear nor anger. Silvara let fall her hand, lowering her eyes.

Laurana walked to the back of the shallow cave. Looking down, however, she could see nothing that made any sense. There was a tangle of twigs and bark and charred wood, some stones, but that was all. If it was a sign, it was a clumsy one. Laurana kicked at it with her booted foot, scattering the stones and sticks. Then she turned and took Silvara's arm.

"There;' Laurana said, speaking in even, quiet tones, "Whatever message you left for your friends will be difficult to read:'

Laurana was prepared for almost any reaction from the girl-anger, shame at being discovered. She even half-expected her to attack. But Silvara began to tremble. Her eyes-as she stared at Laurana-were pleading, almost sorrowful. For a moment, Silvara tried to speak, but she couldn't. Shaking her head, she jerked away from Laurana's grasp and ran outside.

"Hurry up, Laurana!" Theros called gruffly.

"I'm coming!" she answered, glancing back at the debris on the cave floor. She thought of taking a moment longer to investigate further, but she knew she dare not take the time.

Perhaps I am being too suspicious of the girl, and for no reason, Laurana thought with a sigh as she hurried out of the cave. Then about half-way up the trail, she stopped so abruptly that Theros, walking rear-guard, slammed into her. He caught her arm, steadying her.

"You all right?" he asked.

"Y yes;" Laurana answered, only half-hearing him.

"You look pale. Did you see something?"

"No. I'm fine;' Laurana said hurriedly, and she started up the rocky cliff again, slipping in the snow. What a fool she'd been!

What fools they'd all been!

Once again, she could see clearly in her mind's eye Silvara rising to her feet, dropping her cloak over the dragon orb. The dragon orb that was shining with a strange light!

She started to ask Silvara about the orb when suddenly her thoughts were scattered. An arrow zinged through the air and thudded into a tree near Derek's head.

"Elves! Brightblade, attack!" the knight cried; drawing his sword.

"No!" Laurana ran forward, grabbing his swordsman. "We will not fight! There will be no killing!"

"You're mad!" Derek shouted. Angrily breaking loose of Laurana's grip, he shoved her backwards into Sturm.

Another arrow flew by.

"She's right!" Silvara pleaded, hurrying back. "We cannot fight them. We must reach the pass! There we can stop them:"

Another arrow, nearly spent, struck the chain-snail vest Derek wore over his leather tunic. He brushed it away irritably.

"They're not aiming to kill;" Laurana added. 'If they were, you would be dead by now. We must run for it. We can't fight here, anyhow:' She gestured at the thick woods. "We can defend the pass better:"

"Put your sword away Derek;' Sturm said, drawing his blade. "Or you'll fight me first:"

"You're a coward, Brightblade!" Derek shouted, his voice shaking with fury. "You're running from the enemy!"

"No;" Sturm answered coolly, "I'm running from my friends' The knight kept his sword drawn. "Get moving, Crownguard, or the elves will find they have arrived too late to take you prisoner:'

Another arrow flew past, lodging in a tree near Derek. The knight, his face splotched with fury, sheathed ha sword and, turning, plunged ahead up the trail. But not before he had cast Sturm a look of such intense enmity that Laurana shuddered.

"Sturm-" she began, but he only grabbed her by the elbow and hustled her forward too fast to talk. They climbed rapidly. Behind her, she could hear Theros crashing through the snore, occasionally stopping to send a boulder bouncing down after them. Soon it sounded like the entire side of the mountain was sliding down the steep trail, and the arrows ceased.

"But it's only temporary;" the smith puffed, catching up with Sturm and Laurana. "That won't stop them for long."

Laurana couldn't answer. Her lungs were on fire. Blue and gold stars burst before her eyes. She was not the only one suffering. Sturms breath rasped in his throat. His grasp on her arm was weak and his hand shook. Even the strong smith was blowing like a winded horse. Rounding a boulder, they found the dwarf on his knees, Tasslehoff trying vainly to lift him.

"Must . . . rest . . ." Laurana said, her throat aching. She started to sit down, but strong hands grabbed her.

"Not" Silvara said urgently. "Not here! Just a few more feet! Come on! Keep going!"

The Wilder elf dragged Laurana forward. Dimly she was aware of Sturm helping Flint to his feet, the dwarf groaning and swearing. Between them, Theros and Sturm dragged the dwarf up the trail. Tasslehoff stumbled behind, too tired even to talk.

Finally they came to the top of the pass. Laurana slumped into the snow, past caring what happened to her. The rest sank down beside her, all except Silvara who was staring below them.

Where does she get the strength? Laurana thought through a bleak haze of pain. But she was too exhausted to question. At the moment, she was too tired to care whether the elves found her or not. Silvara turned to face them.

"We must split up;' she said decisively.

Laurana stared at her, uncomprehending.

"No;' Gilthanas began, trying without success to get to his feet.

"Listen to me!" Silvara said urgently, kneeling down. "The elves are too close. They will catch us for certain, then we must either fight or surrender:'

"Fight;' Derek muttered savagely.

"There is a better way," Silvara hissed. "You, knight, must take the dragon orb to Sancrist alone! We will draw off the pursuit:'

For a moment no one spoke. Everyone stared silently at Silvara, considering this new possibility. Derek lifted his head, his eyes gleaming. Laurana flashed a look of alarm at Sturm.

"I do not think one person should be charged with such a grave responsibilitiy;' Sturm said, his breath coming haltingly.

"Two of us should go-at least:'

"Meaning yourself, Brightblade?" Derek asked angrily.

"Yes, of course, Sturm should go;' Laurana said, "if anyone:'

"I can draw a map through the mountains;" Silvara said eagerly. "The way is not difficult. The outpost of the knights is only a two-day journey from here:'

"But we can't fly," Sturm protested. "What about our tracks Surely the elves will see we've split up:'

"An avalanche;' Silvara suggested. "Theros throwing the boulders down behind us gave me the idea:' She glanced up. They followed her gaze. Snow-covered peaks towered above them, the snow hanging over the edges.

"I can cause an avalanche with my magic;' Gilthanas said slowly. "It will obliterate everyone's tracks:'

"Not entirely," cautioned Silvara. "We must allow ours to be found once again-though not too obviously. After all, we want them to follow us:"

"But where will we go?" asked Laurana. "I don't intend to wander aimlessly through the wilderness:"

– I-I know a place." Silvara faltered, her gaze dropping to the ground. "It is secret, known only to my people. I will take you there:' She clasped her hand together. "Please, we must hurry. There isn't much time!"

"I will take the orb to Sancrist;' Derek said, "and I will go alone. Sturm should go with your group. You'll need a fighter:'

"We have fighters;" Laurana said. "Theros, my brother, the dwarf. I, myself, have seen my share of battle-"

"And me;" piped Tasslehoff.

"And the kender," Laurana added grimly. "Besides, it will not come to bloodshed:' Her eyes saw Sturm's troubled .face and wondered what he was thinking. Her voice softened. "The decision is up to Sturm, of course. He must do .as he believes best, but I think he should accompany Derek:'

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