Finding the crowds enjoyed this diversion, the mage thought of others. Caramon -blushing furiously-was persuaded to perform feats of strength, the highlight coming when he lifted stout William over his head with one hand. Tanis amazed the crowd with his elven ability to "see" in the dark. But Raistlin was startled one day when Goldmoon came to him as he was counting the money from the previous night's performance.

"I would like to sing in the show tonight;' she said.

Raistlin looked up at her incredulously. His eyes flicked to Riverwind. The tall Plainsman nodded reluctantly.

"You have a powerful voice;' Raistlin said, sliding the money into a pouch and drawing the string tightly. I remember quite well. The last song I heard you sing in the Inn of the Last Home touched off a riot that nearly got us killed:'

Goldmoon flushed, remembering, the fateful song that had introduced her to the group. Scowling, Riverwind laid his hand on her shoulder.

"Come away!" he said harshly, glaring at Raistlin. "I warned You-`

But Goldmoon shook her head stubbornly, lifting her chin in a familiar, imperious gesture. "I will sing;" she said coolly, "and Riverwind will, accompany me. I have written a song:'

"Very well," the mage snapped, slipping the money pouch into I-is robes. "We will try it this evening."

The Pig and Whistle was crowded that night. It was a diverse audience-small children and their parents., sailors, draconians, .,goblins and several kender, who caused everyone to keep an ere on his belongings. William and two helpers bustled about, serving drinks and food. Then the show began.

The crowd applauded Raistlin's spinning coins, laughed when an illusory pig danced upon the bar, and scrambled out of their chairs in terror when a giant troll thundered in through a window. Bowing, the mage left to rest. Tika came on.

The crowd, particularly the draconians, cheered Tika's dancing, banging their mugs on the table.

Then Goldmoon appeared before them, dressed in a gown of pale blue. Her silver-gold hair flowed over her shoulders like water shimmering in the moonlight. The crowd hushed instantly. Saying nothing, she sat down in a chair on the raised platform William lead hastily constructed. So beautiful was she that not a murmur escaped the crowd. All waited expectantly.

Riverwind sat upon the floor at her feet. Putting a handcarved flute to leis lips, he began to play and, after a few moments, Goldmoon's voice blended with the flute. Her song was simple, the melody sweet and harmonious, yet haunting. But it was the words that caught Tanis's attention, causing him to exchange worried glances with Caramon. Raistlin, sitting next to him, grasped hold of Tanis's arm.

"I feared as much!" the mage hissed. "Another riot'"

"Perhaps not," Tanis said, watching. "Look at the audience:"

Women leaned their heads onto their husband's shoulders, children were quiet and attentive. The draconians seemed spellbound-as a wild animal will sometimes beheld by music. Only the goblins shuffled their flapping feet, seemingly bored but so in awe o? the draconians that they dared not protest.

Goldmoon's song was of the ancient gods. She told how the gods had sent the Cataclysm to punish the Kingpriest of Istar and the people of Krynn for their pride. She sang of the terrors of that night and those that followed. She reminded them of how the people, believing, themselves abandoned, had prayed to false gods. Then she gave them a message of hope: the gods had runt abandoned them. The true gods were here, waiting only for someone to listen to them.

After her song ended, and the plaintive wailing of the flute died, most in the crowd shank their treads, seeming to wake froze a pleasant dream.. When asked what the song had been about, they couldn't say. The draconians shrugged and called far mare ale. The goblins shouted for Ti ka to dance again. But, here and there, Tanis noticed a face still holding the wonder had warn during the song. And he was not surprised to see, young, dark-skinned woman approach Goldmoon shyly.

"I ask your pardon for disturbing you, my lady;' Tanis aheard the woman say, "but your song touched me deeply, I. want to learn of the ancient gods, to learn their ways."

Goldmoon smiled. "Come to me tomorrow;' she said, "an

shall teach you what I know:"

And thus, slowly, word of the ancient gods began to spread

Jay the time they left Port Balifor, the dark-skinned woman soft-voiced young man, and several other people wore the bl medallion of Mishakal, Goddess of Healing. Secretly they w‹ forth, bringing hope to the dark and troubled land.

By the end of the month, the companions were able to by

wagon, horses to pull it, horses to ride, and supplies. What w left went toward purchase of ship's passage to Sancrist. The

planned to add to their money by performing in the small fan ing communities between Port Balifor and Flotsam.

When the Red Wizard left Port Balifor shortly before t

Yuletide season, leis wagon was seen on its way by enthusiast' crowds. Packed with their costumes, supplies for two month

and a keg of ale (provided by William), the wagon was enough for Raistlin to sleep and travel inside. It also held t

multi-colored, striped tents in which the others would live.

Tanis glanced around at the strange sight they made, shaking his head. It seemed tl•at-in the midst of everything else that had happened to them-this was the most bizarre. He loot: at Raistiin sitting beside his brother, who drove the wagon. T

mage's red-sequined robes blazed like flame in the bright win sunlight. Shoulders hunched against the wind, Raistlin star

straight ahead, wrapped in a show of mystery that delighted the crowd. Caramon, dressed in a bearskin suit (a present

William's), had pulled the head of the bear over his own, r:

ing it look as though a bear drove the wagon. The child cheered as he growled at them in mock ferocity.

They were nearly out of town when a draconian command stopped them. Tanis,, his heart caught in his throat, rode f ward, his hand pressed against his sword. But the command only wanted to make certain they passed through Bloodwa

where draconian troops were located. The draconian had mentioned the show to a friend. The troops were looking forward to seeing it. Tanis, inwardly vowing not to set foot near the place, promised faithfully that they would certainly appear.

Finally they reached the city gates. Climbing down from their mounts, they bid farewell to their friend. William gave them each a hug, starting with Tika and ending with Tika. He was going to hug Raistlin, but the mage's golden eyes widened so alarmingly when William approached that the innkeeper backed away precipitously.

The companions climbed back onto their horses. Raistlin and Caramon returned to the wagon. The crowd cheered and urged them to return f or the spring Harrowing celebration. The guards opened the gates, bidding them a safe journey, and the companions rode through. The gates shut behind them.

The wind blew chill. Gray clouds above them began to spit snow fitfully. The road, which they were assured was well traveled, stretched before them, bleak and empty. Raistlin began to shiver and cough. After awhile, he said he would ride inside the wagon. The rest pulled their hoods up over their heads and clutched their fur cloaks more closely about them.

Caramon, guiding the horses along the rutted, muddy road, appeared unusually thoughtful.

"You know, Tanis"' he said solemnly above the jingling of the bells Tika had tied to the horses' manes, "I'm more thankful than I can tell that none of our friends saw this. Can you hear what Flint would say? That grumbling old dwarf would never let me live this down. And can you imagine Sturm!" The big man shook his head, the thought being beyond words.

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