But her face was all smiles and good cheer as she handed me a stack of papers. "I went kind of crazy," she said sheepishly, "but these are some condo listings I printed for you. I've been searching online the last couple of days and kind of looked at everything since you still weren't one hundred percent sure of what you wanted. Got a lot of good hits by the beach."

I took the stack from her, stunned. This was the last thing I'd expected.

"It's probably overkill, but it should give you a lot to look at. Then, if you get some ideas, we can go on from there."

I glanced down at the top sheet, displaying a three-bedroom condo out on Alki. "I…wow. Thank you, Maddie. You shouldn't have."

She beamed at my thanks. "Happy to. Let me know what you think-and thanks again for the lesson. It was so much fun! Hopefully I'll be less horrible next time. Maybe I can get Seth to practice at home."

She gave me a quick hug and then hurried off to catch a ride with Doug. I trudged to my office, papers in hand, and set them on my desk. I collapsed into the chair, feeling horrible. While I'd been out doing bad, wicked things with her boyfriend, she'd been working diligently to find me a new home.

I tried hard after that to browse some spreadsheets, but my heart wasn't in it. I mostly stared at numbers without really comprehending them, and when a knock came at the door, I welcomed the distraction. I jumped up from my chair.

"Come in." I wondered if Maddie had forgotten to give me another ream. But it wasn't her.

Seth stood in the doorway.

I stared, hoping my mouth hadn't dropped open or anything embarrassing like that. "What…what are you doing here? I thought you left."

He looked as though he wanted to step inside but was afraid to. "Doug took Maddie home, and I came back to…to get…" He stopped and shook his head, unable to continue with a lie about having forgotten something. "I came back to see you."

I remembered the way his eyes had watched my body, the smoke in them when the skirt had ridden up my leg. That same smokiness was there now, and I felt my own body's desire flare up in response. Really, though, after the way we'd touched while dancing, the desire had never really left me. Nonetheless, I tried to be reasonable.

"Seth, we can't…not again…it's…"

"I know," he said. At last, he crossed the threshold. "And I told myself…told myself I'd let it go…but I haven't stopped thinking about you since yesterday. And after tonight." Hesitantly, as though afraid someone might be lurking, he shut the door behind him. "Just the way you looked out there. It was…amazing. Believe me, I didn't screw up dancing because I'm bad at it-which I am. It's because I wasn't thinking about it at all. I was thinking about you. God, I couldn't stop. And it's not just how sexy you are tonight. It was more. It was the way you lit up the room, the way you charmed everyone and made them happy. You don't need any special powers to do that, Georgina. It's just in you, part of who you are. How funny you are, how smart. It's what made me fall in love you back then, and it's what…" He didn't finish, and I was glad. If he had said "…makes me love you now," I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

I noticed that he'd moved a lot closer. I took a deep breath. "It would have been easier on me if you said you just thought I was sexy." Shallowness I could handle. Not this emotional depth.

He gave a rueful smile and stepped even closer so that we were only a couple feet apart. "Oh, believe me, I do. And it would be a lot easier on me if you weren't."

I could scarcely breathe. We were so close now, and every atom in the room felt charged. I felt charged. There was no mistaking the look on his face. He wanted me too-badly. Lust and desire spilled off him, and I knew my own face mirrored those feelings. He was careful, though, standing as close as he dared, waiting for my signal. There was a tension to him, like it would only take one small sign from me for him to explode.

Desperately, I tried to grasp a hold of everything reasonable that I knew. I remembered how miserable I'd felt when he left to go see Maddie yesterday. Hell, I tried to think of Maddie herself-that cheerful, guileless face that trusted me so much. I tried to think of Dante. None of that worked, though, because all that was in my head was Seth, how perfect it had felt being with him. How perfect it felt being with him even now.

Reaching out, I took his hand and brought it up to my collarbone. It was all he needed. He stepped closer and traced the lines of my neck, then moved down to my shoulder. He pushed the dress's strap so that it slid down my arm. His fingers followed it, pulling it farther so that the top of my dress fell forward, revealing most of my breast. My nipple was already hard and ready when his hand moved over and pulled the rest of that side of the dress down, completely exposing my breast. He cupped it, squeezing its fullness and running his fingers along the curve.

His other hand moved to my other side, cupping that breast and teasing its nipple underneath the dress's silk. My body pressed closer to his, and our mouths met, hot and intense. Yesterday had been sweet and full of emotion. There was emotion here today, but it was intermingled with raw passion, with an animal instinct that made me wish he'd ravage my body right now.

And honestly, that wasn't too far from what happened. I stumbled from the press of our bodies and found my back pressed-gently-against the wall as he continued caressing my breasts. My hands wrapped around his neck, moving up to half-tangle and half-pull his hair. He finally released my breasts and ran his hands over the length of my body, down my hips and thighs, across the sheer, silky fabric covering my legs. Sliding his hands back up, he pushed my skirt up and slipped one hand under my thigh, so that it wrapped around his waist and kept the dress up. His other hand moved down under my black lace thong panties, probing to see if I was ready.

I was. I was warm and wet and slick, and the finger he slipped into me went in so easily that he then tried two, then three. I groaned and arched my back as he moved his fingers in and out of me and his mouth left hard, bruising kisses on my neck. My own hands fumbled down, trying to unfasten his pants. When I'd tugged them and his boxers down, he gripped my hips and turned me around so that I faced the wall. He shoved my skirt back up and tugged my panties halfway down my thighs. I bent over and extended my arms, using my hands to brace myself against the wall.

He entered me, forceful and deep, with no buildup or teasing. He was just as hard and long as I remembered, just as wonderful. Steadying his hands on my hips, he thrust roughly into me, desperately trying to sate the need I'd seen in him earlier, the need I shared. I cried out each time he shoved into me, knowing I should be quiet in case someone else had come back to the store. But I couldn't be. I was too caught up in the out-of-control passion of this moment, in the sinuous, primal lust that had consumed us both. And underscoring all of it was the realization that it was Seth. Seth, Seth, Seth…whom I loved more than anyone else. You are the world .

He moved his hands up from my hips to cup my breasts, forcing me to readjust my position. All the time, he never broke his rhythm, staying fast and urgent. His fingers pinched my nipples hard, and I cried out louder. I think that turned him on even more, spurring him to thrust harder into me. Hoping to excite him further, I completely gave myself over and let go of any restraint with my voice. The louder I moaned, the more his body pounded into mine. It was all I could do to keep myself from getting pressed against the wall, and as I moaned over and over, it had nothing to do with arousing him and everything to do with the ecstatic and exquisite force of what we were doing.

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