Doctor MacDermott's stomach stayed a thousand feet up. The nearby white and red blur of canyon walls streaked past the open door and he stared at it open-mouthed, barely able to hold on.

Jonnie cracked open the plane's radio. "Dunneldeen!" he yelled into the mike. “Stand by to abandon that thing!”

There was the crack of the sonic boom. The recon drone had passed.

Dunneldeen's fur-hooded face was looking up, and Jonnie realized it was not for the passenger plane but for the benefit of the drone so Terl would suppose it was Jonnie there.

Smoke was coming from the platform motor housings, blue smoke, different from the geysers of spray.

The ice-pressured river was taking full advantage of the hole just made to geyser its way to freedom.

Andrew was pounding on the encrusted winch with a sledge. Then he dropped the sledge and seized a bottle of burning gas and tried to open its controls in order to burn the cable in two. The bottle was thick with ice and would not open.

The passenger plane came down to twenty-five feet from the top of the platform, Jonnie madly punching control buttons to hold it there. Smoke from the burning motors of the platform swirled, chokingly, into the plane above.

“Doctor Mac!” shouted Jonnie. “Throw out those life lines!”

The old man fumbled with the coils. He could not tell one cable from another. Then he found an end. He pitched it out the door.

Scrambling, he let about fifty feet uncoil and then fastened the cable to a clamp in the plane as best he could. Jonnie maneuvered the cable end over the spray-battered platform.

“I cannot find another cable end!” wailed Doctor MacDermott.

Jonnie shouted into the mike, “Grab that rope!”

“You, Andrew!” shouted Dunneldeen.

Twenty feet of cable from the plane coiled down on the platform and was promptly covered with spray that instantly turned to ice.

Andrew took a turn of cable around his arm.

“Don't put it around your arm!” shouted Jonnie. If Dunneldeen were below him the tightening of the rope would break or sever Andrew's arm. “Put it around that sledge hammer!”

Tongues of flame were coming from the motor housing of the platform.

Andrew managed to break the sledge loose from the ice. He took two turns of cable around the head of it.

“Grab hold!” yelled Jonnie.

Andrew grabbed the slippery sledge handle with his mittened hands.

Jonnie jumped the passenger plane up twenty feet, pulling Andrew up and leaving the end of the cable dangling over Dunneldeen.

“The captain abandons ship!” said Dunneldeen and grabbed the cable end.

Jonnie put the passenger plane up slowly. It would not do to whip-snap the two men off into the roiling river to be swept under the ice.

Andrew was hanging to the sledge twenty feet below the passenger plane. Dunneldeen was dangling forty feet below on the same rope.

“I think this clamp is slipping!” wailed Doctor MacDermott in the back.

The iced mittens of the men below were certainly slipping. It was impossible to raise them a thousand feet to the top of the gorge. Jonnie looked wildly at the river.

The flying platform below exploded in a violence of orange flame.

The passenger plane bucked in the concussion.

Jonnie looked down at the men. The flames had hit Dunneldeen. His leggings were on fire!

Jonnie swept the plane downriver. With frantically racing fingers he brought it to forty-five feet above the snow-coated ice of the stream. Was that ice thick enough?

He dipped the plane. Dunneldeen struck the deep snow. Jonnie dragged him a hundred feet through the drifts on the river to put the fire out.

He saw a shelf beside the river, narrow and snow-covered.

Bringing the plane within feet of the canyon wall, he lowered Dunneldeen onto it and then dropped further.

Andrew's gloves, which had been slipping down the sledge handle inch by inch, let go, and he fell the last ten feet. He almost went off the ledge. Dunneldeen grabbed him.

Jonnie, battling the wind, turned the plane around and brought the open door to the ledge.

The two men scrambled in, helped by Doctor MacDermott.

Andrew reeled in the cable and got the side door shut. Jonnie vaulted the plane two thousand feet up and maneuvered to land at the pad on the top.

Doctor MacDermott was stammering with apologies to the two men. “I could not find a second rope.”

“Think nothing of it,” said Dunneldeen. “I even got a sleigh ride out of it!”

Doctor MacDermott was clucking over his charred leggings, terribly relieved to find Dunneldeen was just singed and not badly burned.

“I had my chance to be a hero,” said Doctor MacDermott “and I muffed it!”

“You did just fine,” said Andrew. “Just fine.”

Jonnie got out of the plane and walked over to the canyon edge. They followed him. The shift crew was also staring down, their faces shiny from the perspiration of strain. It had been a wild thing to watch.

Shaking his head, Jonnie looked down a thousand feet to where the edge of the staircase was imbedded in the bank. The flying platform had vanished under the ice. The snow around the place was pockmarked with the impacts of broken bits and blackened from the explosion.

Jonnie faced Dunneldeen and the crew. “That,” said Jonnie, “is that!”

The shift boss and Dunneldeen said, almost in chorus, “But we can't quit!”

“No more of these acrobatics in thin air,” said Jonnie. “No more hanging over this edge with our hearts in our throats. Come with me.”

They followed him back to the pad. He pointed straight down. “Below us,” said Jonnie, “that vein is extending into the cliff. It 's a pocket vein. Pockets of gold probably occur every few hundred feet. We're going to put a shaft down to that vein. Then we're going to drift along that vein underground to the cliff edge and try to recover that gold from behind!”

They were silent. “But that fissure out there...we can't blast: it would knock the face of the cliff off.”

“We're just going to have to use drills.

Point drills to go in with parallel holes. Then vibrating spades to literally cut the rock. It will take time. We can work hard and maybe get there.”

Underground? It dawned on them it was a great idea.

The shift boss and Dunneldeen started making plans to fly in drilling machinery and scrapers and bucket conveyors. Waves of relief began to spread. The shift change crew flew in and when they heard about it they cheered. They had hated hanging by their heels in greedy space with little return to show.

“Get it set up and rolling before the next pass-over of the drone,” said Jonnie. "Terl's gone crazy but he's a miner. He'll see what we're doing and hold off. It 's like taking rock out with teaspoons, so we'll work this all three shifts around the clock. It'll be easier to work underground in this weather anyway. We'll use the dig-out to enlarge this flat space. Now where's a transit so we can get the exact direction down and over for the dig?”

The sound of the plane revved up. Dunneldeen was going back for pilots and equipment.

We might make it yet, thought Jonnie.

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