He had noticed that here on the plains there was the occasional hybrid mammoth, part woolly and part Columbian. He assumed they were mules. He captured and domesticated an old one and called him Fuzzy-Tu. Then he sat back and waited, knowing he would understand when the proper time came.

It was a long time. He had many grandchildren when Andrea came to him and said she was certain she had cancer. She had drugs that could help with the pain, but nothing that would cure it. He asked her if she wished she could be back in the twenty-first century, where therapy might cure her. She said the thought never entered her mind.

They were somewhere in the Dakotas at the time, he thought. They said their farewells to their family and to the tribe, and set off northward on the back of Fuzzy-Tu.

Winter closed in. Andrea got weaker. At last she asked him to give her the final gift, and he held her as she died. He continued north until Fuzzy-Tu was near collapse, then he sorrowfully killed the great beast.

He sat down to wait.

HE didn't try to remember the words. He let his awkward left hand do the writing, etching each line over and over until it was clear:



He stopped. He remembered it clearly now. He and Matt had assumed the time traveler had died before he could complete his message, unable to finish the vertical line of the T. But Howard was alive still, and though very weak, he knew he could go on. He could finish the message this way:


How would Matthew Wright read that? Maybe, "No hard feelings, Matt." Maybe "No hard feelings, signed, Matt." Either way, it would surely change his reaction, and thus change history.

For a fractional moment, the old Howard Christian seized his hand. Write it, the old Howard said. Get the bastard. Just finish the T and add the S. NO REGRETS.

But he knew to the depths of his soul that if he tried to write one more stroke... a polar bear would bite his head off. A meteorite would come crashing from the heavens and kill him instantly. An earthquake would open a crack in the soil and swallow him up.

He had been thrown involuntarily onto this infernal, inevitable roller coaster, and it had turned into a merry-go-round. He had enjoyed the ride.


With the last of his strength, he hurled the flint away into the snow.

He closed his eyes.

Soon, a pair of white foxes approached the mound in the snow and started digging.


Well, maybe you can imagine the fuss when they opened the back of the trailer and found Fuzzy inside! And nobody even knew he was missing!

What happened next was confusing, and messy, and not very much fun. Matt and Susan were put in jail for a little while, but were quickly bailed out.

At the same time, Howard Christian, the mean rich man, and Andrea de la Terre, the glamorous movie star, vanished in a big boat that must have sunk somewhere, but nobody ever found it.

And then the lawyers went to work. When a lot of lawyers who are making a lot of money start to fight over something in court... oh, my! Things can take just forever to get worked out. Howard being missing didn't make any difference to the rest of the people who owned the circus where Fuzzy had been kept prisoner for so long. Oh, no! They fought and fought and fought to get Fuzzy sent back to the United States.

They have been fighting for almost five years now, and Fuzzy is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The lawyers tried to keep Susan away from him, but poor Fuzzy was so unhappy he wouldn't eat, so they had to let her stay. Now Fuzzy lives in a big preserve in the province of Alberta while the courts keep hearing his case. He will never have his family back, he will never enjoy the company of other mammoths... but he lives with some elephants and seems to enjoy being with them. He is out in the woods and valleys, under the bright blue sky and the lovely sunshine, and people can come and stand on a high observing platform and look at him. Some days they have to use telescopes, since his preserve is really big and he likes to wander around. You can see him on one of twenty Fuzzycams right now if you click right here.

The last time we at Friends of Fuzzy went around and asked people, "What do you think should be done with Fuzzy?" ...well, 94 percent of Canadians think he should stay right where he is! And what's more, 78 percent of Americans feel the same way!

Right now there is a movement to declare Fuzzy a political refugee, which means somebody who would be in big trouble if he or she had to go back to his homeland.

Other people say... why not?

If you are a Friend of Fuzzy, and you think this is a good idea, why don't you write an email or a letter to your Member of Parliament and Senator and the Prime Minister, or if you're an American, to your Representative and Senators and the President (you can click right here to do that) and tell them what you think. Have your mother and or father write, too, and all your friends.

It is now (4) days and (15) hours until the fifth anniversary of Fuzzy's escape, and there will be big parties in most big cities and many small towns to celebrate what we've started calling "Fuzzy's Birthday." Click here to find a party near you. Or, go to Fuzzyland! They are having a very big party there, and those mechanical mammoths put on quite a show!

So keep coming back to this website every day and we will keep you up-to-date on the very latest on the saga of Little Fuzzy, Child of the Ice Age!

Susan Morgan-Wright, webmaster

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