–ika (EE-kah, s.); –ike (EE-kay, pl.) Mando'a: suffix for affectionate usage


j’hagwa na yoka Huttese: no trouble

jatne (JAT-nay) Mando’a: best

jatne’buir (JAT-nay boo-EER) Mando’a: best father

jetii (Jay-tee) Mando’a: Jedi

jetiise (jay-TEE-say) Mando'a: Jedi plural, Republic

jorso'ran (jor-so-RAHN) Mando'a: shall bear (archaic)

jurkadir (JOOR-kand-EER, v.) Mando'a: to attack, to threaten,to mess with


k'uur (koor) Mando'a: hush, be quiet

kad (kand) Mando'a: saber, sword

kama (KAH-ma, s.); /camas (KAH-maz, pl.) or kamase (kah-AH-say) Mando a : belt-spat

kando (KAHN-do) Mando'a: importance, weight

kandosii (kahn-DOH-see) Mando'a: nice one, wicked, well done, classy, noble

kar'tayli ad meg hukaat'kama (kar-TIE-lie and mayg hu-AHT-KA-mah) Mando'a: roughly “know who's watching your back”

kar'taylir (kar-TIE-leer, v.) Mando'a: to know, to hold in the heart

kaysh (kaysh) Mando'a: him, his

ke nu'jurkadir sha Mando'ade (keh NOO-joor-kand-EER shah Mahn do-AH-day) Mando'a: don't mess with Mandalorians

KIA: killed in action

kit: gear, equipment (slang)

kom'rk (KOM-rohk) Mando'a: gauntlet

kote (KOH-thy, KOH-tay, pl.) Mando'a: glory

kyr'am (kee-RAHM) Mando'a: death


LAAT/c: low-altitude assault transport/cargo

LAAT/i: low-altitude assault transport/infantry

larty: a vessel, LAAT/i

lo (loh) Mando'a: into


Mando (MAHN-do, s.); Mando'ade (Mahn-doh-AH-day, pl.) Mande'ad: Mandalorian, son/daughter of Mandalore

Mando'a (Mahn-DOH-ah): Mandalorian-language term for the language itself

meat can: soldier (slang)

meg (mayg) Mando'a: which, that

meh (mey) Mando'a: if

mhi (mee) Mando'a: we

MIA: missing in action

MILINT: military intelligence

Mirdala Mird'ika!; Mando'a: Clever Mird!

MRU: much regret, unable (slang)


N'oya'kari gihaal, Buir. (Noy-ah KAR-ee gee-HAAL, boo-EER): I've been hunting fish-meal, Father.

nar dralshy'a (NAR-drahl-SHEE-ya) Mando'a: put your back into it, try harder

narir (nah-REER, v.) Mando'a: to act, to do

naritir (nah-ree-TEER, v.) Mando'a: to place, to put

nau'ur ( now-00R, v.) Mando'a: to light up, to illuminate

ner (nair) Mando'a: my

ni (nee) Mando'a: I, me

ni dinui (NEE DEE-noo) Mando'a: I give

ni kar'tayl gar darasuum (nee kar-TILE garh dah-RAH-soom) Mando'a: I love you

Niktose (neek-TOH-say, pl.) Mando'a: Nikto

nynir (nee-NEER, v.) Mando'a: to hit, to strike


obs job: observation duty

OCU: Organized Crime Unit

op order: operational order

ops room: operations room

ori; Mando'a: very, exceptionally, extremely

osik (OH-sik) Mando'a: dung (impolite)

osik'la (oh-SIK-lah) Mando'a: badly wrong, horrible, messed up, screwed up, disgusting

oya (OY-ah) Mando'a: let's go hunting, let's roll


parjir (par-JEER, v.) Mando'a: to win, to be victorious

PIM (s.); PIMs (0.): Position and Intended Movement (naval term for where a ship is and where it is heading)

PEP: pulsed energy projectile

pod: Kaminoan word for squad

PTC: Perlemian Traffic Control

PWO; Peewo: principal weapons officer


rayshe'a (ray-SHEE-ah) Mando'a: five

RC (s.); RCs (pl.): Republic Commando

recce (s.); recces (pl.); recce (v.): reconnaissance, to reconnoiter (military)

Red Zero: request for immediate extraction (military)

resol (reh-SOL) Mando'a: six

RPC: request the pleasure of your company (slang)

rummage: an examination, a search of a vessel (slang)

RV: rendezvous (slang)


sa (sah) Mando'a: as, like (comparative)

Sep; Seppie: Separatist

sh'ehn (shayn) Mando'a: eight

shabiir (sha-BEER, v.) Mando'a: to screw up (impolite)

shabla: impolite emphatic adjective in Mando'a

shag Huttese: slave

sharp: needle (slang)

she'cu (SHAY-koo) Mando'a: nine

shebs (shebs, s.); shebse (SHEB-say, pl.) Mando'a: backside, rear

shiny boy: Republic commando (slang)

slot: kill (slang)

SO: Special Operations

SOCO: scenes-of-crime officer, forensics officer

solus (SOH-loos) Mando'a: one

SOP (s.); SOPs (pl.): standard operating procedure

su'cuy (soo-KOO-ee) Mando'a: hi


t'ad (tand) Mando'a: two

ta'raysh (ta-RAYSH) Mando'a: ten

Tagwa, lorda. Huttese: Yes, sir.

takisir (TAH-kees-eer, v.) Mando'a: to insult

tal (tahl) Mando'a: blood

te (tay) Mando'a: the (rare)

tihaar (TEE-har) Mando'a: an alcoholic drink; a strong, clear spirit made from fruit

tinny (s.); tinnies (p1.): droid (slang)

tion (TEE-on) Mando'a: prefix to indicate a question

tion'meh (tee-ON-mey) Mando'a: what if

TIOPS: traffic interdiction operations

TIV: traffic interdiction vessel

tome (TOH-may, pl.) Mando'a: together

tracyn (trah-SHEEN) Mando'a: fire

Triple Zero: Coruscant (military)

triple-A: anti-aircraft artillery

troch (troch) Mando'a: certainly

tsad (sand) Mando'a: alliance, group


udesii (oo-DAY-see) Mando'a: calm down, take it easy

ures (oo-REES) Mando'a: without, lacking

urpghurit: obscenity in an unknown language

usenye (oo-SEN-yay) Mando'a: go away (very rude; from the same root as osik)

UXB: unexploded bomb


vaii (vay) Mando'a: where

vaii gar ru'cuyi (VAY gahr roo KOO-yee) Mando'a: where have you been

verborir (VAIR-bor-EER, v.) Mando'a: to buy, to hire, to contract

verd (vaird, s.); verda (VAIR-dah, pl.) Mando'a: warrior, warriors (archaic plural)

vod (vohd, s.); vode (VOH-day, pl.); vod'ika (voh-DEE-kah, affectionate) Mando'a: brother, sister, comrade, mate

vor'e (VOHR-ay) Mando'a: thanks


werda (WAIR-dah) Mando'a: shadows (i.e., stealth), archaic plural

wet; wets: organic life-form (slang)

white job: clone trooper (slang)

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