“Captain Falco is an officer of this fleet,” Commander Cresida replied sharply. “Are we choosing commanders by vote again? Given how well that’s worked in the past? Has Captain Geary given any reason at all to doubt his judgment? How many of you would’ve chosen to die at Kaliban in the name of adding glory to the battle?”

Her words seem to give pause to most of those present, but Captain Faresa sent a particular acidic look Cresida’s way. “We don’t need to hear lectures from an officer junior to us in rank and experience.”

Commander Cresida flushed, but thanks to time delay in the signal from Cresida’s ship, Geary got his answer in first. “I’m running this meeting and this fleet,” he stated in a hard voice, “and I decide what we need to hear. I welcome input from a capable officer such as Commander Cresida.”

More objections were raised. Geary argued them down. More wishes were floated for Captain Falco’s opinion. Geary’s strongest allies belittled those, using the undeniable fact that Falco was still unfamiliar with the fleet’s circumstances. Geary finally held up a restraining hand. “A decision needs to be made. I have the responsibility of making it. The bottom line is this: I will take this fleet to Sancere because that offers our best hope for continued survival. And when we get there, we will inflict a serious defeat on the Syndics in the bargain and avenge Anelace, Baselard, Mace, and Cuirass.”

More than one commander looked unhappy, more than one looked to Numos for further argument, but a warning glance from Geary kept Numos silent this time. More importantly, the majority of the officers seemed not only willing to go along but convinced by Geary’s arguments. “That is all,” Geary concluded. “Orders to maneuver the fleet back toward the jump point we used to enter this system will go out within a few minutes.”

The crowd shrank within moments, leaving only Captain Desjani and the virtual presence of Captain Duellos. Desjani stood and smiled in a grim way. “Another victory, sir.”

“I think I’d rather fight the Syndics,” Geary admitted. “Please have Dauntless broadcast the change-of-course order. To be executed at,” he checked the readouts, “time two zero.”

“Yes, sir.” Desjani saluted before she departed.

Geary nodded to Duellos. “Thanks for the backup.”

Duellos gave Geary a skeptical look in return. “You don’t really expect the Syndics to let us access that hypernet gate at Sancere, do you?”

Geary looked down and grimaced. “No. I think the Syndics know they can’t afford to let this fleet get home with a working key to their hypernet. It’d give the Alliance a decisive edge in the war.”

“So they will take the extreme measure of destroying the gate rather than allow us access.”

“Probably.” Geary shrugged. “There’s always a chance they won’t. A very slim chance, but it’s there.”

“True.” Duellos sighed. “If not for that gate, the fleet wouldn’t have followed you to Sancere, you know.”

“I know.”

“But if we make it there, and win, the doubters will have trouble finding an audience.” Duellos carefully saluted. “It’s a tremendous risk, but you’ve earned the right to our trust.”

Geary returned the salute. “Thanks.”

“You’re sure the jump drives can get us from Cydoni to Sancere?”


After Duellos “left,” Geary went wearily back to his stateroom. He didn’t need to be on the bridge when the fleet turned since he could watch the maneuver from the displays in his own stateroom. Normally he’d try to be on the bridge anyway, satisfying the need of the crew to believe that their commander cared about their work and how they did it, but after the drawn out and too-often-hostile arguments he’d dealt with, Geary badly needed a break.

He saw Co-President Rione waiting outside his stateroom, knew there’d been time enough for her to be briefed on the meeting by some of the commanders of ships belonging to the Callas Republic, saw the fire barely restrained behind her eyes, and knew he wasn’t going to get that break yet.

Rione stood silently until Geary entered, following him inside and waiting until the hatch closed before rounding on him and letting her feelings show clearly.

Looking at her, Geary realized he’d never really seen Co-President Victoria Rione angry before. It wasn’t something he wanted to see again. “How could you have done such a thing?” Rione demanded, seeming to bite off each word as it came out.

Geary spoke carefully. “I believe this is the best course of action-”

“You’ve betrayed this fleet! You’ve betrayed the Alliance! And you’ve betrayed me!”

Flinching from the harsh words and anger, Geary nonetheless found his attention fixing on the last sentence. “I betrayed you? How?”

Rione flushed, drawing herself back. “That’s…never mind. I misspoke. I meant that you’d betrayed everyone in this fleet, all of the officers and sailors who have come to trust that you would use your command wisely! I have not worked against you. I have tried to support your efforts, thinking that you had demonstrated a lack of personal ambition and some minor degree of common sense. I was wrong, Captain Geary. By fooling me as to your true intentions, you succeeded in manipulating this fleet to a place where you can play the hero you’ve obviously always sought to be! And you’ve made me an unwitting accomplice in your schemes!”

“I am not a hero,” Geary snapped back at her. “This isn’t about that at all. If you’ll just take a moment to consider my reasons-”

“Your reasons? I already know what your reasons are,” Rione insisted. “You fear that Captain Falco will wrest command of this fleet from you. I heard what he said to you, warning you that the fleet would choose another commander if you weren’t bold enough! So to prevent that from happening, you’re willing to risk this fleet’s destruction! As if the fleet and every person in it is just a toy that you and Captain Falco are fighting over like a pair of jealous toddlers! If you can’t have it, no one can!”

Geary kept a rein on his temper with great effort. “Madam Co-President,” he ground out, “I extrapolated every possible course of action-”

“Did you? And where are the records of these extrapolations, Captain Geary?” she demanded.

That statement knocked Geary off balance for a moment. “You can access my personal strategic models and simulations? Those are supposed to be under a tight eyes-only security seal.”

Rione, looking like she regretted having admitted that, nonetheless nodded imperiously. “Did you have something to hide, Captain Geary? Such as a total lack of records of the simulations you claim justify this decision of yours?”

“I didn’t run simulations,” Geary roared back. “I could do all of that in my head. Not to the same degree of accuracy as simulations, but well enough to identify the dangers we were facing!”

“You actually expect me to believe that? Do you think I’m stupid as well as gullible, Captain Geary? What were you planning to manipulate me into doing for you next? Do you think I have no pride? Do you think I have no sense of honor?”

He tried to get his temper back under control. “I have not fooled you, I have not manipulated you, I have been honest every step of the way.”

Rione leaned closer, her eyes blazing. “I have endured many things for the sake of the Alliance, Captain Geary. But to find that I have been treated in this fashion by a man I had come to assume was above such things is the most humiliating thing I have ever experienced. Worse, the fact that you succeeded in using me to further your aims means these ships and perhaps the Alliance itself are doomed. The people of the Callas Republic, who I swore to serve faithfully, are doomed. I have failed, Captain Geary. You can take satisfaction in that much. You don’t need to continue pretending to be unjustly accused.”

Geary glared back at her. “Believe it or not, this isn’t about you.”

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