AS FOR THE MAN HIMSELF-CALL HIM TEAPOT, CALL HIM Angleton, call him Sir-I haven’t seen him since I woke up here, and I won’t be seeing him until the Auditors hear my final report and I go back on active duty. But I have this to say:

I used to think he scared the shit out of me, but now I know better. I know what he’s like, from the inside. The effects of Iris’s botched binding faded fast, and I probably only borrowed a tiny fraction of his power. I didn’t know how to use it properly, either. But I have been destiny-entangled before, and I know what it was like then, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Angleton was in a flatlined coma for the entire duration of my funny turn.

I also learned this much: Angleton isn’t bound to the Laundry by the ramshackle geas that Fuller and his fellow eccentric occultists threw together in the 1930s. He’s a free agent-or at least as free as any of us are, be we beasts, men, or gods. The reason he puts up with us? I don’t know. It may be long habit-he’s lived the life of an Englishman for so long now that he self-identifies as such. But I have a theory.

Angleton knows what’s coming. He knows exactly what is going to bleed through the walls of reality, when the stars burn down from the pitiless heavens and our ever-thinking numbers begin to corrode the structure of reality. And he believes we’re his best hope for his own survival.

Like I said: the only god I believe in is coming back. And when he arrives, I’ll be waiting with a shotgun.


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AIVD Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (General Intelligence and Security Service) [Netherlands]

BA British Airways [UK]

BLACK CHAMBER Cryptanalysis agency officially disbanded in 1929 (secretly retasked with occult intelligence duties) [US]

CESG Communications-Electronics Security Group (division within GCHQ) [UK]

CIA Central Intelligence Agency [US]

CMA Computer Misuse Act (law governing hacking) [UK]

COTS Cheap, Off The Shelf (computer kit; procurement term) [US/UK]

DEA Drug Enforcement Administration [US]

DERA Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (privatized as QinetiQ) [UK]

DGSE Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure [France]

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency [US]

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation [US]

FO Foreign Office [UK]

FSB Federal Security Service (formerly known as KGB) [Russia]

GCHQ Government Communications HQ (equivalent to NSA) [UK]

GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education (high school qualification; not to be confused with GCHQ) [UK]

GRU Russian Military Intelligence [Russia]

JIC Joint Intelligence Committee [UK]

KCMG Knight-Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George (honors service overseas or in connection with foreign or Commonwealth affairs) [UK]

KGB Committee for State Security (renamed FSB in 1991) [Russia]

THE LAUNDRY Formerly SOE Q Department (spun off as a separate organization in 1945) [UK]

MI5 National Security Service (also known as DI5) [UK]

MI6 Secret Intelligence Service (also known as SIS, DI6) [UK]

NEST Nuclear Emergency Support Team [US]

NKVD Historical predecessor organization to KGB (renamed in 1947) [USSR/Russia]

NSA National Security Agency (equivalent to GCHQ) [US]

OBE Order of the British Empire (awarded mainly to civilians and service personnel for public service or other distinctions) [UK]

OCCULUS Occult Control Coordination Unit Liaison, Unconventional Situations [UK/NATO]

ONI Office of Naval Intelligence [US]

OSA Official Secrets Act (law governing official secrets) [UK]

OSS Office of Strategic Services (disbanded in 1945/remodeled as CIA) [US]

Q DIVISION Division within the Laundry associated with R &D [UK]


RIPA Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (law governing communications interception) [UK]

SAS Special Air Service (British Army special forces) [UK]

SBS Special Boat Service (Royal Marines special forces) [UK]

SIS See MI6 [UK]

SOE Special Operations Executive (equivalent to OSS, officially disbanded in 1945; see also the Laundry) [UK]

TLA Three Letter Acronym [All]

Charles Stross

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