Procyon's entire control net crashed as Megarea convinced it to lobotomize its own AI.


Procyon writhed out of control, systems collapsing into manual control, leaving her momentarily defenseless as Megarea rampaged through them. Circuits spat sparks and died, backup computers spasmed in electronic hysteria, and Howell did the only thing he could. His hand slammed down on the red switch on his board. HMS Procyon vanished into the security of her shield, and he wondered if it was enough. In theory, nothing could get through an OKM shield—but no one had ever tested that theory against a battle-cruiser's full-powered ramming attack.


If she'd had even a moment longer, Megarea might have stopped the shield before it activated, but she didn't have a moment. There was barely time to snatch Tisiphone out of the dreadnought's circuitry before the shield chopped off her access, and even that delay was nearly fatal.

She'd cut her margin too close. HMS Issus opened fire with every weapon, and Megarea was locked into too many tasks at once. Her defenses were far below par. She was too close for SLAMs, but at least six sublight missiles and three energy torpedoes went home against her battle screen.

The alpha synth writhed at the heart of a manmade star. Screen generators screamed in agony, local failures pierced her defenses, and elation filled Issus's captain. Nothing short of a battleship could survive that concentrated blow!

A battleship ... or an alpha synth. Megarea staggered out of the holocaust, blistered and broken, trailing vaporized alloy and atmosphere. A third of her weapons were twisted ruin, but she was alive. Alive and deadly, no longer distracted as she turned upon her foe.

Her holo projector was gone, and the battle-cruiser's captain had one instant to gawk in disbelief as Megarea stood revealed. Then answering fire slammed back. A direct hit wiped away Issus's bridge. More fire ripped past her weakened defenses, and panic flashed through Howell's squadron. Their flagship had been driven behind her shield. Cannae and her escorts had been destroyed. Issus was a shattered, dying wreck ... and now they knew their enemy. Knew they faced an alpha synth which had carved its way through the heart of their battleline. Only the battle-cruiser Verdun stood in her path, and Verdun refused to face her. She spun away, interposing her own Fasset drive, and Megarea screamed past at thirty-six percent of light- speed.

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