I stopped what I was doing. It wasn’t gentry magic. In fact, none of the others noticed it right away. As a shaman, I’d developed a sensitivity to creatures and powers from the different worlds. This power made my skin prickle and had a slimy, oily feel to it. It wasn’t from the human world or even the Otherworld. There were Underworld creatures here.

“Demons,” I said, just as they materialized within the camp. “There are fucking demons here.”

Chapter Seven

There were five of them, to be precise, each standing about seven feet tall. Their skin reminded me of a salamander’s, smooth with a slightly moist appearance. It was mottled red and black, like marble. They had fangs like saber-toothed tigers, and flames glowed in the hollows of their eyes.

“Fire demons,” I amended. Not that the type mattered too much. I’d fought other creatures from the Underworld, but full-fledged demons? Those were bad. The type was irrelevant. These guys made last night’s fight with Rocky Raccoon seem like a warm-up stretch.

Immediately, those bandits that weren’t actively engaged with us began retreating behind the demons. Those we were fighting struggled to break away, knowing the demons would cover them. One of my men bravely charged a demon. The demon put its hands together, and a huge orb of fire appeared. The demon then threw it at the guy, instantly turning him into a screaming, living torch.

“Shit!” I yelled.

Without even thinking, I pulled all the moisture from the air and hurled it toward the guard. Water materialized around him, drenching him in a tidal wave. It turned the rest of the air oppressively dry, and a few trees withered and collapsed. I’d sucked out their water to make the wave as well. Nonetheless, the flames dissipated, and the guy dropped into wet, smoldering unconsciousness. At least, I hoped he was unconscious and not dead.

My guards attacked in groups and fared a little better that way, able to distract the demons’ attention. Volusian fought well too, but it was quickly becoming apparent that this was not going to end well for us. Picking the demon who appeared to be putting up the best fight, I took out my wand and focused my energy. I sent my will out toward the demon, grabbing hold of him with my mind and letting my senses spread beyond me and this world. The black and white butterfly tattoo on my arm began to burn. It was the symbol of Persephone, goddess of the Underworld, and I used its power to open the gates to that domain.

Down the slope, the demon suddenly looked in my direction, sensing the binding wrap around it. He was powerful, and banishing him from this world into the next was taking more of my strength and power than I expected. Ignoring the attacking guards, he hurled a huge ball of fire at me. Immediately, I dropped my connection to the Underworld and pulled as much water as I could to me. Aside from my companions-whom I was careful to avoid-only the vegetation provided a quick source of water. Plants and cacti crumpled and died in a wide arc around us, but it was what I needed. A wall of water appeared before me, blocking the fireball.

“Damn it, Eugenie,” cried Kiyo. “You can’t keep doing that.”

“I can banish them,” I said. “Just distract them.”

Kiyo grimaced and then transformed into that “superfox” form, a huge beast of primordial strength and power, the Otherworldly ancestor of all foxes. He leapt on the demon who’d attacked me, and I once more attempted my binding. Volusian joined him. Between those two and the guards, the demon couldn’t block me this time. Speaking words of banishment, I pushed him out of this world and into the next, careful to keep myself from getting sucked in along the way. The demon exploded in sparks that quickly dimmed and disappeared.

I nearly fell over. The exertion to do that had been excruciating, and I was pretty sure I couldn’t do it again. We had to get out of there and pray the demons didn’t follow us. “Rurik,” I yelled, hoping the big warrior would hear me. “We need to retreat!”

He gave a quick nod, eyes on the demon he attacked. Between magic and swords, his group was doing a good job of fighting it, but the battle was far from over. He barked out some orders. My group began falling back, fighting our way through the retreat. To my relief, two men picked up the guy who had been burned earlier and helped drag him out. Kiyo and Volusian stayed to cover our retreat, and I tried once again to banish a demon. No luck. So, relying on an old standby, I took out the Glock and began firing silver bullets. They hit the mark, weakening some of the demons and allowing our escape. When we’d reached a certain point, I saw that they were no longer following us. They were based around the camp, as I’d suspected. Demons like those had to be summoned, and they would stay close to their summoner.

We eventually cleared the area and made it back to our horses. Not long afterward, Kiyo-still as a fox-and Volusian joined us. I glanced at Kiyo with a sigh, relieved he was okay and frustrated that it would be awhile now before he could become human again. I wanted to discuss this with him. Instead, I turned to Rurik as we rode away.

“What the hell was that?”

“Fire demons,” he replied.

“I know that! What were they doing here?”

“They were summoned.” He frowned. “Which is unexpected for ruffians like that. Someone who can wield that sort of magic would have no need to live that kind of life.”

My adrenaline-charged heart rate had slowed down, allowing me to get a good look at our group now. We’d managed to cart off two prisoners-a few of the others had been freed by their friends in the demon chaos-which meant we could do some questioning later. For now, they weren’t my chief concern. The guards were. Many of them were burned and wounded, though none as badly as the guy I’d saved. Some of the injured rode on their own; others required help.

“They need healers,” I told Rurik anxiously. He was singed and cut but had emerged unscathed for the most part. It had taken almost an hour to get to the spot we had tethered the horses, and I didn’t want the injured waiting that long.

Rurik didn’t answer right away. He annoyed me and wasn’t as socially graceful as he could be, but he knew military matters and was a good strategist. At last he said, “If we veer west, we can be in Westoria in fifteen minutes.”


“The village we passed through yesterday.”

“How is that-” I didn’t finish the question. I would never understand how the Otherworld folded upon itself, how yesterday Westoria had been an hour and a half from the castle and now it was right around the corner. I also didn’t understand how everyone but me seemed to always know what direction to go.

Rurik assured me they’d have healers in the village, so I followed his lead. As soon as we turned, we found ourselves in the Rowan Land. Ten minutes later, we were back in the Thorn Land, and another five brought us to Westoria.

“Un-fucking-believable,” I muttered. I really never would learn this land’s layout. Only Kiyo the fox was close enough to hear my profanity, and I didn’t know if he understood or not.

Our approach was noticed just like before, and I paused before entering the village in order to say the words that would send Volusian away for now. I didn’t want to terrify the townspeople more than I already did.

Of course, when we’d left last time, their terror had been replaced by hope and faith. Today, once we told our tale, that optimism faded to disappointment and fear of a different kind-fear that their queen couldn’t defend them. If they couldn’t look to their wonderful new monarch for protection, what hope did they have? I tried to ignore those disillusioned faces as best I could. Otherwise, I thought I might snap back that fire demons were hardly an everyday occurrence for a king or queen. I doubted Dorian or Maiwenn would have done much better.

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