"That's what I had in mind. Okay, I'm started on that—" Alicia felt a fragment of the AI's capabilities go to work on the project even as Megarea continued to speak "—so what do we do after we get there?"

"I doll up to look as little like me as you look like you and start trolling for a cargo. With Tisiphone to run around in the computer nets and skim thoughts, we shouldn't have too much trouble lining up a less-than-legal shipment headed in the right general direction. Once we deliver it, we'll have established our smuggler's bona fides and we can start working our way deeper. In a way, I'd like to head straight from MaGuire for Wyvern—if there's one place in this sector where those bastards could dispose of their loot, Wyvern's the one— but we need to build more layers into our cover before we knock on their front door. Still, once we get there, I'm betting we find at least some sign of their pipeline, and when we do, we can probably find someone whose thoughts can tell us where to find them."

"This will take time, Little One."

"Can't be helped, unless you've got a better idea."

"No, I have no better strategy. Would that I did, but this seems sound thinking in light of our capabilities."

"I said she had good instincts, didn't I? I like it, too, Alley."

"Yeah, the only thing that really bothers me is losing the Bengal." Alicia signed. "The cargo shuttle won't be a problem once we get rid of the Fleet markings and change the transponder, but nobody could mistake that Bengal for anything but an assault boat."

"So? Keep it. Ill ding it up a little and make a few unnecessary hull repairs to take the shine off it, but it's too useful to just ditch."

"It's not exactly standard free trader issue," Alicia objected, but she heard temptation waver in her own voice.

"Again, so what? As far as I know, there's no official free trader equipment list. Hell, it'll probably get you more respect! Think how they'll wonder how you got your hands on it."

"I believe she is correct, Little One," Tisiphone chuckled. "I should think your possession of such a craft will raise your stature among these criminals greatly."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Alicia's mouth twitched and her eyes twinkled at the thought. And, she admitted, it was a great relief, as well. "Let's think up some incredibly gaudy paint job to hang on it, in that case. If you've got it, flaunt it."

"Precisely, Little One! We shall make you a most formidable "free trader," Megarea and I."

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