"Of course. What else?" Raistlin paused, coughing, then asked, "When did I speak of . . .ancient spells?" ;

"When we first found you;" Tanis answered, watching the mage closely. He noticed a crease in Raistlitis forehead and heard tension in his shattered voice.

"What did I say?"

"Nothing much;" Tanis replied warily. "Just something about ancient spells, spells that would soon be yours:"

"That was all?"

Tanis did not reply immediately. Raistlin's strange, hourglass . eyes focused on him coldly. The half-elf shivered and nodded. Raistlin turned his head away. His eyes closed. "I will sleep` now;" he said softly. "Remember, Tanis. Palanthas."

Tanis was forced to admit he wanted to go to Sancrist for~ purely selfish reasons. He hoped against hope that Laurana and Sturm and the others would be there. And it was where he hadi promised he would take the dragons orb. But against this, 'n had to weigh Raistlin's steady insistence that they must go to' the library of this Astinus to discover how to use the orb.

His mind was still in a quandary when they reached Flotsam Finally, he decided they would set about getting passage on ship going north first and decide where to land later.

But when they reached Flotsam, they had a nasty shack's There were more draconians in that city than they had seen o their entire journey from Port B'alifor north. The streets werI~, crawling with heavily armed patrols, taking an intense interest in strangers. Fortunately, the companions had sold their wag before entering the town, so they were able to mingle with, crowds on the streets. But they hadn't been inside one -city gat, five minutes before they saw a draconian patrol arrest a 6umals for "questioning:'

This alarmed them, so they took rooms in the first inn they came to-a run-down place at the edge of town.

"How are we going to even get to the harbor, much less bwJ passage on a ship?" Caramon asked as they settled into they shabby rooms. "What's going on?"

"The innkeeper says a Dragon Highlord is in town. The dra,

Ionians are searching far spies or something;" Tanis muttere

uncomfortably. The companions exchanged glances.

"Maybe they're searching fcr us;" Caramon said.

"That's ridiculous!" Tanis answered quickly-too quickly.

"We're getting spooked. How could anyone know we're here? Or know what we carry2"

"I wonder-" Riverwind said grimly, glancing at Raistlin,

The mage returned his glance coolly, not deigning to answer.

"Hot water For my drink;" he instructed Caramon.

"There's only one way I can think of;"

Tanis said, as Caramon brought his brother the water as ordered. "Caramon and I will go out tonight and waylay two of the draganarmy soldiers.

We'll steal their uniforms. Not the draconians-" he said hastily, as Caramon's brow wrinkled in disgust. "The human mercenaries. Then we can move around Flotsam freely:"

After same discussion, everyone agreed it was the only plan that seemed likely to work. The companions ate dinner without much appetite-dining in their rooms rather than risk going into the common room.

"You'll be all right?" Caramon asked Raistlin uneasily when the two were alone in the room they shared.

"I am quite capable of taking care of myself;' Raistlin replied. Rising to his feet, he hadpicked up a spellboak to study, when a fit of coughing doubled him over.

Caramon reached out his hated, but Raistlin flinched away-

"Be gone!" the mage gasped. "Leave me be!"

Cararnon hesitated, then he sighed. "Sure,. Raist;' he said, and left the roam, shutting the door gently behind him.

Raistlin stood far a moment, trying to catch his breath. Then

he moved slowly across the room, setting dawn the spellbook. W_th a trembling hand, he picked up one of the many sacks that Caramon had placed on the table beside his bed. Opening it, Raistlin carefully withdrew the dragon orb.

Tanis and Cararnon-the half-elf keeping his hood pulled

lo,,v aver his face and ears-walked the streets of Flotsam, watching far two guards whose uniforms might fit them. This

would have been relatively easy :Ear Tanis, but finding a guard whose armor fit the giant Cararnon was more difficult.

Whey both knew they had better find something .quickly. More than once, draconians looked them over suspiciously. Two draconians even flopped them, insisting roughly an knowing their business. Caramon replied in the crude mercenary dialect that they were seeking employment in the Dragon Highlord's army, and the draconians let them go. But both men knew it was only a matter of time before a patrol caught them.

"I wonder what's going on?" Tanis muttered worriedly.

"Maybe the war's heating up for the Highlords:' Caramon began. "There, look, Tanis. Going into that bar-"

"I see. Yeah, he's about your size. Duck into that alley. Well wait until they come out, then-"The half-elf made a motion of wringing a neck. Caramon nodded. The two slipped through the filthy streets and vanished into the alley, hiding where they could keep on eye on the front door of the bar.

It was nearly, midnight. The moons would not rise tonight_'' The rain had ceased, but clouds still obscured the sky. The two men crouched in the alley were soon shivering, despite theiPl'' heavy cloaks. Rats skittered across their feet, making the~q cringe in the darkness. A drunken hobgoblin took a wrong t and lurched past them, falling headfirst into a pile of garbage, The hobgoblin did not get back up again and the sternch near ' made Tanis and Caramon sick, but they dared not leave t vantage point.

Then they heard welcome sounds-drunken laughter human voices speaking Common. The two guards they been waiting for lurched out of the bar and staggered) tow them.

A tall iron brazier stood on the sidewalk, lighting the '

The mercenaries lurched into its light, giving Tanis a dose I

at them. Both were officers in the dragonarmy, he sawn.

promoted, he guessed, which may have been what they

celebrating. Their armor was shining new, relatively cleaQl, '

undented. It was good armor, too, he saw with satisfac'

Wade of blue steel, it was fashioned after the style of

I-lighlords' ow-n dragon-scale armor. -:

"Ready?" Caramon whispered. Tanis nodded. x

Cararnon drew his sword. "Elven scum!" he roared ht deep, barrel-chested bass. "I've found you out, and now y come with me to the Dragon Highlord, spy!"

`You'll never take me alive!" Tanis drew his own sword; x

At the sound of their voices, the two officers staggered-,

stop, peering bleary-eyed into the dark alley. .-

The officers watched with growing interest as. Caraman.

Tanis made a few passes at each other, maneuvering themselves into position. When Caramon's back was to the officers and Tanis was facing them, the half-elf made a sudden move. Disarming Cararnon, he sent the warriors sword flying.

"Quick! Help me take him!" Caramon bellowed. "There's a reward out for him-dead or alive!"

The officers never hesitated. Fumbling drunkenly for their

weapons, they headed for Tanis, their faces twisted into expressions of cruel pleasure.

"That's it! Nail 'im!" Caramon urged, waiting until they were

past him. Then-just as they raised their swords -Caramon"s huge hands encircled their necks. He slammed their heads toget)-er, and the bodies slumped to the ground.

"I-furry!" Tanis grunted. He dragged one body by the feet away from the light. Caramon followed with the other. Quickly they began to strip off the armor.

"Phew! This one must have been half-troll;'

Cararnon said, waning his hand to clear the air of the foul smell.

"Quit complaining !" Tanis snapped, trying to figure out how

the complex sgstem of buckles and straps worked. "At least you're used to wearing this stuff. Give me a hand with this, wiII our."

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