Loene smiled and stretched, catlike. "I might know where Arilyn Moonblade went. I might even be persuaded to tell you."

The true son of a Waterdeep merchant, Danilo did not miss the speculative gleam in the woman's eyes. With a sigh of resignation, he folded his arms on the table and glared at Loene. "At what price?" he asked.

Before answering, his hostess poured another glass of sherry and pushed it toward Danilo. "Arilyn told me her side of the story," she purred. "Why don't you tell me yours."


Morning had broken over Waterdeep Way. On the roof of a tall building overlooking the home of the adventurer Loene, smoke from the breakfast fire began to spiral into the sky. In the shadow of that chimney crouched a lone figure.

From his rooftop perch, Bran Skorlsun had a clear view of every angle of the tiny white castle sprawled below. He drew his cape closely about him, shifting his weight to bring some circulation to a numb foot. The morning was chilly, and he was weary to his very core. The road from the Vale of Darkhold had been a long one, and his assignment-to follow Arilyn Moonblade and determine whether she was responsible for the deaths of his fellow Harpers-was turning out to be far more difficult than he had anticipated.

As the Harper watched, the front door of Loene's home was flung open. The half-elf's human companion stormed out, swearing softly and furiously. Bran rose, intent upon following the young man from the rooftops of the closely set houses.

"Why, if it isn't the Raven. How are you, Bran?"

Startled, the Harper whirled to find himself face to face with a beautiful, familiar woman. Leaning casually against the chimney, arms folded over a robe of pale gold silk, stood Loene. Pleasure at seeing his old friend warred with Bran's chagrin at the ease with which she had surprised him.

Loene's hazel eyes glinted with laughter, and she held up her left hand to display a simple silver band. "In answer to your question, I flew. A ring of spell storing is a handy thing to have," she commented lightly. "A gift from the Blackstaff, of course. I trust you've seen our old friend already?"


"Well, you must stop by Blackstaff Tower. He'll be delighted to visit with you."

"That is unlikely."

Loene chuckled. "I would give a great deal to know what caused the trouble between you two all those years ago."

"Another time, Loene. I must go now."

"Stay," she purred, coming closer and taking his arm. "If you're worried about losing Danilo Thann's trail, don't. I can tell you where he went. By the gods, Bran," she said with genuine feeling, "it's good to see you after all these years. Almost like old times. I've heard about some of your adventures, but I'd given up hope you'd ever return to Waterdeep. I suppose your sudden reappearance is due to this Harper Assassin?"

Bran looked down at her sharply. "I have been charged with finding the assassin, yes. What do you know about the matter?"

The woman preened and smiled coyly. "Plenty. Care to swap tales?" Under the man's steady gaze, her smile wavered and faded.

"Where did the young man go?" Bran asked sternly.

Loene sighed. "He's headed for the Dock Ward, to a tavern on Adder Lane. Tell me one thing," she said, grabbing his arm when he started to turn away, "how did you find out that Arilyn is the assassin's target?"


Loene dropped Bran's arm and stepped back. "What else?" Realization dawned on her face. "Don't tell me you think Arilyn is the assassin?" She shook her head in disbelief. "You don't know her very well."

A flash of pain crossed the man's face. "No, I don't."

"Obviously. Who set you on her trail?"

Bran hesitated. "The Harpers."

Loene's laughter was tinged with irony. "You people really should talk to each other more often. Did you know that Danilo Thann is Blackstaff's nephew? His dear Uncle Khelben has charged him with helping Arilyn find the assassin."

"That young fool?"

"He's not really, you know. Just last month, Blackstaff confided to me that for years now he's been secretly training a young mage. Khelben's not entirely happy with the secrecy. I believe our dear archmage is vain enough to want to spring his protege upon the world with all due fanfare. His most promising pupil, Blackstaff said, with the potential to become a true wizard." Loene inspected her henna-tinted nails. "From what I learned this morning, I would wager a chest of sapphires that Blackstaff was speaking of young Lord Thann."

"I'd heard you'd given up gambling, Loene."

The woman's hazel eyes were serious. "I don't consider it a gamble. Arilyn is usually a decent judge of character, and I believe she cares about the young man."

"Why do you say 'usually' in that manner, if Thann is all you believe him to be?"

"I wasn't talking about Danilo," Loene said ruefully. "You might as well know. Arilyn is on her way to talk to Elaith Craulnobur."

* * * * *

When Arilyn rounded the corner onto Adder Lane she found the street a virtual beehive of activity. The Dock Ward was the busiest and most crowded section of Waterdeep, with commerce both legal and illegal taking place at all hours. She walked the length of the street twice, but there was no sign of the establishment Loene had mentioned.

Finally Arilyn stopped a dour passerby and asked for the Rearing Hippocampus Inn. He looked at her as if she'd struck him. "It was over there," the man said, pointing to a large wooden structure. Arilyn shot a glance at the building.

"Ah, here you are," the man said glumly, turning away from Arilyn to address two servants, who carried between them a wooden sign. On it Arilyn saw the name of the inn she sought, as well as a crudely carved picture of a hippocampus. The man sighed, cast a last wistful glance at the building, and set off down the road. His servants fell in behind him, carrying their strange banner.

Puzzled, Arilyn walked to the building and peered in through the open door. Chairs were up on the tables, and a small army of workers bustled about, scrubbing and polishing every surface of the tavern. Merchants came and went with stocks of food and drink. In the midst of the commotion, directing it all with gentle commands, stood Elaith Craulnobur.

"Adder Lane. Quite an appropriate address for the good elf's new establishment, wouldn't you say?"

Arilyn jumped and turned to face the source of the familiar, drawling voice. Her jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Hello there," said Danilo Thann, as casually as if they had never parted company. He looked her over carefully, taking in her disguise with ill-concealed distaste. "I must say, as disguises go I much prefer the Sembian courtesan. You are convincing, though. For a moment, I mistook you for my stableboy. He has a cap just like that one, only I believe his is brown."

Arilyn shut her mouth and glared at the nobleman. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting friends?"

"You have friends?"

His brows rose in lazy surprise. "Really. That's quite a welcome, considering all the trouble I've gone through to find you."

Arilyn sniffed. "Why did you bother?"

"I'm beginning to wonder about that myself," he murmured. "You don't seem happy to see me."

In truth, Arilyn wished that she weren't quite so pleased to see the dandy again. The half-elf's eyes narrowed. "How did you find me? Your skills at tracking must far surpass your spellcasting or your bardcraft."

"Really my dear, you should reserve judgment until you hear my latest song. It's really quite-"

"Enough!" she burst out. "For once, give me the courtesy of a straight answer. How did you find me? Loene?"

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