The flavor of intrigue obviously tempted Pritil. " I choose to listen, group-mother."

Krat sighed at the predictability. She knew the younger captains secretly believed all of the legends about Krat's hunches. She had known Pritil would come around.

You have much yet to learn, she thought, before you will pull me down and take my place, Pritil. Many learning scars shall have to mar that young hide first. I will enjoy teaching you until that day, my daughter.

Gillian and Makanee looked up as Takkata-Jim and Dr. Ignacio Metz entered sick bay, accompanied by three stocky, war-harnessed, hard-faced Stenos.

Wattaceti squealed an indecipherable indignation and moved to interpose himself. Makanee's assistants chittered behind the ship's surgeon.

Gillian met Makanee's eye. It had come, the confrontation. Now they would see if Makanee was only imagining things. Gillian still held out a hope that Takkata-Jim and Metz had compelling reasons for their actions, and that Creideiki's injury was truly an accident.

Makanee had already made up her mind. Akki, the young midshipfin from Calafia, had still not returned. The doctor glared at Takkata-Jim as she would look at a tiger shark. The expression on the male dolphin's face did little to belie the image.

Gillian had a secret weapon, but she had sworn never to use it except in the direst emergency. Let them act first, she thought. Let them show their cards before we pull that last ace of trumps.

The first stages might be a little dangerous. She had only had time to make a brief call to the Niss machine from her office before hurrying to sick bay. Her position here might be difficult if she had miscalculated the degree of atavism loose on Streaker. Maybe she should have kept Keepiru by her side.

"Dr. Baskin!" Ignacio Metz didn't swim very close before grabbing a wall rail and letting an armed Stenos pass before him. "It's good to see you again, but why didn't you announce yourself?"

"A grosss violation of security rules, Doctor," Takkata-Jim added.

So that's the way of it, Gillian thought. And they might try to make that stick long enough to get me into a cell.

"Why I came for the ship's council meeting, gentlefin and -mel. I got a message from Dr. Makanee calling me back for it. Sorry if your bridge crew fouled up my reply. I hear they're mostly new and inexperienced up there."

Takkata-Jim frowned. It was even possible she had sent such a call, which had been lost in the confusion on the bridge.

"Makanee's message was also against orderss! And your return was contrary to my specific instructions."

Gillian put on an expression of bewilderment. "Wasn't she simply passing on your call for a ship's council? The rules are clear. You must call a meeting within twenty-four hours of the death or disability of the captain."

"Preparations were underway! But in an emergency the acting-captain can dispense with the advice of the council. When faced with clear disobedience of orders, I am within rightsss to…"

Gillian tensed herself. Her preparations would do no good if Takkata-Jim were irrational. She might have to make a break by vaulting over the row of autodocs to the parapet above. Her office would be steps away.

"… to order that-t you be detained for a hearing to be held at some time after the emergency."

Gillian took in the stances of the guard-fen. Would they really be willing to harm a human being? She read their expressions and decided they just might be.

Her mouth felt dry, but she didn't let it show. "You misread your legal status, Lieutenant," she replied carefully. "I think very few of the fen aboard would be surprised to learn that…"

The words stopped in her throat. Gillian felt a chill in her spine as the air itself seemed to waver and throb around her. Then, as she grabbed a rail for support, a deep, growling sound began to emanate from inside her head.

The others stared at her, confused by her behavior. Then they began to feel it too.

Takkata-Jim whirled and shouted, "Psi weapon! Makanee, give me a link to the bridge! We are under attack-k!"

The dolphin physician moved aside, amazed by Takkata-Jim's quickness as he rushed past. Gillian pressed her hands over her ears and saw Metz doing the same as the grating noise grew louder. The security guards were in disarray, fluting disconsolately with boat-like pupils wide in fear.

Should I make my break now? Gillian tried to think. But if this is an attack we'll have to drop our quarrels and join forces.

" . . incompetentsss!" Takkata-Jim shouted at the comm. "What do you mean 'only a thousand miles away'? Pinpoint it-t!… Why won't the active sensors work?"

"Wait!" Gillian cried. She clapped her hands together. Through a haze of building emotion she started to laugh. Takkata-Jim continued to bark rapidly at the bridge crew, but everyone else turned to look at her in surprise.

Gillian laughed. She slapped the water, pounded on the nearest autodoc, grabbed Wattaceti around the dolphin's quivering flank. Even Takkata-Jim stopped then, captivated by her apparently psychotic fit of joy. He stared, oblivious to frantic twitters from the bridge.

"Tom!" She cried out loud. "I told you you couldn't die! Dammit, I love you, you son of a… Oh, if I had gone I would have been home by now!"

The fins stared at her, eyes opening still wider as they began to realize what she was talking about.

She laughed, tears running down her face.

"Tom," she said softly. "I told you you couldn't die!" And blindly she hugged close whatever was nearest to her.

Sounds came to Creideiki as he drifted in weightlessness.

It was like listening to Beethoven, or like trying actually to understand a humpback whale.

Somebody had left the audio link on in case he made any more sounds. No one had considered that the circuit went both ways. Words penetrated the gravity tank from the outer room.

They were tantalizing, like those ghosts of meaning in a great symphony — hinting that the composer had caught a glimpse of something notes could only vaguely convey and words could never even approach.

Takkata-Jim spluttered and mumbled. The threatening tone was clear. So was the cautious clarity of Gillian Baskin's voice. If only he could understand the words! But Anglic was lost to him.

Creideiki knew his ship was in peril, and there was nothing he could do to help. The old gods weren't through with him and would not let him move. They had much more to show him before he was ready to serve their purposes.

He had become resigned to periodic episodes of terror — like diving to do battle with a great octopus, then rising for a rest before going back down to the chaos once again. When they came to pull him DOWN he would once more be caught in the maelstrom of idea-glyphs, of throbbing dreams which hammered away at his engineer's mind with insistent impressions of otherness.

The assault never would have been possible without the destruction of his speech centers. Creideiki grieved over the loss of words. He listened to the talk-sounds from the outer world, concentrating as hard as he could on the eerie, musical familiarity.

It wasn't all gone, he decided after a while. He could recognize a few words, here and there. Simple ones, mostly the names of objects or people, or simple actions associated with them.

That much his distant ancestors could do.

But he couldn't remember the words more than three or four deep, so it was impossible to follow a conversation. He might laboriously decipher a sentence, only to forget it completely when he worked on the next one. It was agonizingly difficult, and at last he made himself cease the vain effort.

That's not the way, he concluded.

Instead, he should try for the gestalt, he told himself. Use the tricks the old gods had been using on him. Encompass. Absorb…like trying to feel what Beethoven felt by submerging into the mystery of the Violin Concerto.

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