In truth, Garimeth was more than angry. She was utterly terrified. Would the daemon warrior even notice her, much less hear her, now that she had lost the bronze artifact? She almost wailed aloud at the memory, the image of the Helm of Tongues stolen by a gully dwarf who had somehow tripped her and snatched it off her head. The thought still caused her to tremble with deep, abiding fear.

What if she did find Zarak Thuul, only to discover that he no longer knew who she was? She refused to let herself consider that possibility. Perhaps the helmet had enabled her to attract his attention, but surely they had established a bond that would not be sundered merely by the absence of a piece of metal, however arcane!

"Just keep climbing if you want to see anything left of your conquest. We have to get above Zarak Thuul to meet him before he destroys everything."

"As if there's any chance of that!" muttered Darkend.

She agonized over the deeper questions that she dared not voice aloud, questions that nevertheless were constantly whispering in her mind. Would the daemon warrior want her, even speak to her now that she did not wear the artifact of House Whitegranite?

In their wake came Slickblade and dozens of armored Daergar warriors, the elite cadre of Darkend's palace guard. The assassin muttered something to the thane, and Garimeth whirled under an onslaught of fresh suspicion.

"What is it?" she demanded.

"Slickblade suggests again that you betrayed me, and that you now betray us all," Darkend said coolly. "\ am wondering if he is right."

"He's a fool who's afraid for his own life," Garimeth retorted sharply. She allowed herself a hint of a smile, pleased with the self control that allowed her to mask her deepest doubts. The assassin was terrifyingly vague behind his mask, and she wanted nothing more than to kill him right now. "Remember, it was he who lied to you in Daerforge."

"Don't listen to her!" barked the assassin. "I tell you, lord, she is not to be trusted!"

"Thus speaks the failed killer, failed bodyguard!" she spat back, turning her back contemptuously to resume the climb.

After a few more steps she stopped and whirled back accusingly. "How could you let your master be attacked by a half-breed and a mob of Aghar?" She demanded scornfully, then fixed her purple eyes on Darkend. "And even then he let my son escape. I ask you, Brother: who is the traitor?"

"Enough! Keep going!" commanded the thane.

On one level they emerged from the stairs to seek water and rest their weary muscles. Here they found a whole rank of Daergar armor and weapons. The clutter of black metal had been cast across the street where the shadow-wights had claimed the flesh of the dark dwarf warriors. They saw movement, black and soundless forms slinking toward them from the alleys and streets of this level. The thane's party hastened back to the stairwell, preferring the interminable climb to battle with an apparently unstoppable foe.

"They've been everywhere. This is no conquest I am leading; we are merely the caretakers of disaster," Darkend moaned, utterly despairing.

Garimeth only kept climbing, step after endless step. Where was Zarak Thuul? Would he come? She didn't know, but understood that if he didn't, she would have no reason to continue living.

"This is it," she finally announced after an interminable interval.

The dark dwarves' legs were numb. The exhausted party all but stumbled as they emerged onto the wide avenue of Hybardin's Level Twenty-eight. Everywhere was silence and death.

"We're too late!" cried the female, looking up and down the street with a groan of despair. Where was he? Would he come to her? He must!

"My city! My splendid conquest! It's a ruin!" wailed Darkend, miserable at the knowledge of the lost riches, the treasures, the secrets, the potential slaves, all of it had vanished with the tide of Chaos.

Everywhere smoke swirled and broken rock littered the roadways and gardens. Dead dwarves-Hylar and Klar in equal numbers-were all over. An eerie silence filled the air with a sense of impending disaster. More and more frequently they found no bodies-only clothes, or armor and weapons scattered on the street where the owners had been sucked into nothingness. The shadows seemed to display no preference, sucking the lives of Hylar and dark dwarves with indiscriminate hunger.

"Follow me!" Garimeth somehow found the strength to run. She lurched weakly through the littered streets, turning down a side lane after she paused for a moment as if to make certain of where she was.

"Where is he? Zarak Thuul?" she cried.

Darkend stumbled along behind as they emerged into a large square where two wide streets came together.

"I used to live down there." Garimeth pointed down the street and frowned as she saw the front of Baker White-granite's house still standing.

"Never mind that. Where are we going? Where is Zarak Thuul?"

The Daergar gathered around the murky waters of a half-filled basin, looking, questioning, waiting for a decision.

"This was once a reflector pool," Garimeth said scornfully, though Darkend found it hard to imagine anything mirrored in the dark, sludgy liquid. "A watery trinket, kept for mere ornament."

"An utter waste!" declared the dark dwarf thane.

"And now it seems my husband hasn't tended to his city in my absence," she added with a twisted grin. "He has failed without me. He needed me in ways that I never needed him!"

"Forget that! We have to find Zarak Thuul!" demanded Darkend.

"Sire, could it be that she doesn't want you find him?" suggested Slickblade.

"That's ridiculous!" Garimeth was strangely terrified of the notion that she would never see the daemon warrior again. "I-we have to find him!"

"Do we?" the assassin questioned, his eyes shining through the slit of his black cloak. "I say to you, my lord, that you have trusted her too much."

"Aye, perhaps I have let myself be fooled," Darkend Bellowsmoke declared, swinging his mace free from his belt. "Kneel, Sister."

"Allow me to strike the blow, my lord," declared Slick-blade eagerly.

"No, she is my sister," the thane said solemnly. "I will do the killing!"

"But I did not betray you!" Garimeth moaned, sinking to her knees, looking up, pleading. "You saw with your own eyes. Zarak Thuul worked my will. I know he will help us again!"

Darkend raised his mace, his tusked helm stark and frightening as he stared down at his sister. With a sudden gesture, he whirled and brought the weapon down on Slickblade's head.

The assassin fell, killed instantly. The rest of the Daergar warriors gasped softly, astonished by the dire turnabout.

"Let that be the end of his whispering," the thane observed coolly. "He forgot that whispered words, like a snake held by the tail, can turn on the whisperer."

The dwarfwoman didn't pause to reflect on her miraculous survival. Instead, she rose and gestured to the house. "You have made the right decision as always, brother. I am grateful. Come with me."

In her mind was a thought. Perhaps Tarn had brought the helm here and delivered it to Baker. She could try to reason with her son. Surely Tarn would understand why she needed it so badly!

She went to the large wooden door, but found it locked. No one answered in response to her violent pounding, so Darkend ordered several of his warriors to smash in the portal. Soon the party entered the house, kicking through the debris left by the broken door and stalking through the hallways and rooms beyond.

"There's no one here," Garimeth said anxiously.

She started down a hallway but halted abruptly as they heard a deep growling outside the house. They hastened back to the doorway, looking out to see a haze of fire roaring through the street.

"Primus!" she cried, as the fire dragon halted before them, furling his flaming wings.

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