"Careful!" said the wild-haired gnome, stepping back and sheltering the box in his arras, a fierce look on his bearded face. "Don't touch that!"

"Oh, for the love of Reorx's maiden aunt, I wasn't going to touch the little blue widget." Dyffed grabbed for the box and poked around inside it again. "Oops," he suddenly announced, an expression of surprise as he jerked back his finger.

Remembering that "Oops!" was a universal word of danger among the tinker gnomes of Krynn, Teldin slowed and came to a stop only a dozen feet from the threesome. He could see that the red box had a dark, glassy plate at one end. The back of the box was open and filled with gears, wires, and glowing things.

"Aaagh!" cried the wild-haired gnome, tugging the red box away from Dyffed's fingers and peering into it with an agonized expression. " 'S all ruint!"

"There, there," Dyffed soothed, snatching the box away from the other gnome. "Let's simply give it a field test and see if it's really rained." Dyffed looked around briefly, spied Teldin's gnomish shape and ignored him, then scanned the hangar. "I know! We'll look for Teldin Moore!"

For a second, Teldin feared he had been found out, even though he hadn't the faintest idea of how that was possible. The gnomes watched as Dyffed held the red box up to his face so that he peered into the dart glass plate.

"All I should have to do is concentrate, of course, and this should… do the trick…" Dyffed's voice faded as he slowly rotated in a counterclockwise direction. Teldin noted that the other two gnomes carefully ducked when the box was aimed in their direction, and he would have done the same except that Dyffed gave a peculiar little cry and aimed the box directly at him.

"Why…" Dyffed raised the box, looked hard at Teldin's gnomish form, then looked into the box again, pointing it at Teldin's head. "Obviously a defect," he muttered. "Cheap foreign parts."

"Locate him" said the wild-haired gnome in a worried voice, nudging Dyffed and pointing at Teldin.

"What? Oh!" Dyffed lowered the box and looked excitedly at Teldin. "Your name is…?"

Teldin's mind went blank for a second before he answered, "Muggins." It sounded like Miggins, whose form he was copying, so it would probably do.

"Ah, Muggins, excellent," said Dyffed, pleased. "You must have lived around humans a lot to have such a short name. We'll search for Muggins, then, and hope that proximity of the target to the universal locator apparatus doesn't result in a feedback loop and the subsequent breakdown of matter on an elemental level, as it did on that unfortunate spelljammer that the Salvage Committee was telling me about yesterday. Quite a shame. Not much salvage value in sawdust." With that, Dyffed poked a finger inside the open end of the box to make some hurried adjustments. The wild-haired gnome looked on with the expression of a mother finding an infant playing with a box full of her finest crystal glassware. The bureaucrat gnome yawned broadly.

It took five seconds for the gnome's words to sink into Teldin's consciousness and make sense. He didn't catch it all, but he caught enough. "Ahhhh…." he began, backing away and looking around for an excuse to leave.

"Won't take but a second!" Dyffed said, raising the box to his face and aiming the open end at Teldin. "Do cover your face in case the field unbottles itself. Very messy, but that's science for you. Can't make an omelet without killing a few chickens first."

"Wait! Don't do it!" Teldin cried, remembering only at the last moment that his voice had not been changed along with his physical form. He put up his hands to shield his face, not knowing what would happen next.

To his infinite relief, nothing happened at all. "Oh, gullion splat," muttered Dyffed. "This isn't working. I'm not getting anything at all now." He handed the box to the wild-haired gnome, who held it up to his face and peered into it in Teldin's direction. The latter gnome grunted and turned the box upside down, then sideways, then backward.

''S broke," mumbled the wild-haired gnome sadly, lowering the box and looking down at it like a child at a smashed toy.

The bureaucrat gnome yawned again, looked around, and scratched himself. "Well," he said in a rumbling bass voice, "it's about time for my budget and appropriations meeting, so if you don't mind, I'll take the development of this new invention into consideration for the next fiscal year's budget and let this year's-"

"But we need the funding!" Dyffed cried in a stricken voice. "I'm absolutely totally, completely, positively, and error-free certain that we will have the locator up and running within no more than… no more than…" He stopped as all three gnomes turned toward the hangar door in puzzlement. "I say," he finished, "what is that most bizarre sound?"

Teldin turned to look and listen, too, but he heard nothing at all. Could the gnomes naturally hear things he could not, even in his new form?

"It's the emergency siren from the ranch," said the bureaucrat gnome in mild surprise. "Now, what could possibly-"

"Uh-oh," said the wild-haired gnome.

Teldin and the other two gnomes immediately turned to look at the speaker.

The wild-haired gnome started to back away from the hangar entrance. "Hamsters," he said, with not a little concern in his voice.

"Oh, my," said the bureaucrat gnome, looking about the hangar. "Oh, my, then I suppose we'd best-"

"Yes, immediately, I would think," said Dyffed, his eyes suddenly as large and round as saucers. The gnome looked at Teldin, then hurried over to him.

"Here!" Dyffed said, thrusting the box into Teldin's small hands. "Take this to Teldin Moore immediately! I'll bring the instructions later. Don't get caught!" With that, the three gnomes ran off into the depths of the hangar, looking anxiously over their shoulders and pushing each other along as they made their escape. The last that Teldin heard of them was Dyffed's cry, "Hurry before they get here!" A distant door slammed, and silence fell.

Hamsters? The cloak had translated the gnomish word but had provided no explanation for what the word meant. Teldin had to assume a hamster was some sort of animal, and to be caught by one was obviously regarded as a terrible thing.

"Then what am I doing here?" he suddenly asked himself aloud. Clutching the box, he turned to run back for his hidden clothing. He would have to change back into his normal size and get his sword. With his cloak's powers, he could better deal with the situation.

He would have done this, except that, when he turned around, he found his way blocked. He jumped back in fright, yelled, and dropped the red box as a golden-brown, grizzly-bear-sized animal, with an impossibly big pink mouth, smelly, hot breath, and ivory incisors the size of axe blades, lunged-

And ate him.


"I'm sorry," said Gaye, leaning against the infirmary door. She heard the sound of water splashing, but no reply.

"Teldin, I said I was sorry," she repeated. "I talked the gnomes out of keeping you here overnight for observation and testing, so you can say 'thank you' if you want, but if you're mad at me and you don't, I understand, because it was my fault the hamsters got loose and ate you and spit you out in the laundry pool. I didn't think they had mouths that big."

There was a pause on the other side of the door, then the sound of more water splashing. He was certainly going to be difficult about this one, she thought.

"Teldin, why don't you speak to me?" she called. "I know you're angry about being stuffed into a cheek pouch and covered with hamster spit and then thrown in the laundry pool and losing your old clothes, but you know, I don't understand how you lost your clothes to begin with. I mean, you weren't running around wearing old gnome clothes for fun, were you? That's kind of weird, you know? I didn't know you did that sort of thing, but I guess I can understand it if you said you'd been robbed at sword point and forced to change clothes with a gnome, but you haven't said that, so I have to assume-"

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