“That’s where ours is.”

“I know. But it’s on that table, and it’s working.”

“What about food, how are we set there?” Charlie tried to imagine their cupboards.

“Well, we’ve got a bit. You know. It’s not great. It will get to be a problem soon if we can’t get more. I figure we might have a few weeks’ worth in a pinch.”

“Well, that should be fine. I mean, they’ll have to get things going again by then.”

“I suppose. We need water service too.”

“Will the floodwaters drain away very fast?”

“I don’t know, how should I know?”

“Well, I don’t know you’re a scientist.”


They listened to each other breathe.

“I sure am glad to be talking to you,” Charlie said. “I hated being out of touch like that.”

“Me too.”

“There are boats all around us now,” Charlie said. “I’ll try to get a ride home as soon as I can. Once I get ferried to land, I can walk home.”

“Not necessarily. The Taft Bridge over Rock Creek is gone. You’d only be able to cross on the Mass. Ave. bridge, from what I can see on the news.”

“Yeah, I saw Rock Creek flooding, that was amazing.”

“I know. The zoo and everything. Drepung says most of the animals will be recovered, but I wonder about that.” Anna would be nearly as upset by the deaths of the zoo’s animals as she would be by people. She made little distinction.

Charlie said, “I’ll take Mass. Ave. then.”

“Or maybe you can get them to drop you off west of Rock Creek, in Georgetown. Anyway, be careful. Don’t do anything rash just to get here quick.”

“I won’t. I’ll make sure to stay safe, and I’ll call you regularly, at least I hope. That was awful being cut off.”

“I know.”

“Okay, well…I don’t really want to hang up, but I guess I should. Let me talk to the boys first.”

“Yeah good. Here talk to Joe, he’s been pretty upset that you’re not here, he keeps asking for you. Demanding you, actually here,” and then suddenly in his ear:



“Da! Da!”

“Yeah Joe, it’s Dad! Good to hear you, boy! I’m down at work, I’ll be home soon buddy.”

“Da! Da!” Then, in a kind of moan: “Wan Daaaaaaaaaa.”

“It’s okay Joe,” Charlie said, throat clenching. “I’ll be home real soon. Don’t you worry.”

“Da!” Shrieking.

Anna got back on. “Sorry, he’s throwing a fit. Here, Nick wants to talk too.”

“Hey, Nick! Are you taking care of Mom and Joe?”

“Yeah, I was, but Joe is kind of upset right now.”

“He’ll get over it. So what’s it been like up there?”

“Well you see, we got to burn those big candles? And I made a big tower out of the melted wax, it’s really cool. And then Drepung and Rudra came and brought their tigers, they’ve got one in their truck and one in our basement!”

“That’s nice, that’s very cool. Be sure to keep the door to the basement closed by the way.”

Nick laughed. “It’s locked Dad. Mom has the key.”

“Good. Did you get a lot of rain?”

“I think so. We can see that Wisconsin is kind of flooded, but there are still some cars going in it. Most of the big stuff we’ve only seen on the TV. Mom was really worried about you. When are you going to get home?”

“Soon as I can.”


“Yeah. Well, I guess you get a few days off school out of all this. Okay, give me your mom back. Hi babe.”

“Listen, you stay put until some really safe way to get home comes.”

“I will.”

“We love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll be home soon as I can.”

Then Joe began to wail again, and they hung up.

Charlie rejoined the others and told them his news. Others were getting through on their cell phones as well. Everyone was talking. Then there came yells from down the hall.

A police motor launch was at the second-floor windows, facing Constitution, ready to ferry people to dry ground. This one was going west, and yes, would eventually dock in Georgetown, if people wanted off there. It was perfect for Charlie’s hope to get west of Rock Creek and then walk home.

And so, when his turn came, he climbed out the window and down into the big boat. A stanza from a Robert Frost poem he had memorized in high school came back to him suddenly:

It went many years, but at last came a knock,

And I thought of the door with no lock to lock…

The knock came again, my window was wide;

I climbed on the sill and descended outside.

He laughed as he moved forward in the boat to make room for other refugees. Strange what came back to the mind. How had that poem continued? Something something; he couldn’t remember. It didn’t matter. The relevant part had come to him, after waiting all these years. And now he was out the window and on his way.

The launch rumbled, glided away from the building, turned in a broad curve west down Constitution Avenue. Then left, out onto the broad expanse of the Mall. They were boating on the Mall.

The National Gallery reminded him of the Taj Mahal; same water reflection, same gorgeous white stone. All the Smithsonian buildings looked amazing. No doubt they had been working inside them all night to get things above flood level. What a mess it was going to be.

Charlie steadied himself against the gunwale, feeling so stunned that it seemed he might lose his balance and fall. That was probably the boat’s doing, but he was, in all truth, reeling. The TV images had been one thing, the actual reality another; he could scarcely believe his eyes. White clouds danced overhead in the blue sky, and the flat brown lake was gleaming in the sunlight, reflecting a blue glitter of sky, everything all glossy and compact real as real, or even more so. None of his visions had ever been as remotely real as this lake was now.

Their pilot maneuvered them farther south. They were going to pass the Washington Monument on its south side. They puttered slowly past it. It towered over them like an obelisk in the Nile’s flood, making all the watercraft look correspondingly tiny.

The Smithsonian buildings appeared to be drowned to about ten feet. Upper halves of their big public doors emerged from the water like low boathouse doors. For some of the buildings that would be a catastrophe. Others had steps, or stood higher on their foundations. A mess any way you looked at it.

Their launch growled west at a walking pace. Trees flanking the western half of the Mall looked like water shrubs in the distance. The Vietnam Memorial would of course be submerged. The Lincoln Memorial stood on its own pedestal hill, but it was right on the Potomac, and might be submerged to the height of all its steps; the statue of Lincoln might even be getting his feet wet. Charlie found it hard to tell, through the strangely shortened trees, just how high the water was down there.

Boats of all kinds dotted the long brown lake, headed this way and that. The little blue pedal boats from the Tidal Basin were particularly festive, but all the kayaks and rowboats and inflatables added their dots of neon color, and the little sailboats tacking back and forth flashed their triangular sails. The brilliant sunlight filled the clouds and the blue sky. The festival mood was expressed even by what people wore Charlie saw Hawaiian shirts, bathing suits, even Carnival masks. There were many more black faces than Charlie was used to seeing on the Mall. It looked as if something like Trinidad’s Mardi Gras parade had been disrupted by a night of storms, but was reemerging triumphant in the new day. People were waving to one another, shouting things (the helicopters overhead were loud); standing in boats in unsafe postures, turning in precarious circles to shoot three-sixties with cameras. It would only take a water skier to complete the scene.

Charlie moved to the bow of the launch, and stood there soaking it all in. His mouth hung open like a dog’s. The effort of getting out the window had reinflamed his chest and arms; now he stood there on fire, torching in the wind, drinking in the maritime vision. Their boat chugged west like a vaporetto on Venice’s broad lagoon. He could not help but laugh.

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