"Can you do anything about it?"

"Not without ordering the com-block raised."

They returned their attention to the screen.

Already four delegates had been expelled for unruliness, but none of them represented either Fleet or Combine. Clearly the delegates on both opposing sides knew that the issues being discussed and soon to be put to vote were vitally important, and expulsion meant a loss of voting prerogative for this day's session.

"Whose idea was it for them all to wear their uniforms?" Harald asked.

"Julian felt that, despite the low opinion of Fleet in some quarters at present, the nostalgic attachment to what our uniform once meant would be helpful," replied Franorl.

"It could backfire on him—many might look upon it as a threat."

"True, but should we let that worry us?"

Harald glanced at him. "If Parliament does order Combine to hand the defence platforms over to us, that will ensure obedience amidst our own ranks to the orders I give, once Combine refuses to comply."

"You still feel your position insecure?"

Harald relaxed his jaw muscles, since it now felt as if a steel ball had been inserted into each, then smiled and nodded. "Let's say I am not going to make too many rash assumptions. Ah, here's Julian now…"

They sat back and watched while Lieutenant Julian, like so many delegates before him, stood to deliver a speech that began by decrying the cowardly Brumallian attack on the Fleet ship carrying the Consul Assessor. He then moved on with: "In the interests of Sudoria we have had to take a hard line with the Brumallians, and punished them for their—"

A Combine delegate interrupted, "Yeah, frying a Brumallian city is always the best option when—"

Fleet: "Under our restored prerogatives, the retaliatory strike—"

Combine: "Convenient that any evidence of Combine complicity got—"

Uproar ensued, and Harald directed his attention towards Chairman Duras, who was sitting with his chin in his hand, his other hand resting on the head of his cane. Finally the Chairman said, "I will have silence now or there will be further ejections." Though he spoke quietly, Combine and Fleet representatives quickly resumed their seats. He then pointed his cane at Julian. "Fleet claims Orbital Combine is complicit with the Brumallians in their attack upon the Consul Assessor's ship, this being an attempt to blacken Fleet and reduce its power. In support it presents evidence implicating Combine in the assassination of Admiral Carnasus, in the alleged attempt to sabotage Desert Wind and in the destruction of Blatant, and now demands that Combine hand over control of all its defence platforms. However, all of this evidence has been gathered and presented by Fleet itself. Orbital Combine claims these events have all been instigated by Fleet, and the evidence implicating Combine has been falsified, because Fleet is jealous of the growing power of Orbital Combine. Let us return to the point: we have no independent evidence of either of these claims." He lowered his cane and sat back and, almost as if being given permission, the delegates began shouting at each other again.

"He is still highly respected," said Franorl.

"He would not have been appointed Chairman otherwise," said Harald.

"We have already voted upon and agreed what seems to be the best course of action following recent events," said Duras, and quiet fell again. "A Fleet intersystem transport, crewed by Fleet but commanded by GDS wardens, will be sent first to the hilldigger Desert Wind, then on to Brumal. Whatever investigations might be required will be conducted by a team provided by GDS. There will also be Orbital Combine observers aboard."

Franorl glanced at Harald. "Well, we knew that would be the one they'd go for," he whispered.

Duras finished, "Of course the question remains: what must be done in the meantime?"

Julian stood up abruptly. "Combine cannot be allowed to retain control of their defence platforms," he insisted. "Though you may doubt the evidence, we in Fleet are absolutely certain of their complicity with the Brumallians."

"Do you suppose Combine might use those platforms to fire on Sudoria?" asked Duras.

"That is not out of the question," Julian replied.

"Why would they attack our home planet if their aim is to displace Fleet?"

"That is the assumption we make, but it may not be correct. It is our primary duty, has always been our duty and one we have fulfilled well, to protect Sudoria. We cannot allow such an obvious threat to this planet's citizens to go unchallenged."

Duras nodded slowly. "Then this issue must now, without further debate, be put to the vote."

Harald abruptly leant forward, something tightening in his stomach. "He knows something," he hissed.

"Why do you say that?" asked Franorl.

"He's been delaying that vote all morning, deliberately circumventing Julian every time he's called for it." He glanced at Franorl. "We might lose this."

"But Duras himself served in Fleet."

"Yes, he did, but I suspect that subsequent contact with the Polity has changed many of his opinions." Harald sat back. He felt suddenly hot—a stickiness of sweat forming under his foamite uniform. In this one small thing it seemed he had miscalculated.

"Those in favour of handing over the defence platforms to Fleet, vote now," instructed Duras.

Harald checked the figures at the bottom of the screen.

"Those in favour of Orbital Combine retaining control of the defence platforms vote now."

More figures.

"That doesn't add up," said Franorl.

"Some of our own delegates voted against us," said Harald bitterly.

Duras stood up to close the debate. "Combine will retain control of their orbital defence platforms. But let me remind Parliament that Combine have requested teams of planetary wardens to board each platform. May I suggest that Fleet Security teams also be—"

Standing up, Julian interrupted, "Having earlier received instructions from Admiral Harald Strone, I now have something to say." He paused and gazed about the room.

Duras used the pause to interject, "Might that be something to do with the alarming news that the entire fleet is now on its way here from Carmel?"

Julian ignored him. "Under our restored wartime prerogatives, we cannot accept the result of this vote" — other Fleet delegates were by now also standing—"and must now withdraw from Parliament."

Chairman Duras abruptly sat down, suddenly looking very old and tired.

"Franorl," said Harald, "it's time you returned to your ship. As of now we are on full alert. I will broadcast the attack plan and general orders directly."

Franorl grinned. Harald just stared impassively at the screen.


This was the fourth delay on the maglev—it just settled down on its lift plates, with no explanation forthcoming from the tram service, but someone back at Central Control put up on the carriage screen the feed coming from one of the news services.

"… refused access to wardens and threatened to open fire if they attempted to enter Fleet property. GDS forces consequently placed a cordon around the base. It has not yet been confirmed that the missile was fired from within that cordon."

The image showed a badly wrecked street, with the remains of what looked like a landing craft strewn down it. As the camera focused in on the logo displayed on one piece of smoking cowling, Orduval felt a sudden tired disgust. The downed craft belonged to Orbital Combine. It had started.

As the news story continued he began to get the gist. After Fleet's refusal to acknowledge the parliamentary vote, with the subsequent walk-out of its delegates, those members left behind decided action must be taken. There were many Fleet bases located on Sudoria and, it seeming likely that Fleet intended some kind of attack, GDS wardens had rapidly moved in to take control of whatever arms caches the Fleet bases still contained. Working in conjunction with the warden force, a Combine surveillance craft overflew the particular base this report was about, and was blown out of the sky. Now more disturbing images: rioting, gunfire, an overhead shot of the city showing a massive explosion and fires burning here and there. It seemed those factions supporting Fleet were already fighting those supporting Combine, while GDS wardens were trying to restore order.

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