"If that were true, then I could choose to leave it behind," she said stubbornly.

"I don't suppose it would do any good to try to dissuade you," Khelben said.


"Then I'll keep the moonblade for you. You're right, the sword should stay here," the archmage conceded. "So should you, for that matter."

"Thank you, Khelben. I would ask one more thing from you. Can you lend me transport to Evereska? A griffon, perhaps, with a speed enchantment?" she asked.

"Very well," Khelben agreed. "If you insist upon going to Evereska, I'll get you there. But with one condition. Danilo goes with you."

"No." Her tone was implacable. "I go alone."

Khelben glared at Bran as if this were somehow his fault. "She is your daughter, beyond a doubt." He turned back to Arilyn. "All right, you've got transport. An enspelled griffon should suit as well as anything."

"Good. Where do I need to go for it?" Arilyn demanded.

"The stables are on the top of Mount Waterdeep." The wizard went to his desk and scrawled something on a bit of parchment. He pressed his signature ring to the note, and his rune magically burned onto the paper. Khelben handed the note to the half-elf. "Give this to the griffon master. He'll give you everything you'll need."

"My thanks." She started toward the tower's exit.


She froze at the sound of Danilo's voice but did not turn around. "You'll need a new sword." He faltered. "Permit me to lend you mine."

Arilyn nodded and accepted the blade Danilo offered her, then she stepped through the magic door.

Danilo watched her go, swearing under his breath. "Did either of you see that coming?"

"I should have," the Harper replied. "It's too much like something I would have done at her age."

Before the archmage could respond, a sharp rap that seemed to come from the center of the room drew his attention. "Piergeiron's timing is about as good as usual," the wizard grumbled, stalking to the door that led to the basement and the secret tunnel to the palace of Waterdeep's lord. "Wait here," Khelben instructed his visitors.

Danilo paced back and forth before the door, muttering imprecations against the Lords of Waterdeep and their preoccupation with protocol. Danilo had little patience for the processes of law and order. He worked independently and under cover so he could keep free of the sacred cords of propriety that bound all aspects of Waterdeep life. Never mind that Kymil Nimesin ran free, that the elven kingdom's safety had been compromised, that Arilyn was walking willingly into what was surely a trap. The Lords of Waterdeep were probably consulting Khelben about a new monument or some such foolishness.

To the impatient young noble, Khelben's whispered consultation with the messenger seemed to take an eternity. Finally the Blackstaff returned with an official-looking parchment in his hand. His face was deeply troubled.

Khelben was not given to preambles. "This is from the Lords of Waterdeep. Arilyn Moonblade has been identified as the Harper Assassin, a rogue adventurer in the employ of the Zhentarim."

"What?" exploded Bran. "By whom? I was the one assigned to make that judgment."

Khelben held up a hand for silence and continued. "Piergeiron says that the evidence is overwhelming. An anonymous source sent papers to Waterdeep Castle, precisely balancing each assassination with documentation on Arilyn's whereabouts. There was also a letter billing the Zhentarim for an assassin's services. The dates coincide with each Harper Assassination."

Danilo's eyes turned cold. "Elaith Craulnobur sold her out. He'll die for that."

Khelben looked worried. "She was working with the rogue elf, wasn't she? By Mystra, that won't look good when she comes to trial."

"A trial." Danilo slumped into a chair. "It will come to that? Can't you do anything?"

"I can speak in her behalf."

"There's no truth in this accusation," Danilo protested. He winced and amended, "At least, not much truth."

"One thing I learned long ago," Bran responded, "is that truth often has little power to sway opinion. It seems that the Harpers have never completely trusted Arilyn. Any hint of involvement with the Zhentarim will color opinion further. You must admit that with her background as an assassin, she is a credible suspect."

Even Danilo had to concede the logic in that. "Surely, when the full story is known…"

"The full story can never be told," Khelben stated in an uncompromising tone. "Evermeet would be endangered if news of the elfgate became widespread. The secret must be protected."

Filled with fury, Danilo flew to his feet and faced down the archmage. "Even at the cost of Arilyn's life?"

"Even so."

Their eyes locked like horns, Danilo's blazing with condemnation, Khelben's fixed on his commitment to duty. The younger man broke away first.

"I'm going after Arilyn," he said abruptly.

"Be reasonable, Dan," growled Khelben. "How will you find her? Did she tell you where the elfgate is?"

"In Evereska, that's all I know." Danilo's eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute. Don't you know?"

"Evereska's a big city," Khelben snapped. "And I wasn't the one who moved the gate."

Danilo shook his head in disgust. "All right, who does know? Or can you relinquish your vows of secrecy long enough to part with that information?"

"Watch your tongue. Laeral devised the spell that moved the elfgate. The only others who know its exact location are Queen Amlaruil and the elven lord of the Greycloak Hills, Erlan Duirsar. Perhaps the elven council of Evereska knows by now, too. By Mystra, this mess will set back ties with the elves a century or two," the Blackstaff concluded in a mutter.

"You deal with the politics, Uncle. If you can't help me, I'm going to Evereska alone."

"I'm going with you." Bran Skorlsun's quiet voice was as inflexible as tempered steel.

"You're as bad as your daughter," Khelben said. "What makes you think the elves will let you near Evereska, Bran? Elves have long memories, and they're not overly fond of humans who ruin their princesses."

Bran met the archmage's glare. "Who else could track Arilyn to the site of the elfgate?"

"It's out of the question!"

Danilo laughed without mirth. "Oh, come now, Uncle. Aren't you just a little curious to know where this elfgate is? Now that the cat's in the creamery, so to speak, I imagine you'll have to move the thing sooner or later." Khelben's eyes widened.

"Another thing," added Bran. "If we wish to help Arilyn, we must bring in Kymil Nimesin. In her current frame of mind, I fear that she will kill the elf."

"Let her," Danilo retorted. "Forgive me, but I cannot shed many tears over the fate of Kymil Nimesin."

"As much as it pains me to do so," Khelben put in, "I must agree with Bran. Arilyn is a former assassin. Kymil Nimesin is a highly respected armsmaster. Kymil must be brought in and magically questioned. Without such evidence at the trial, without Kymil's actual presence, Arilyn looks very much like the Harper Assassin. She would stand a much slimmer chance of acquittal if she kills Kymil."

"So you agree that we should go, Uncle Khelben?"

"Given our options, yes." The wizard turned to Bran. "If you will excuse us, I need to have a few words with my nephew before you leave. Come up, Dan."

Khelben and Danilo climbed the tower's staircase to the magical supplies room. Once the wizard had shut and warded the door, he got right down to business. "You were right. The elfgate must be moved again," Khelben said bluntly.

"Oh, marvelous. With Laeral off cavorting with the elves of Evermeet, who's going to accomplish this miracle?"

Khelben fixed a steady gaze on his nephew. Danilo shook his head and whispered, "Surely you're not serious."

"I am very serious."

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