Ummon would not die if the farcaster home of the Core were destroyed, but the hunger of the Ultimate Intelligence would surely doom him. Where would he flee to if the Web-Core were destroyed? I have images of the metasphere—those endless, shadowy landscapes where dark shapes moved beyond the false horizon.

I know that Ummon will not answer if I ask.

So I will ask something else.

–The Volatiles, what do they want?

[What Gladstone wants\\

An end

to symbiosis between AI and humankind]

–By destroying humankind?



[We enslaved you

with power/


beads and trinkets

of devices you could neither build

nor understand\\

The Hawking drive would have been yours/

but the farcaster/

the fatline transmitters and receivers/

the megasphere/

the deathwand>


Like the Sioux with rifles/ horses/

blankets/ knives/ and beads/

you accepted them/

embraced us

and lost yourselves\\

But like the white man

distributing smallpox blankets/

like the slave owner on his plantation/

or in his Werkschutze Dechenschule


we lost ourselves\\

The Volatiles want to end

the symbiosis

by cutting out the parasite/


–And the Ultimates? They’re willing to die? To be replaced by your voracious UI?

[They think

as you thought

or had your sophist Sea God


And Ummon recites poetry which I had abandoned in frustration, not because it did not work as poetry, but because I did not totally believe the message it contained.

That message is given to the doomed Titans by Oceanus, the soon-to-be-dethroned God of the Sea. It is a paean to evolution written when Charles Darwin was nine years old. I hear the words I remember writing on an October evening nine centuries earlier, worlds and universes earlier, but it is also as if I am hearing them for the first time:

[O ye/ whom wrath consumes! who/ passionstung/

Writhe at defeat/ and nurse your agonies!

Shut up your senses/ stifle up your ears/

My voice is not a bellows unto ire//

Yet listen/ ye who will/ whilst I bring proof

How ye/ perforce/ must be content to stoop//

And in the proof much comfort will I give/

If ye will take that comfort in its truth\\

We fall by course of Nature’s law/ not force

Of thunder/ or of Jove. Great Saturn/ thou

Hast sifted well the atom universe//

But for this reason/ that thou art the King/

And only blind from sheer supremacy/

One avenue was shaded from thine eyes/

Through which I wandered to eternal truth\\

And first/ as thou wast not the first of powers/

So art thou not the last/it cannot be//

Thou art not the beginning nor the end//

From Chaos and parental Darkness came

Light/ the first fruits of that intestine broil/

That sullen ferment/ which for wondrous ends

Was ripening in itself// The ripe hour came/

And with it Light/ and Light/ engendering

Upon its own producer/ forthwith touch’d

The whole enormous matter into Life\\

Upon that very hour/ our parentage/

The Heavens/ and the Earth/ were manifest//

Then thou first born/ and we the giant race/

Found ourselves ruling new and beauteous realms]

Now comes the pain of truth/ to whom tis pain//

o folly! for to bear all naked truths/

And to envisage circumstance/ all calm/

That is the top of sovereignty. Mark well!

As Heaven and Earth are fairer, fairer far

Than Chaos and blank Darkness/ though once chiefs\

And as we show beyond that Heaven and Earth

In form and shape compact and beautiful/

In will/ in action free/ companionship/

And thousand other signs of purer life\

So on our heels a fresh perfection treads/

A power more strong in beauty/ born of us

And fated to excel us/ as we pass

In glory that old Darkness// nor are we

Thereby more conquered/ than by us the rule

Of shapeless Chaos\\ Say/ doth the dull soil

Quarrel with the proud forests it hath fed/

And feedeth still/ More comely than itself

Can it deny the chiefdom of green groves

Or shall the tree be envious of the dove

Because it cooeth/ and hath snowy wings

To wander wherewithal and find its joys

We are such forest trees/ and our fair boughs

Have bred forth/ not pale solitary doves/

But eagles golden-feathered/ who do tower

Above us in their beauty/ and must reign

In right thereof. For ’tis the eternal law

That first in beauty should be first in might//

Receive the truth/ and let it be your balm]

–Very pretty, I thought to Ummon, but do you believe it?

[Not for a moment]

–But the Ultimates do?


–And they’re ready to perish in order to make way for the Ultimate Intelligence?


–There’s one problem, perhaps too obvious to mention, but I’ll mention it anyway—why fight the war if you know who won, Ummon? You say the Ultimate Intelligence exists in the future, is at war with the human deity—it even sends back tidbits from the future for you to share with the Hegemony. So the Ultimates must be triumphant. Why fight a war and go through all this?


[I tutor you/

create the finest retrieval persona for you


and let you wander among humankind

in slowtime

to temper your forging/

but still you are


I spend a long moment thinking.

–There are multiple futures?

[A lesser light asked Ummon//

Are there multiple futures>//

Uimnon answered//

Does a dog have fleas>]

–But the one in which the UI becomes ascendant is a probable one?


–But there’s also a probable future in which the UI comes into existence, but is thwarted by the human deity?

[It is comforting that even the stillborn can think]

–You told Brawne that the human… consciousness—deity seems so silly—that this human Ultimate Intelligence was triune in nature?



and the Void Which Binds]

–The Void Which Binds? You mean √Għ/c5 and √Għ/c3 Planck space and Planck time? Quantum reality?


Keats/ thinking may become a habit]

–And it’s the Empathy part of this trinity who’s fied back in time to avoid the war with your UI?


[Our UI and your UI have

sent back

the Shrike

to find him]

–Our UI! The human UI sent the Shrike also?

[It allowed it]

[Empathy is a

foreign and useless thing/

a vermiform appendix of

the intellect\\

But the human UI smells with it/

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