Lars was looking at Jonnie with a peculiar expression on his face. Jonnie went over to where Ker was rattling the housing around in the car as though he had just put it there.

“It’s all right now,” said Ker. “No cracks or metal faults in the housing. We better go see if it fits.”

They drove off and left Lars lying there, gazing after them with that peculiar look.

“Why's he looking at me that way?” asked Jonnie.

“You better be careful,” said Ker. “He's a crazy one. And he's the Council's long nose and pry. He's got some idea that somebody named

Bitter or Hitter was the greatest military leader in your history, and if you stand still for ten seconds he'll begin on you. It 's some church. There's nothing wrong with religion but plenty wrong with what he says. Terl wrecked his wits. But there wasn't much there in the first place. Ha. Ha.”

“But why that peculiar look at me.” asked Jonnie.

“Natural suspicion,” said Ker. “Say, you know I feel a lot better since talking to you creatures! I sure am glad I’m different.”

They stopped and got out below the top compound level where Terl's office was. They removed the housing from the car and struggled up the ramp with it.

Just before they went in, Angus stopped them. “Why couldn't Terl fix this place up himself?”

Ker laughed. “When Jonnie left here he said to spread it that the place was booby-trapped. But that isn't all of it.” He indicated the door to Terl's office with a paw wave. "If the Psychlos got out from the dormitory section they could come here and kill anybody working here. Terl's pretty sure they'd kill him if they got loose. They hate him.”

“Wait,” said Jonnie. “That means Terl will get them killed before he moves in here.” He put a hand on the door latch to the office. “You did debug this place and look for booby traps?”

“Ha. Ha!” said Ker. “I had been tearing this place to bits waiting for you!”

They went in and set the housing down. Indeed the place was a wreck. Wires pulled out, the old breathe-gas circulator scattered in bent pieces on the floor, desks and chairs askew, paper thrown about.

Jonnie looked it over. At once he saw that in Terl's inner office the whole lower section of the wall to the right of Terl's desk as he would sit at it was lined with large, locked compartments. “Been into those?” he said.

Ker shook his head. “No keys. A security chief loves his security.”

Jonnie sent Angus out to find a sentry. The cadets were still the guards in this

compound. Ker, with his blanket authority, repeated what Jonnie whispered to him and sent for Chirk.

They got to work sorting out wires and papers and trash and presently three cadet sentries showed up with


She was a long way from the smart-looking secretary of the old days. They had her on three chain links attached to a collar. Her fur was all the wrong way. There was no powder on her nosebone and no polish on her triple-jointed claws. She wore just a cloth thrown around her shoulders, no other clothes.

"Where's the keys?” said Ker, as prompted.

Keys! Everybody wanted keys! Her voice was punctuated with fang clicks and snaps and hisses. It wasn't enough Terl brought them all to this and sought to ruin her company record by saying she was disobedient and didn't follow orders, but she had to be dragged all over– in chains!– just to say what keys now? That day of the battle Terl provoked, everybody had been after the keys, keys, keys. Her company duties-

Jonnie was quietly whispering in Ker's ear. Ker whispered back, “You trying to start a riot?” But as Jonnie insisted, Ker said loudly to Chirk, “Shut up! Just

because Terl plans to murder all of you down there is no reason to take it out on us!”

Chirk went very still. Through the face mask glass her eyes got very round. The flutter valve of the mask started pumping rather quickly.

Jonnie whispered again and Ker said, “It might or might not make any difference, but when he moves in here and has free reign of this whole compound, he will be furious with you if the keys aren't found!”

The muscles in the middle of her body where her heart was were twitching and leaping. The flutter valve stopped totally for half a minute. Then started again. “He's moving in here?” she said so quietly it was hard to hear her though the mask.

“Why else are we fixing it up?” said Ker. Then menacingly, "Where's the keys to those wall doors?”

Chirk shook her head. “He never let anybody have them. They're maybe gone!” Was that a sob in her breath?

“Well, take her away,” said Ker gruffly to the guards.

They dragged her off.

“What's going on here?” demanded Lars, popping up in the door.

“We're trying to find the access panels to the wiring,” snapped Ker. “It’s all shorted out!”

There were breathe-gas vials scattered around. Jonnie reached behind his back and turned one on. Angus, Ker, and himself were wearing masks.

Ker was reaching in his pocket. He pulled out a handful of items and shoved them at Lars. “This is a dangerous job! I demand a higher bonus! These were in the first wiring recess!”

Lars looked at them. Three were dented bullets that looked like radiation ammunition but weren't. Another was a bent time fuse of the kind set in small blast holes. The biggest was a wad of malleable explosive compound.

“Somebody has been getting into this office!” said Ker. “After this I want the door locked. I want nobody in or out of here but us and I want you miles away before you kill yourself and get me blamed for it. I know how you work!”

Lars was beginning to cough again from the new breathe-gas coming out of the vial.

“See?” said Ker. “These ducts are still loaded with breathe-gas and it leaks!”

Lars was backing out into the hall, still coughing. He lifted the objects that had been put in his hand. “Are these dangerous?”

“Take them and throw them at your betters and find out!” said Ker. “And if I see you around here again, I’ll tell them you are slowing down this job by issuing orders to take it easy. Get out, go away, stay out, and if I see your face again you will just have to find another expert! Got it? I’ll quit!”

Lars looked at Jonnie in a very peculiar way. But at that moment, from the direction of the distant dormitory three levels down, came some angry howls and snarls. Lars rushed off.

“Did you really find those items in here?” said Angus.

“Of course not,” said Ker. “Shut, lock, and bar those doors out there and let's get to work. The last place Terl will want to be for now is in this compound. After we're finished and he's sent somebody else to see whether they get blown up is the first he'll want to see of this place.” He listened to the distant howls and roars. “You sure started a riot, Jonnie. Terl will hear that clear out in the cage. That Chirk really told them!”

Jonnie barred and locked the outer doors and then gestured from Angus to the wall cabinet locks and Angus whipped out a small set of picks and went to work on them.

They were in business!

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