Sebastian's gut twisted at the thought. He knew he need not fear that Prudence would be unfaithful. He was certain she would never betray him. Her bone-deep integrity would make it impossible for her to dishonor him in that way.

But he could not help wondering how deeply she cared for him.

Mutual interests and mutual passion were all very well as far as they went, he thought, but they were no longer enough. He needed more from Prudence. He wanted her to love him.

The extent of his need for her love made him uneasy, but he could no longer deny it.

As he watched, she stirred on the sofa, snuggling into a more comfortable position. The ornately ruffled skirts of her new gown rode higher on her legs, revealing her silk stockings.

Sebastian peeled off his coat and tossed it onto a chair. He re­moved his dangling cravat and threw it aside. As he walked around the sofa he started to unfasten his shirt.

He was unable to take his eyes off Prudence. His body was already taut with desire. When he had finished undoing his shirt, he went down on one knee and slid his hand beneath the skirts of her gown. He closed his fingers around her soft thigh. He leaned forward and kissed her slightly parted lips.

"Sebastian?" Prudence's lashes fluttered and then opened partway. She looked up at him with drowsy welcome. "Good evening, my lord. It's about time you got home."

"I'm glad you waited up for me."

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Later." He covered her mouth again with his own, deliberately deepening the kiss to cut off her sleepy protest. After a second or two, she did not try to argue. Instead she sighed softly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Sebastian slid his hand up higher under the lavender skirts and found the lush, firm curves of her derriere. With his finger he lightly traced the cleft that separated the two soft mounds.

Prudence trembled at the unexpected caress, but she did not pull away. Sebastian drew his questing finger lower, down between her thighs. When he found her snug feminine passage he gently pene­trated it and discovered that she was already becoming moist for him.


There was a sleepy passion in her voice that sent another surge of pulsating desire through Sebastian. He thrust his tongue into her mouth and reached down to unfasten his breeches.

God, how he wanted her, he thought. All he had to do was look at her and his blood began to heat. The craving deep within him seemed insatiable. He had to have her. Tonight and forever.

The embers of the questions that had been burning within him all afternoon flared into fresh flames. Do you love me, Prue? Can you love me in spite of the cold?

He would not ask the questions, he promised himself. The answers did not matter. After all, she wanted him. There was no question of that. He could feel it. She did not even attempt to hide her physical reaction to him.

It was enough. It had to be enough.

Sebastian scooped Prudence lightly off the sofa. He lowered him­self back onto the carpet and tumbled her down on top of him.

Her gossamer gown had not been designed to withstand such ac­tivity. Her graceful breasts sprang free. Sebastian caught them in his palms.

He looked up at Prudence, who was watching him through heavy-lidded eyes. He could feel his manhood throbbing beneath the tanta­lizing weight of her body.

Without a word, he reached down and opened his breeches. Lav­ender silk cascaded over his rigid shaft. He grabbed a fistful of Pru­dence's ruffled skirts and dragged them up to her waist.


"Take me inside you," he said urgently. "Hurry, sweet. I cannot wait."

She fumbled briefly, then her fingers closed tightly around him. Sebastian sucked in his breath. She began to guide him into her, grow­ing bolder as she gained confidence.

"That's it. Open for me," he whispered. "Let me inside. All the way inside."

Sebastian groaned when he felt the slick, damp heat of her. When her tight body slowly began to accommodate him, he sighed. She was so warm and he had been cold for so long.

He was just barely inside her now and he could not stand the torment any longer.

"Now, love. I have to have you now." Sebastian tightened his hands on her thighs and pulled her legs more securely around his hips.

Then he clasped her waist and pushed her downward as he thrust upward.

Prudence cried out softly as he forged into her tight, moist pas­sage. She closed around him. Sebastian felt his whole body start to clench in response. He found the small, swollen bud between her legs and began to tease it with his fingers.

He felt Prudence hold herself still for a moment as she adjusted to the deep penetration. He closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of her body seeping into him.

Then she began to move slowly. She lifted herself again and again, gliding up and down his heavy shaft. Sebastian lifted his lashes and was enchanted by the sight of her in the firelight. Her head was tipped back. Her hair was heated gold by the flames of the fire. The line formed by her throat and breasts was the most elegantly sensual sight Sebastian had ever seen.

When she gently convulsed in her release Sebastian shuddered heavily and surrendered to the raging torrent that roared through him.

A long while later he finally stirred. Prudence was still lying on top of him. He opened his eyes and saw that she was drifting off to sleep.

The questions came back with such force that he could no longer push them aside.


"Ummm?" Her voice was husky. She did not open her eyes.

"Why did you marry me?"

"Because I love you."

Sebastian went utterly still. His clever mind was, for once, in a complete muddle. He could not even think for a moment.


There was no response. He realized that she had fallen sound asleep.

After a while, Sebastian eased himself out from under her, lifted her up off the carpet, and carried her upstairs.

He tucked her carefully under the covers and then he got in beside her. He lay against the pillows, his arm around Prudence, until the fog outside the window had turned a paler shade of gray.

The cold dawn had arrived. It was barely visible through the dark mist, but it was there.

Sebastian went to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen

Prudence had difficulty concealing her astonishment the next morning when she and Sebastian were ushered into the hall of Lord Bloomfield's town house.

There was barely room to move. Crates and boxes were stacked everywhere. Old newspapers were piled high in the corners. A strange mix of items cluttered the hall. Books, globes, small statues, walking sticks, and hats filled all the available space.

The chaos continued up the staircase. Only half of each step was visible. The other half was taken up with a trunk, a crate, or a pile of old clothes.

There was a dank, airless feeling in the town house, Prudence thought, as if no one ever opened the windows. It was also quite dark. An oppressive sense of gloom pervaded the atmosphere of the dank hall.

She slanted a sidelong glance at Sebastian from beneath the large, sweeping brim of her new violet straw bonnet. She had to hold the trailing ends of a huge purple bow out of the way in order to see him clearly. He was examining the surroundings with carefully veiled curi­osity.

"His lordship never throws nothin‘ away," the slatternly house­keeper announced with a touch of pride.

"I can see that," Sebastian said. "How long has Bloomfield lived here?"

"Oh, some time now. But he only started accumulatin‘ stuff about three years ago." The housekeeper chuckled hoarsely. "His old house­keeper quit about that time and I took the job. Far as I'm concerned the master can store anything he pleases so long as he pays me my wages."

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