Marshal Guy mouthed a curse and took another drink. The sheriff rose, turned on his heel, and strode from the room. "There was never but one batard in this room, Jeremias," he muttered, "and he is gone now, thank God."

"I thought I smelled something foul," remarked Sergeant Jeremias, and both men fell into a fit of laughter.

In truth, however, the sheriff was right: they were very drunk. They had been drinking most nights since that disastrous Christmas raid. Most nights they, along with the rest of the soldiers in the abbot's private force, succeeded in submerging themselves in a wine-soaked stupor to forget the horror of that dreadful Christmas night. Alas, it was a doomed effort, for with the dawn the dead came back to haunt them afresh.

Upon leaving the guardhouse, the bell in the church tower rang to announce the beginning of Mass. The sheriff walked across the square to the church, pushed open the door, and entered the dim, damp darkness of the sanctuary. A few half-burnt candles fluttered in sconces on the walls and pillars, and fog drifted over the mist-slick stones underfoot. De Glanville made his way down the empty aisle to take his place before the altar with the scant handful of worshippers. As he expected, one of the monks was performing the holy service, his voice droning in the hollow silence of the near-empty cave of the church; the abbot was nowhere to be seen.

He watched as the Mass moved through its measured paces to its ordained finish and, with the priest's benediction ringing in his ears, left the church feeling calm and pleasantly disposed towards the world. There were more people about now. A few merchants were erecting their stalls, and some of the villagers carried wood for the bonfire which would be lit in the centre of the square. He stood for a moment, watching the town begin to fill up, then looked to the sky. The sun was bright, but there were dark clouds forming in the west.

There was nothing he could do about that, so he hurried on, pausing now and again to receive the best regards of the townsfolk as he progressed across the muddy expanse, visiting some of the stalls along the way. There were a few provisions he needed to procure for his own Twelfth Night celebration. Odd: he was always ravenously hungry following a public execution.

He spent the rest of the morning going over the preparations with his men. There were but four of them now-the others had been killed in the raid-and de Glanville was concerned about the survivors falling into melancholy. They had been caught off guard in the forest, for which the sheriff took the blame; he had not anticipated the speed with which the outlaws had struck, nor the devastating power of their primitive weapons. Tonight's executions would provide some redress, he was sure, and remove some of the lingering pain from the beating they had taken.

When he had determined that all was in order, the sheriff returned to his quarters for a meal and a nap. He ate and slept well, if lightly, and rose again late in the day to find that the sun had begun its descent in the west and the threatened storm was advancing apace. It would be a snowy Twelfth Night. He buckled his sword belt, drew on his cloak and gloves, and returned to the town square, which was now filled with people. Torches were being lit, and the bonfire was already ablaze. Judging from the sound alone, most had already begun their celebrations. Spirits were high, with song and the stink of singed hair in the air; someone had thrown a dead dog onto the bonfire, he noted with distaste. It was an old superstition, and one he particularly disliked.

He proceeded across the crowded square to the guardhouse to deliver final instructions to the marshal and his men. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a group of travelling merchants setting out their wares. The fools! The feast about to begin and here they were, arriving when everyone else was finishing for the day and making ready to celebrate. Two women he had never seen before lingered nearby, attracted, no doubt, by the possibility of a bargain from traders desperate to make at least one sale before the hangings began.

At the guardhouse, he delivered his message to the sergeant, who seemed sober enough now. That done, he proceeded to the abbot's quarters to share a cup of wine while waiting for the evening's festivities to begin. "So!" said Abbot Hugo as de Glanville stepped into the room. "Gysburne came to see me. He doesn't like you very much."

"No," conceded the sheriff, "but if he would learn to follow simple commands, we might yet achieve a modicum of mutual accord."

"Mutual accord-ha!" Abbot Hugo snorted. "You don't like him, either." He splashed wine into a pewter goblet and pushed it across the board towards de Glanville. "Personally, I do not care how you two get on, but you might at least accord me the respect of asking my permission before you begin ordering around my soldiers as if they were your own."

"You are right, of course, Abbot. I do beg your pardon. However, I would merely remind you that I am aiding your purpose, not the other way around-and with the king's authority. I require things to be done properly, and the marshal has been lax of late."

"Tut!" The abbot fanned the air in front of his face, and frowned as if he smelled something rancid. "You pretty birds get your feathers ruffled and pretend you have been ill used. Drink your wine, de Glanville, and put these petty differences behind you."

They began to discuss the evening's arrangements when the porter interrupted to announce the arrival of Count Falkes, who appeared a moment later wrapped head to heel in a cloak of double thickness, thin face red after the ride from his castle, his pale hair in wind-tossed disarray. In all, he gave the impression of a lost and anxious child. The abbot greeted his guest and poured him a cup of wine, saying, "The sheriff and I were just speaking about the special entertainment."

An expression of resigned disappointment flitted across Count Falkes's narrow features. "Then you think there is no hope?"

"That the stolen items will be returned?" countered the sheriff. "Oh, there is hope, yes. But I think we must stretch a few British necks first. Once they learn that we are in deadly earnest, they will be only too eager to return the goods." The sheriff smiled cannily and sipped his wine. "I still do not know what was in those stolen chests that is so important to you."

Abbot Hugo saw Falkes open his mouth to reply, and hastily explained, "That, I think, is for the baron to answer. The count and I have been sworn to secrecy."

The sheriff pursed his lips, thinking. "Something the baron would prefer to remain hidden-a matter of life and death, perhaps."

"Trust that it is so," offered the count. "Even if it were not at first, it is now. We have you to thank for that."

The sheriff, quick to discern disapproval, stiffened. "I did what I thought necessary under the circumstances. In fact, if I had not anticipated the wagons, we would not have had any chance of catching King Raven at all."

"You still maintain that it was the phantom."

"He is no phantom," declared the sheriff. "He is flesh and blood, whatever else he may be. Once word reaches him that we have hung three of his countrymen, he'll be only too eager to return the baron's treasure."

"Three?" wondered the count. "Did you say three? I thought we had agreed to execute only one each day."

"Yes, well," answered de Glanville with a haughty and dismissive flick of his head, "I thought better to start with three tonight-it will instil a greater urgency."

"Now, see here!" objected the count. "I must rule these people. It is difficult enough without you-"

"Me! We would not be in this quagmire if you had-"

"Peace! There is enough blame for all to enjoy a healthy share," said the abbot, breaking in. Holding the wine jar, he refreshed the cups. "I, for one, find this continual acrimony as tiresome as it is futile." Turning to Falkes, he said, "Sheriff de Glanville has responsibility for controlling the forest outlaws. Why not trust him to effect the return of our goods in his own way?"

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