Even without her spectacles she could see that he was heavily aroused. The size of his jutting staff was disconcerting. She was inex­perienced, but logic told her that a man was little different than the males of other species. She had lived in the country all her life and was well aware of how animals mated.

She knew Sebastian intended to thrust his manhood into her. The notion was strangely exciting, but common sense and logic made her hesitate. He appeared yery large to her inexperienced eyes.

Prudence looked up at him. "I had not realized there would be such a disparity in terms of size between us, my lord."

Sebastian uttered a hoarse sound that was half laugh and half groan. "My sweet, logical Prudence. I have warned you that at times your intellect is something of a problem."

"There is no call to laugh at me," she said, hurt.

delicate skin behind her ear. "I am not laughing at you, Prue. And I assure you that in spite of appearances, we shall fit together with absolute perfection. Leave the logic of the situation in my hands."

She smiled tremulously, more than willing to trust him in that moment. "Very well, Sebastian. If you are certain that you know what you are doing, let us get on with it. I vow I cannot wait much longer to feel what I felt the last time you took me in your arms."

"You are the most incredible woman I have ever known," he whis­pered.

He drew her gown and chemise off entirely and tossed both over the side of the bed. The garments landed in a small heap on the carpet. Sebastian ignored them as he studied Prudence's nude body with an expression rendered stark by desire.

Prudence realized she was still wearing her stockings. For some reason the knowledge made her feel deliriously wicked. She felt her skin grow warm. "My stockings," she mumbled.

"I think we will leave your stockings in place," Sebastian said. "I find I rather like you in them."

"Sebastian, really."

"Yes, really." He slid his hand slowly down the length of her in an act of possession that made her shiver. "You are lovely, Prudence. With or without the stockings."

When his hand reached the triangle of soft hair between her thighs, Prudence cried out softly and turned her face into his chest. Shyness did battle with a growing sensual hunger deep within her. The hunger won. She curled closer against Sebastian, seeking more of his intimate touch.

"Silk and fire," Sebastian muttered against her breast. "That's what you are made of, my sweet. Silk and fire. And I cannot wait any longer to feel the flames."

Sebastian settled himself on top of her. He reached down and parted her thighs. His fingers dipped into her, gently testing. The touch made Prudence dig her nails into his back and lift herself against his hand.

"You like that, don't you?" Sebastian asked.

"You must know that I do." Prudence threaded her fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth down to hers. She was enthralled, she thought, caught up in a shimmering spell of love and passion that had swept over her like a summer storm.

ing certainty. He must love her just as much as she loved him. He could not make love to her like this unless his feelings for her matched her own for him.

Sebastian accepted the invitation of her mouth with an eagerness that spoke for itself. His tongue surged between her lips, claiming her with an intimacy that foreshadowed what was to follow.

He pressed her thighs more widely apart, making a place for him­self near her heat. Then he reached down between their bodies and fitted himself to the opening of her feminine passage.

The feel of his broad shaft poised to enter her brought Prudence briefly back to a vague sense of reality. "Sebastian?"

"Tell me that you want me, Prue."

She smiled dreamily. "I want you."

"Then all will be well," he whispered.

He thrust forward slowly.

Prudence gasped against his mouth. Her whole body stiffened in reaction to the invasion.

"Open for me," Sebastian urged. He withdrew slightly and then pushed forward again. "Let me inside, my sweet."

Prudence's fingers clenched in his hair as she bravely braced her­self. But Sebastian did not force the entrance. Instead he again with­drew a short distance.

"You are like a lock that must be carefully opened," he said. There was perspiration on his forehead. His shoulders glistened in the can­dlelight.

"I told you this would not work."

"And I told you to trust me. I am very good with locks, if you will recall."

He moved his hand downward, dampened one finger in her mois­ture, and then found the firm little bud that seemed to be the center of her passions.

Prudence began to relax again as he caressed her with his wet finger. The delicious tension coiled within her. Her head tipped back over his arm as she arched herself upward.

"That's it." Sebastian's voice held satisfaction. "Now you will open for me, won't you, my clever little lock? Now you are ready to let me inside."

All Prudence could think about was the excitement his fingers were creating. Soon, she thought, soon she would feel that wonderful

And then the thrilling release was upon her.

"Yes," Sebastian whispered. "The lock is open."

Prudence went wild beneath the onslaught. Her whole body convulsed with pleasure.

"Yes," she whispered. "Yes, Sebastian. Dear God, yes."

He guided himself into her once again and this time he did not hesitate or withdraw. He thrust deeply, relentlessly, into her snug channel.

"Beautiful" he said, his voice a dark, husky groan.

Prudence heard her own soft shriek of surprise muffled against his shoulder. Pain blended with the pleasure that was still rippling through her in tiny waves. She could not distinguish between the two sensations. She lightly bit Sebastian's shoulder.

"My clever, beautiful lock has teeth," Sebastian muttered.

But the small, passionate assault on his shoulder seemed to send him over some invisible edge. He gave a strangled shout and buried himself to the hilt. The muscles in his back were rigid beneath Pru­dence's fingers.

Prudence held him tightly as he shuddered heavily and poured himself into her.

The candle had burned very low before Sebastian finally stirred on top of Prudence. He raised his head and looked down at her. His mouth curved faintly with lazy satisfaction. He leaned down to brush his lips across hers. Then he eased himself out of her and rolled to one side.

"Bloody hell. I've never felt anything that good before in my life." He fell back against the pillows and pulled her down on top of him. "I told you I could open that particular lock."

Prudence blushed. "So you did."

He grinned and touched his finger to the tip of her nose. "It'll get better with practice."

"Are we going to practice a lot, my lord?"

"You may depend upon it." He buried his fingers in her tousled hair and brought her mouth down to his for a quick, hard kiss. "We shall practice at every opportunity. Which brings me to the topic I was attempting to discuss earlier."

"Our false engagement?" A sudden sense of wariness drove out some of Prudence's contentment.

Prudence was vastly more shaken than she would have believed possible. Surely he had some feeling for her, she thought. After expe­riencing the intensity of his lovemaking, she could not believe he felt nothing. He loved her. He had to love her. She tried to keep her voice calm. "I see."

"No, I don't believe you do." Sebastian smiled slightly, but his eyes were watchful. "I want us to be married immediately."

"Married." Prudence was speechless.

Sebastian frowned. He appeared annoyed at her failure to grasp a concept that was apparently quite clear to him.

"Come, now, my dear," he said persuasively. "How else are we to practice our lovemaking? I assure you, it would be extremely difficult to conduct an affair in Town. The other option is to accept every country house party invitation that comes along, and that would be a decided nuisance. We shall be forever on the road."

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