That wasn't what Jonnie had gotten. Terl, who couldn't read English had not read the still-plain letters on the building. Those letters said, “United States Air Force Academy.”

“Well, put on your mask and get in. We have other things to do today.”

Jonnie got in. It had not been the “primary defense base.” It was just a school. And that handful of men had been schoolboys, cadets. And they'd had the guts to stand off a Psychlo tank, outgunned, hopeless, for three hours!

As they moved off, Jonnie looked back at the trench. His people. Men! He found it hard to breathe. They had not died tamely. They had fought.

Chapter 7

Terl drove straight north, following the overgrown bed of an old highway. For all his joviality he was thinking very hard. Fear and leverage. If you didn't have leverage you could make fear work. He felt he had already accomplished a little bit: the animal had seemed impressed back there. But he had a lot to do to get both fear and leverage and get enough of them to break this animal and cow it completely. “Comfortable?” asked Terl.

Jonnie snapped out of his daydream and became instantly alert. This was not the Terl he knew. Casual. Chatty even. Jonnie was on his guard.

“Where are we going?” he said.

“Just a little drive. New ground car. Doesn't she run well?”

The tank ran well all right. The plate on the panel said “Mark III General Purpose Tank, Executive, 'The Enemy Is Dead,' Intergalactic Mining

Company Serial ET-5364724354-7.

Use Only Faro Power Cartridges and Breathe-Gas. 'Faro is the Breath and Power of Life.”'

“Is 'Faro' part of Intergalactic?” said Jonnie.

Terl took his eyes off driving for a moment and looked suspiciously at Jonnie. Then he shrugged, “Don't you bother your little rat brain about the size of Intergalactic, animal. It 's a monopoly that stretches across every galaxy. It 's a size and scope you couldn't grasp if you had a thousand rat brains.”

“It’s all run from home planet, isn't it?”

“Why not,” said Terl. “Something wrong with that?”

“No,” said Jonnie. “No. Just seems an awfully big company to be run from one planet.”

“That isn't all Psychlo runs,” said Terl. “There's dozens of companies the size of Intergalactic and Psychlo runs them all.”

“Must be a big planet,” said Jonnie.

“Big and powerful,” said Terl. Might as well add a little more fear. “Psychlo can and has crushed every opposition that ever stood in her path. One imperial check mark on an order and a whole race can go phuttt!"

“Like the Chinkos?" said Jonnie. “Yes.” Terl was bored. “Like the human race here?”

“Yes, and like one rat-brained animal will go phuttt if it doesn't shut up,”

said Terl in sudden irritation. “Thank you,” said Jonnie.

“That's better. Even becoming properly polite!” Terl's good humor returned, but it wouldn't have had he realized that the “thank you” had been for vital information.

Abruptly their headlong pace swept them into the outskirts of the city.

“Where are we?” said Jonnie. “They called it 'Denver.' "

Aha, thought Jonnie. The Great Village had been named Denver. If it had a name to itself, that implied that there were other Great Villages. He reached for the Chinko guidebook of the area and was just reading about the library when the ground car came to a stop.

"Where's this?” inquired Jonnie, looking around. They were at the eastern edge of the town and slightly to the south.

“Knew you had a rat brain,” said Terl. “This is where you-' he laughed suddenly and that made it hard to talk, “-where you attacked a tank!”

Jonnie looked around. It was indeed the place. He looked through all the slits, taking in the area. “What are we doing here?”

Terl grinned in what he was quite certain was his most friendly grin. “We're looking for your horse! isn’t that nice?”

Jonnie thought fast. There was more to this. He had better be very calm. He saw no bones but that meant nothing, for wild animals would have been at work. He looked at Terl and realized the brute actually believed a horse would wait around. Windsplitter most probably had trotted on after them a while and then wandered back toward home in the mountains.

“There are countless animals out in the open here,” said Jonnie. “Picking out those two horses-”

“Rat brain, you don't have a grip on machines. It shows. Look here.” Terl turned on a large screen set into the instrument panel. The immediate vicinity showed up on it. Terl turned a knob and the scene was viewable from different directions.

Then Terl pushed a button and there was a dull pop like a small explosion in the top of the car. Looking up through the overhead port Jonnie saw a spinning object fly up in the air a hundred feet. Terl pushed a lever up and the object went up. Terl pulled the lever down and the object came lower. What it was seeing registered on the viewscreen.

“That's why you can't get away,” said Terl. “Look.” He changed a lever on the screen and the image became enlarged. He pushed a button marked “Heat search” and the screen and spinner above went onto automatic.

Jonnie watched as groups of animals were zeroed in, enlarged, reduced; other groups found and inspected up close; more animals spotted and examined...

“Just sit and watch that,” said Terl, “and tell me if you see your horse.” He laughed. “Security chief of Earth running a lost-and-found department for an animal owned by an animal.” He laughed more loudly at his own joke.

There were cattle and cattle and cattle. There were wolves– small ones from the nearby mountains and huge ones down from the north. There were coyotes. There was even a rattler. There were no horses at all.

“Well,” said Terl, “we'll just drive along to the south. You keep your eyes open, animal, and you'll get your horse back.”

They drove at a leisurely pace. Jonnie watched the scope. Time went on. Still no horses, none at all.

Terl began to get irritated. Leverage, leverage. His luck was out today!

“No horses,” said Jonnie. And he knew very well that if he had seen Windsplitter he would have kept still.

Terl finally looked at the scope. Ahead of them was a small hill, rocky on top, with a lot of trees distributed around it and darkness in among the trees. There were cattle, some with rather big horns just to the north of it in the open. Fear, then. The day wouldn't be wasted. He swerved the car into the trees and stopped.

“Get out,” said Terl. He put on his breathe-mask and hit the door buttons. He threw out the leash and then reached into the huge compartment under the seat and drew out a blast rifle along with a bag of grenades.

Jonnie stood in the open and took off his mask. He switched tanks before he put it on the seat. It had been a long drive.

Terl took a position at the edge of the trees, the rocks behind him, the open plain in front. “Come here, animal,” he said.

The leash was trailing. Jonnie walked over to Terl. He wasn't going to give the monster a chance to gun him down.

"I’m going to give you a little exhibition,” said Terl. “I was top shot in my school. You ever notice how neat the rat heads were blown off?

Some of them were fifty paces away. You're not listening, animal.”

No, Jonnie was not listening. He had caught a whiff of something and he looked at the rocks behind them. There was an opening in them. A cave? There was the whiff again.

Terl reached down and jerked the leash, almost snapping Jonnie off his feet. Jonnie got up from his knees and looked again toward the cave. He gripped the kill-club in his fist.

With an expert motion, Terl snapped a grenade onto the end of the blast rifle. “Watch this!”

There were a half-dozen cattle about eighty paces out on the plain. Two of them were heavy horned bulls, old and tough. The other four were cows.

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