“What would you suggest I do?”

“You can’t fix the past. But you can fix yourself. Sign up for the 12,000 Days.”

“I’ve told you.”

“I’ll help you. I’ll be there. Do it, David. Go find Jesus.” Bobby smiled. “I dare you.”

After a long silence, David returned his smile.

Chapter 21

Behold the man

Extracted from the Introduction by David Curzon to The 12,000 Days: A Preliminary Commentary, eds. S. P. Kozlov and G. Risha, Rome 2040:

The international scholarly project known popularly as the 12,000 Days has reached the conclusion of its first phase. I was one of a team of (actually a little more than) twelve thousand WormCam observers worldwide who were assigned to study the historical life and times of the man known to His contemporaries as Yesho Ben Pantera, and to later generations as Jesus Christ… It is an honor to be asked to pen this introduction… We have always known that when we meet Jesus in the Gospels, we see Him through the eyes of the evangelists. For example Matthew believed that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, as appeared to be predicted by the Old Testament prophet Micah; and so he reports Jesus as being born in Bethlehem (though Jesus, the Galilean, was in fact — naturally enough — born in Galilee). We understand this; we compensate for it. But how many Christians over the centuries have longed to meet Jesus for themselves through the neutral medium of a camera — or better still, face-to-face? And how many would have believed that ours would be the first generation for which such a meeting would be possible? But that is precisely what has happened. Each of we Twelve Thousand was assigned a single Day of the short life of Jesus: a Day which we would observe with WormCam technology — in real time, from midnight to midnight. In this way a first draft “true” biography of Jesus could rapidly be compiled. This visual biography and attached reports are no more than a first draft: a simple observation, a laying-out of the events of Jesus’ tragically brief life. There is much subsidiary research to be done. For example, even the identities of the fourteen Apostles (not twelve!) have yet to be determined, and the fate of His brothers, sisters, wife and child are known only sketchily. Then will come the mapping of the blunt events of the central human story against the various accounts, canonical and apocryphal, which survived to tell us of Jesus and His ministry. And then, of course, the true debate will begin: a debate into the meaning of Jesus and His ministry — a debate which may last as long as the human race itself. This first encounter has not been easy. But already the clear light of Galilee has burned away many falsehoods.

David lay in his couch and tested its systems: the VR apparatus itself, the nursing agents which would manage the intravenous feeds and catheters, turn his abandoned body to reduce the risk of bedsores — even clean him if he desired, as if he were a coma victim.

Bobby sat before him, in this quiet, darkened room, his face shining in complex SoftScreen light.

David felt absurd amid all this gear, like an astronaut preparing for launch. But that Day of long ago, embedded in time like an insect in amber, unchanging and brilliant, was waiting for his inspection; and he submitted.

David lifted the Mind’sEye headset and settled it over his bead. He felt the familiar squirming texture as the headset wrapped itself tightly around his temples.

He fought panic. To think that people subjected themselves to this for mere entertainment.”

…And light burst over him, hard and brilliant.

He was born in Nazareth, a small and prosperous Galilean hill town. The birth was routine — for the time. He was indeed born to a Mary, who had been a virgin — a Temple Virgin. As his contemporaries knew Him, Jesus Christ was the illegitimate son of a Roman legionary, an Illyrian called Pantera. It was a relationship based on love, not coercion — even though Mary had been betrothed at the time to Joseph, a prosperous master builder and widower. But Pantera was transferred from the district when Mary’s pregnancy became known. It is to Joseph’s credit that he took in Mary and raised the boy as his own. Nevertheless Jesus was not ashamed of His origin, and would later style Himself Yesho Ben Pantera: that is, Jesus, son of Pantera. That is the sum of the historical facts of Jesus’ birth. Any deeper mystery lies beyond the reach of any WormCam. There was no census, no trek to Bethlehem, no stable, no manger, no cattle, no wise men, no shepherds, no Star. All of that — devised by the evangelists to show how this boy-child was a fulfilment of prophecy — was no more than an invention. The WormCam is stripping away many of our illusions about ourselves and our past. There are those who argue that the WormCam is a mass therapy tool which is enabling us to become more sane as a species. Perhaps. But it is a hard heart which does not mourn the debunking of the Christmas story!…

He was standing on a beach. He could feel the heat like a heavy moist blanket, and sweat prickled on his forehead.

To his left there were hills, folded in green, and to his right a blue sea lapped softly. On the horizon, mist laden, he could make out fishing boats, brown-blue shadows as still and flat as cardboard cutouts. On the northern shore of the sea, perhaps five kilometres distant, he could make out a town: a clutter of brown-walled, flat-roofed buildings. That must be Capernaum. He knew he could use the Search Engine to be there in an instant. But it seemed more appropriate to walk.

He closed his eyes. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his face, hear the lapping of water, smell grass and the sourness of fish. The light here was so bright that it shone, pink, through his closed eyelids. But in the corner of his eye, within his eyelid, glowed a small gold OurWorld logo.

He set off, the sharp coolness of the Galilee water at his feet.

…He had several brothers and sisters, and also some half-siblings (from Joseph’s previous marriage). One of His brothers, James, bore a remarkable similarity to Him, and would go on to lead the Church (at any rate a strand of it) after Jesus’ death. Jesus was apprenticed to His uncle Joseph of Arimathea — not as a carpenter, but a builder. He spent much of His late youth and early manhood in the city of Sepphoris, five kilometres north of Nazareth. Sepphoris was a major city — the largest in Judaea, in fact, apart from Jerusalem and the capital of Galilee. There was a great deal of work for builders, masons and architects in the city at this time, for Sepphoris had been largely destroyed by a Roman action against a Jewish uprising in the year 4 B.C. His time in Sepphoris was significant for Jesus. For here, Jesus became cosmopolitan. He was exposed to Hellenic culture, for example through Greek Theatre, and — most significantly — to the Pythagorean tradition of number and proportion. Jesus even attached Himself, for a time, to a Jewish Pythagorean group called the Essenes. This was in turn part of a much older tradition that spanned Europe — it had, in fact, reached as far as the Druids of Britain. Jesus became, not a humble carpenter, but a craftsman in a highly sophisticated and ancient tradition. Joseph’s trade would lead the young Jesus to travel extensively throughout the Roman world. Jesus’ life was full. He married. (The Bible story of the marriage of Cana, with water turning into wine, seems to have been embroidered from an incident at Jesus’ own wedding.) His wife died in childbirth; He did not remarry. But the child survived, a daughter. She disappeared in the confusion surrounding the end of her father’s life. (The search for this daughter of Jesus, and any descendants living today, is one of the most active areas of WormCam research.) But Jesus was restless. At a precociously early age He began to formulate His own philosophy. This could be regarded, simplistically, as based on a peculiar synthesis of Mosaic with Pythagorean lore: Christianity would grow out of this collision between Eastern mysticism and Western logic. Jesus saw Himself, metaphorically, as a mean between God and mankind — and the concept of the mean, particularly the Golden Mean, was of course the subject of much contemplation in the Pythagorean tradition. He was, and would always remain, a good Jew. But He did develop strong ideas about how the practice of His religion could be bettered. He began to cultivate friendships among those His family deemed definitely unsuitable for a man of His station: the poor, criminals. He even forged shadowy links with various groups of lestai, would be insurrectionists. He argued with His family, and He left for Capernaum, where He would live with friends. And, during these years, He began to practice miracles.

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