"I'm saying that we have an implacable enemy who wants us all dead," Rybicki said. "And that we have to look at what's best for humanity. All of humanity."

"This assumes that what the Colonial Union does is what's best for all of humanity," I said.

"Not to put too fine a point on it, but what it does is better than what anyone else has planned for humanity," Rybicki said.

"But you don't think that what the Colonial Union is doing is what's best for all humanity," Jane said.

"I didn't say that," Rybicki said.

"You're thinking it," Jane said.

"You have no idea what I'm thinking," Rybicki said.

"I know precisely what you're thinking," Jane said. "I know you're here to tell us that the Colonial Union doesn't have ships or soldiers to defend us. I know you know that there are ships and soldiers for our defense but that they've been assigned to roles you find redundant or nonessential. I know you're supposed to deliver a convincing lie to us about that. That's why you're here personally, to give the lie a personal touch. And I know it disgusts you that you're being made to do this, but that it disgusts you even more that you've allowed yourself to do it."

Rybicki stared at Jane, mouth open. So did I.

"I know you think the Colonial Union is acting stupidly in sacrificing Roanoke to the Conclave. I know you know that there are already plans to use our loss for recruiting among the colonies. I know you think that recruiting from the colonies makes them more vulnerable to attack, not less, because now the Conclave will have a reason to target civilian populations in order to cut down the number of potential soldiers. I know you see this as an endgame for the Colonial Union. I know you think the Colonial Union will lose. I know you fear for me and John, for this colony, and for yourself, and for all of humanity. I know you think there's no way out."

Rybicki sat in silence for a long moment. "You seem to know a lot," he said, finally.

"I know enough," Jane said. "But now we need to hear all of this from you."

Rybicki looked over to me, and back to Jane, He sagged and shifted uncomfortably. "What can I tell you that you don't seem to know already?" he said. "The Colonial Union has nothing for you. I argued for them to give you something, anything"—he looked over to Jane to see if she would acknowledge the truth of this, but she only stared impassively—"but they've made the decision to hold the line at the more developed colonies. I was told it was a more strategic use of our military strength. I don't agree, but it's not an indefensible argument to make. Roanoke isn't the only newer colony left exposed."

"We're just the one that's known to be targeted," I said.

"I'm supposed to give you a reasonable story for the lack of defenses," Rybicki said. "The one I settled on was that your sending your plea for help with compromised encryption put our ships and soldiers at risk. This has the advantage of possibly being true"—he looked sharply at Jane when he said this—"but it's primarily a cover story. I didn't come just to give it a convincing touch. I came because I felt I owed it to you to say it to your faces."

"I don't know how to feel about the fact you're more comfortable lying to us up close than far away," I said.

Rybicki smiled a bitter smile. "In retrospect, it appears not to have been one of my best decisions." He turned back to Jane. "I still want to know how you knew all this."

"I have my sources," Jane said. "And you've told us what we need to know. The Colonial Union has cut us loose."

"It wasn't my decision," Rybicki said. "I don't think it's right."

"I know," Jane said. "But that doesn't really matter at this point."

Rybicki looked to me for a more sympathetic view. He didn't get one.

"What do you plan to do now?" he asked.

"We can't tell you," Jane said.

"Because you don't trust me," Rybicki said.

"Because the same source that lets me know what you're thinking will let someone else know what we're planning," Jane said. "We can't afford that."

"But you're planning something," Rybicki said. "You used a cracked encryption to send us a message. You wanted it to be read. You're trying to draw someone here."

"It's time for you to go, General," Jane said.

Rybicki blinked, unused to being dismissed. He got up and went to the door, turning back to us as he got to it. "Whatever you two are doing, I hope it works," he said. "I don't know how it will all turn out if you manage to save this colony. But it's got to be better than how it turns out if you don't." He left.

I turned to Jane. "You need to tell me how you did that," I said. "How you got that information. You didn't share that with me before."

"I didn't have it before," she said, and tapped her temple. "You told me that General Szilard said that he gave me the full range of command functions. One of those command functions, in the Special Forces at least, is the ability to read minds."

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Think about it," Jane said. "When you have a BrainPal, it learns to read your thoughts. That's how it works. Using it to read other people's thoughts is just a software issue. Generals in the Special Forces have access to their soldiers' thoughts, although Szilard told me most of the time it's not very useful, since people are thinking about pointless things. This time, it came in handy."

"So anyone who has a BrainPal can have their thoughts read," I said.

Jane nodded. "And now you know why I couldn't come to Phoenix Station with you. I didn't want to give anything away."

I motioned toward the door Rybicki had just stepped out of. "You just gave it away to him," I said.

"No," Jane said. "He doesn't know I've been enhanced. He's just wondering who on his staff leaked, and how it got to me."

"You're still reading his mind," I said.

"Haven't stopped since he landed,' Jane said. "Won't stop until he's gone."

"What's he thinking now?" I asked

"He's still thinking about how I knew that information," Jane said. "And he's thinking about us. He's hoping we succeed. That part wasn't a lie."

"Does he think we will?" I asked.

"Of course not,' Jane said.

The beam turrets focused on the incoming missiles and fired, but there were too many missies to focus on; the turrets went up in excessive blast that flung debris across the fields in which they were located, some distance from Croatoan.

"I'm getting a message," Jane said, to me and Trujillo. "It's an order to stop fighting and to prepare for a landing." She paused. "I'm being told that any further resistance will result in a complete carpet-bombing of the colony. I'm being asked to acknowledge the message. Failure to reply within about a minute will be taken as defiance and bombing will proceed."

"What do you think?" I asked Jane.

"We're as ready as we're going to be for this," Jane said.

"Manfred?" I said.

"We're ready," fie said. "And I hope to God this works."

"Kranjic? Beata?" I turned back to where Jann Kranjic and

Beata stood, the two of them fully decked out in reporter gear. Beata nodded; Kranjic gave a thumbs-up.

"Tell them that we acknowledge their message and that we are ceasing fire," I said, to Jane. "Tell them we look forward to their arrival to discuss terms of surrender."

"Done," Jane said, a moment later. I turned to Savitri, who was standing next to Beata. "You're on," I said.

"Great," Savitri said, in an entirely unconvincing tone of voice.

"You'll be fine," I said.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up," she said.

"I'm afraid I left the bucket back at the office," I said.

"I'll just throw up on your boots," Savitri said.

"Seriously," I said. "Are you ready to do this, Savitri?"

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