Q'arlynd lowered his crystal. The priestess was real. She must have been sent to find him, to kill him. He placed a foot atop the ruined wall and gently pushed off, at the same time taking aim with the sulfur-gum.

Without warning, his levitation ended, sending him crashing into the street below. He rose, gasping and spitting blood from a cut lip. As he did, the priestess turned and glanced out into the street. She stared straight at him-seeing him. His invisibility must also have ended.


He flicked the pinch of sulfur-gum at her and shouted the words of his spell. The tiny ball streaked through the air, igniting in mid-flight. It struck the priestess on the shoulder, immediately expanding into a violent ball of searing fire. Much of it washed back onto Q'arlynd-something it shouldn't have done.

He scrambled to his feet, his hair and skin singed from the blast, furiously blinking away the fiery afterimage that obscured his vision. He expected to see a charred body lying on the ground, but when his vision cleared the priestess was just standing there, completely unscathed. A nimbus of silver fire surrounded her naked body like a second skin, and her hair was one long, sparkling streak of silver. A candle-sized flame flickered at one end of the wand she held, and she raised it to her lips and blew it out.

"That wasn't very nice," she said in a dry voice.

Then she flicked a hand. A silver-white ray flashed from her fingertips to Q'arlynd, striking him in the chest. He touched fingers to the spot where it had struck, but felt no wound. A second flick of the priestess's fingers, and a wall of blades sprang up around Q'arlynd, completely enclosing him. They whizzed in a tight circle around him, giving him no space to move.

"If you try to attack me again," she said, "I'll tighten the ring." She made a squeezing motion with her hand, and the curtain of whirling blades cinched closer.

Q'arlynd, however, had no intention of letting her slice him up. With one word, he could teleport away. He spoke that word-

Nothing happened. He stood in the same spot as before. The magical blades swirled around him, filling the air with a dangerous hum.

"Your spells won't work," the priestess told him. "You're inside a field that negates magic."

"Impossible," Q'arlynd breathed. At the Conservatory, they'd taught that an antimagic field could only be cast by a wizard-on the wizard himself. It wasn't something a priestess hurled at someone else from a distance.

He tried a dispelling, but the whirling blades remained. He tried a second spell, but the magical armor that would have protected him from the blades failed to appear. Not wanting to press his luck-the priestess was watching his every move-he refrained from further spellcasting. His chest was tight with tension.

"Who… are you?"

She smiled. "Someone you've been hoping to meet. Lady Qilue Veladorn, high priestess of Eilistraee and Chosen of Mystra."

Q'arlynd's breath caught. He was certain, deep in his gut, that the high priestess was going to kill him. That she hadn't done so already was only because she wanted to question him. His best chance lay in appearing as compliant as possible in the hope that she would show lenience and kill him swiftly. He tried to crouch, in order to prostrate himself on the ground and barely avoided a nasty gash on the forehead. He settled for a partial bow instead.

"Lady Qilue, my profound apologies for attacking you," he said. "Had I known who you were, I never would have dared."

She made no comment, just stood there as the silver sparkle gradually faded from her skin and hair. Q'arlynd kept his eyes firmly on the ground, staring at a patch of sand beside her feet.

"Leliana told me about last night's attack," Qilue said. "She says you made it possible for the Nightshadow to enter Rowaan's room."

Q'arlynd clenched his jaw. His stomach felt cold and hollow. Best to get this over with. He wondered where his soul would wind up once the priestess killed him. Probably in the Demonweb Pits, where Lolth's demonic minions would ensure that he received endless torment for his fall from grace, brief though it had been.

"I did dispel the glyph on her door, it's true," he said slowly, "but not for the reason you think. I simply wanted to talk to Rowaan-to give her some information about the Nightshadows that I thought your priestesses might find useful. I changed my mind and spoke to Leliana instead."


"Leliana's a higher-ranking priestess. I thought she would offer me a greater reward." He spread his hands- and winced, as a blade nicked his finger. "It's as simple as that."

"I believe you."

Q'arlynd glanced up. "You do?" Hope flared in him like a bright flame.

Qilue smiled. She gestured, and the whirling curtain of blades that had surrounded him was gone. "I've come to ask a favor of you," she said. "One favor. You can say yes or no to it of your own accord, but if the answer is yes, I will place a geas on you that compels you to fulfill it. Do you understand?"

Q'arlynd nodded. He did indeed. He'd seen the effects of a geas firsthand long ago. One of Lolth's priestesses had cast it upon a House boy, compelling him to clean her boots each night by licking them with his tongue. Then she'd walked through the filth of the lizard pens. The boy had refused to clean the boots-and had quickly sickened and died, the magic of the geas hollowing him out from within.

His lips parted-he'd been about to flippantly ask what would happen if he said no to her request-then he realized there was really only one answer to her question. "What task must I perform, Lady?"

"You were once a Nightshadow."

"A petitioner, nothing more," he said carefully. "I never wore the mask."

"You attended their meetings." She switched to silent speech. You know their passwords.

Ah, so that was what she wanted. A spy. "I know the ones they used in Ched Nasad, decades ago."

Show me one.

He demonstrated one for her: fists drawing apart-as if stretching an assassin's cord-then suddenly flipping upside down, fingers curled, in the sign for a dead spider.

"Do you know what soultheft is?" Qilue asked.

Q'arlynd nodded. He had indeed heard of it. His brother had been stupid enough to boast that he'd one day kill a matron mother and steal her soul-preferably, their own mother. "It's a powerful spell. Done using Vhaeraun's mask, I understand, once the victim is dead."

Qilue moved closer. "Do you think you could pass as a Nightshadow? Could you fool them into thinking you're one of their own?"

He smiled, his eyes still respectfully on the ground. "I believe so, Lady."

Qilue and lifted his chin with a finger. She stared into his eyes. "Will you?"

Q'arlynd was forced to meet her eyes. He saw enormous strength of will there but also something more, something that tempered this strength. He knew, suddenly and with certainty, that she'd meant it when she said she'd let him choose whether to perform this "favor" of hers. She wasn't commanding him. She was asking him. A female, asking a male.

He didn't even have to think about his reply. It was his chance to prove himself, to serve not just a powerful priestess but a powerful mage-one who was a Chosen of the goddess of magic. A rush of excitement filled him. If he'd been of a religious mind, he might have whispered a prayer of thanks. To… somebody.

"I am yours to command, Lady Qilue."

"A favor," she reminded him, her hand falling away from his face.

Q'arlynd smiled and cocked his head, a playful gesture. He was at ease, on familiar ground. "Of course. A favor. What is it?"

Qilue's expression tightened. "Five nights ago, a Nightshadow attacked our shrine in the Forest of Lethyr. He was attempting to steal the soul of one of our priestesses."

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