«There is a controlling network,» Karl said.

«It's a sub-system,» Marcus said. «The law is very clear on that point. If a starship's flight computer fails, but, say, the fusion generators keep working, their governing processors do not constitute the designated controlling mechanism. Nobody will be able to challenge our claim.»

«The xenocs might,» Wai said.

«Let's not make extra problems for ourselves. As the situation stands right now, we have title. We can't not claim the ship because the xenocs may or may not return at some time.»

Katherine rocked her head in understanding. «If we start examining the wormhole they might come back, sooner rather than later. Is that what you're worried about?»

«It's a consideration, yes. Personally, I'd rather like to meet them. But, Katherine, are you really going to learn how to build exotic matter and open a wormhole with the kind of sensor blocks we've got?»

«You know I'm not, Marcus.»

«Right. Nor are we going to find the principle behind the artificial-gravity generator, or any of the other miracles on board. What we have to do is catalogue as much as we can, and identify the areas that need researching. Once we've done that we can bring back the appropriate specialists, pay them a huge salary, and let them get on with it. Don't any of you understand yet? When we found this ship, we stopped being starship crew, and turned into the highest-flying corporate executives in the galaxy. We don't pioneer any more, we designate. So, we map out the last remaining decks. We track the power cables and note what they power. Then we leave.»

«I know I can crack their program language, Marcus,» Karl said. «I can get us into the command network.»

Marcus smiled at the weary pride in his voice. «Nobody is going to be more pleased about that than me, Karl. One thing I do intend to take with us is a cybermouse, preferably more than one. That molecular synthesizer is the hard evidence we need to convince the banks of what we've got.»

Karl blushed. «Uh, Marcus, I don't know what'll happen if we try and cut one out of the composite. So far we've been left alone; but if the network thinks we're endangering the ship, well . . .»

«I'd like to think we're capable of something more sophisticated than ripping a cybermouse out of the composite. Hopefully, you'll be able to access the network, and we can simply ask it to replicate a molecular synthesizer unit for us. They have to be manufactured somewhere on board.»

«Yeah, I suppose they do. Unless the cybermice duplicate themselves.»

«Now that'd be a sight,» Roman said happily. «One of them humping away on top of the other.»

•   •   •

His neural nanonics time function told Karl he'd slept for nine hours. After he wriggled out of his sleep pouch he air-swam into the crew lounge and helped himself to a pile of food sachets from the galley. There wasn't much activity in the ship, so he didn't even bother to access the flight computer until he'd almost finished eating.

Katherine was on watch when he dived into the bridge through the floor hatch.

«Who's here?» he asked breathlessly. «Who else is on board right now?»

«Just Roman. The rest of them are all over on the wreck. Why?»


«Why, what's the matter?»

«Have you accessed the flight computer?»

«I'm on watch, of course I'm accessing.»

«No, not the ship's functions. The satellite analysis network Victoria set up.»

Her flat features twisted into a surprised grin. «You mean they've found some gold?»

«No, no fucking way. The network was reporting that satellite three had located a target deposit three hours ago. When I accessed the network direct to follow it up I found out what the search parameters really are. They're not looking for gold, those bastards are here to get pitchblende.»

«Pitchblende?» Katherine had to run a search program through her neural nanonics encyclopedia to find out what it was. «Oh Christ, uranium. They want uranium.»

«Exactly. You could never mine it from a planet without the local government knowing; that kind of operation would be easily spotted by the observation satellites. Asteroids don't have deposits of pitchblende. But planetoids do, and out here nobody is going to know that they're scooping it up.»

«I knew it! I bloody knew that fable about gold mountains was a load of balls.»

«They must be terrorists, or Sonoran independence freaks, or black syndicate members. We have to warn the others, we can't let them back on board Lady Mac

«Wait a minute, Karl. Yes, they're shits, but if we leave them over on the wreck they'll die. Even if you're prepared to do that, it's the Captain's decision.»

«No it isn't, not any more. If they come back then neither you, me, nor the Captain is going to be in any position to make decisions about anything. They knew we'd find out about the pitchblende eventually when Lady Mac rendezvoused with the ore particle. They knew we wouldn't take it on board voluntarily. That means they came fully prepared to force us. They've got guns, or weapons implants. Jorge is exactly what I said he was, a mercenary killer. We can't let them back on the ship, Katherine. We can't.»

«Oh, Christ.» She was gripping the side of her acceleration couch in reflex. Command decision. And it was all hers.

«Can we datavise the Captain?» he asked.

«I don't know. We've got relay blocks in the stairwells now the cybermice have been deactivated, but they're not very reliable; the structure plays hell with our signals.»

«Who's he with?»

«He was partnering Victoria. Wai and Schutz are together; Antonio and Jorge made up the last team.»

«Datavise Wai and Schutz, get them out first. Then try for the Captain.»

«OK. Get Roman, and go down to the airlock chamber; I'll authorize the weapons cabinet to release some maser carbines . . . Shit!»


«I can't. Marcus has the flight computer command codes. We can't even fire the thrusters without him.»

•   •   •

Deck fourteen appeared no different from any other as Marcus and Victoria wandered through it. The corridors were broad, and there were few doorways. None they did find were closed.

«About sixty per cent is sealed off,» Marcus datavised. «This must be a major engineering level.»

«Yeah. There's so many cables around here I'm having trouble cataloguing the grid.» She was wiping a magnetic sensor block slowly from side to side as they walked.

His communication block reported it was receiving an encrypted signal from the Lady Mac . Sheer surprise made him halt. He retrieved the appropriate code file from a neural nanonics memory cell.


«What's the problem, Katherine?»

«You've got to get back to the ship. Now, Captain, and make sure Victoria doesn't come with you.»


«Captain, this is Karl. I accessed the analysis network; the satellites are looking for pitchblende, not gold or platinum. Antonio's people are terrorists, they want to build fission bombs.»

Marcus focused his collar sensors on Victoria, who was waiting a couple of metres down the corridor. «Where's Schutz and Wai?»

«On their way back,» Katherine datavised. «They should be here in another five minutes.»

«OK, it's going to take me at least half an hour to get back.» He didn't like to think about climbing fourteen flights of stairs fast, not in this gravity. «Start prepping the ship.»

«Captain, Karl thinks they're probably armed.»

Marcus's communication block reported another signal coming on-line.

«Karl is quite right,» Jorge datavised. «We are indeed armed; and we also have excellent processor blocks and decryption programs. Really, Captain, this code of yours is at least three years out of date.»

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