"They did, but I am here now." I settled on the roebuck hide beside her. "Ah," I sighed, "there is nothing like a warm fire and a roof over your head at the end of the day."

"And you a brave forester," she chided lightly, lifting a warm hand to my face. "Well, rest yourself, Will Scarlet." She paused and smiled. "You need not stir until tomorrow's light if that is what you wish."

We kissed then and she nestled in my arms. We talked a little then-but, try as I might, I could not keep my eyes open. I fell asleep with Noin in my embrace.

I awoke the next morning wrapped in her cloak. When I sat up who should be watching me but little Nia, her pixie face shining with some sort of happiness known only to herself. "Hello, blossom," I said, rolling up onto my elbow. "Where has your mam gone?"

The little darling giggled and pointed to the door. "Come here, sprite," I said, holding my arms out to her. She needed no coaxing. Up she jumped and dashed into my arms, her bare feet slapping the beaten earth. I gave her a hug and settled her in my lap. We sat together and broke branches and bits of bark into the coals on the hearth to build up the fire again. By the time we had a small blaze going, Noin returned with freshly baked loaves of barley bread, a knob of new butter, and a jar of honey. She planted a kiss on my rough cheek, then busied herself preparing the food to break our fast.

"I must have fallen asleep," I said as she spread a cloth on the floor next to the hearth, "but I don't remember."

"I'm not surprised," she replied. "You were already halfway gone when you sat down. It did not take much to send you on your way."

"I'm sorry."

"How so? You were near worn through from your journey." Noin smiled, more to herself than to me. "I have no cause to blame you, Will, nor do I."

That was good enough for me. She broke open a steaming loaf, slathered it with butter, and dribbled honey over it. "You know," I said, trying to sound as if I had just thought of it, "you are a right fine woman who needs a man, and I am a fella without a wife. If we got married that would fell two birds with a single stone."

"Oh, would it now?" she said, turning to regard me with a look I could not quite read. She folded her hands in her lap. "What makes you think I care to get married?"

"Well, I… I don't know. Do you?"

She said nothing, but tore off a bit of the prepared half loaf and passed it to Nia, handing the remaining portion to me.

"Noin, I'm asking you to be my wife if… if you'll have me, that is."

"Shush! Will I have you? Do you have to ask?" She smiled and began buttering the second half of the warm loaf. "Was I not thinking the same thing the moment I laid eyes on you?"

This was news to me. "Were you?"

"If you're a man of your word,Will Scarlet, our friar could marry us tomorrow."

"He could," I agreed, my head swimming a little at the turn this conversation had taken.

"I've already spoken to him. We talked while you were gone."

"And?" I asked, thinking this was all happening far faster than I could have imagined.

"He said he could not do it," she replied just like that. "He said that he would give up Holy Orders before he allowed the likes of you to tie the knot."

"What? He said that?" I started up, climbing to my feet. "He has no cause to-"

"Oh, sit down, you big ox." She laughed. "What do you think he said?"

"Well, knowing him," I conceded, "it might be anything."

"He said he would be honoured to do it. We have but to name the day and it is good as done." She handed me the bread. "So? What day shall we tell him?"

"Tomorrow it is," I said.

"Tomorrow," said Noin, and now the doubt crept into her voice. "Are you certain that is what you want?"

"No, of course not. Today! That is better still."

"William!" she cried. "It can't be today."

"Why not?" I reached for her and pulled her close. "The sooner the better, I say."

"There are things to be done!" she exclaimed, pushing me away." Eat your bread and stop talking nonsense."

"Tomorrow, then." I reached down and cupped Nia's face in my hand. "What do you say, snowdrop? Shall your mam and me get married tomorrow?"

The little mite laughed and hid behind her mother's shoulder.

"See? She likes the idea. I'm going to go hunt the biggest stag in the forest for our wedding supper-and a boar or two, as well."

"Listen to you," Noin said, beaming with pleasure at my bold talk. "Eat." She pushed a chunk of honeyed bread into my mouth and kissed the sweetness on my lips.

"One day more, then," I murmured, drawing her close, "and we will be together always."

Oh! Would that I had said anything but that, for the bread and honey was still warm in my mouth when Iwan appeared at the door. "Will Scarlet? Are you in there, Will?"

"Aye, I am," I called in reply. "Come in if you can. We have bread and honey if you're hungry."

He opened the narrow plank door and put his head into the hut. I don't know what he expected to find. "Oh," he said when he saw Noin, "beg pardon, I-" He lowered his eyes with embarrassment. "I must pull Will away. Lord Bran has summoned a council of war."

"That sounds right dire," said I, taking another bit of bread as I rose to follow him. "Soldiers never rest," I sighed, and bent to steal another kiss.

"Go," she said, sending me on my way with a quick peck, "the sooner to return."

Outside, I fell into step beside Iwan. "A handsome woman there," he said thoughtfully. "You're that much a lucky man, Will."

"And I know it. Pray God, I never forget."

"There's some as would have plucked that flower for themselves."

"Aye," I allowed, "Siarles for one, I think. But do you mean you would have done likewise?"

"The thought occurred to me," he confessed. "But, no, no…," he sighed. "I am too old."

"Too old?" I scoffed. "Job's bones! Where did you ever pick up a two-headed notion like that? Have you been listening to Siarles?"

"Something like that."

"Well, it is a wicked falsehood, Iwan, my friend. Stop up your ears to such odious blather; it will fair addle what little is left of the brain God gave you."

The others were already gathered in Bran's hut by the time we arrived, and we entered to take our places around the hearth. Angharad had not returned from her sojourn in the cave, but Tuck took her place on Bran's right hand, with Merian at his left. I found a place beside the door and waited to see what the others would decide. When we were all settled, Bran nodded to Tuck, and he began a long invocation.

Tilting his round face towards the unseen heavens, he said, "Eternal Encompasser, Fair Redeemer, Holy Friend the All-Wise Three in One, hear our prayer! Our enemies are many, and their strength is mighty. Bless our deliberations on this fairest of mornings that we may search your will for us in the days to come, and searching, find, and finding, make fast. Protect us from the foul deceptions of the evil one, and from the weapons of all who wish us harm. Be our fortress and our shield in the hour of our sorest trial…" His lips moved a moment longer, but his voice could no longer be heard.

In the silence of the moment, Bran said, "By the power just bespoken, we seek justice for our people and freedom from the usurper and all who would oppress. We ask the Almighty Lord, who is ever swift to aid his children, to guide us in the task before us and grant us assurance of victory."

We all added our amens to that. And then Bran smiled.

Oh, he could change quick as water! That smile was dark as the fearsome gleam in his eye. He was steeped in mischief as any imp, and itching to begin spreading discord and disorder among our enemies. He was that keen, I felt my own blood warm to the chase just the same as if we'd been out tramping the forest runs and spotted a fine, big stag to bring home.

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