Heads turned as they emerged, and although no one seemed to be overtly watching them, suddenly everyone was. Even the drunks.

No, not watching them. Watching Big Bill.

The ambient noise level dropped further when the Grr brothers emerged, still spattered with blood. Even the volume of the big screens seemed lower.

For a moment, Torin thought Big Bill was going to clap her on the shoulder. When she turned to face him, he thought better of it and let his hand fall back to his side. He made it look like it had been his decision. "If you need anything, Gunnery Sergeant, Mashona, Werst, Ressk," he said jovially, his voice carrying, "let me know. Good luck finding work."

"Good luck finding work?" Mashona repeated, coming in closer as Big Bill and his companions moved out of eavesdropping range. "What the hell does that mean?"

Torin watched people watching Big Bill and the injured Krai as they passed. "It means he's identified us, all of us, as his. No one will hire us, the cost of being here will put us dangerously into debt, and we'll have no recourse but to go to work for him."

"He wants us for something specific. You, anyway, Gunny," Werst amended.

"And that means no one will question us being here, so it works in our favor." As Big Bill moved off the concourse, all eyes turned on them. Lip curled, Torin swept her gaze around the space and noted reactions. Not as many ex-Corps as she'd feared.

"Gunny, about the… them." Ressk sounded worried, so she turned. "You ate their souls?"

"They believe, Ressk, I don't." Glancing between the two Krai, she exchanged raised eyebrows with Mashona and said, "And?"

"And they're lovers," Werst snorted. "Not brothers."

"Actually…" Ressk's nose ridges opened and closed. "They might also be brothers. Their scents are so tangled."

"Yeah, well…" Werst waved that off. "… consenting adults. Who the fuk cares. More to the point, no one smells like that living on protein patties and vat steak. Big Bill, he wasn't kidding about them eating his enemies."

"I doubt Big Bill kids about much," Torin pointed out. "Now, let's find the Heart of Stone, find Craig, and haul ass out of here before it matters."


"So where do we start,Gunny?" "With the bars. Drunks aren't known for their discretion. The Heart of Stone scored big with Jan and Sirin's salvage. People brag. They got hit with a Susumi wave. People talk. And I'm betting…" Torin remembered the look on the gray-haired woman's face as she pushed past her toward the game. "… that Nat owes money to more than one person on this station."

Mashona snickered. "Interesting emphasis, Gunny. I like how you make her name sound like a target."

The four of them had taken half a dozen steps away from the docking arm hatch when the hatch of the bar directly opposite them opened and a roar of laughter spilled out onto the concourse, closely followed by a flailing Human-traveling about a meter and a half off the deck and covering an impressive distance before landing.

"Gravity always wins," Ressk observed as the middle-aged man hit the deck, rolled twice, and finished flat on his back.

Arms and legs splayed out, breathing heavily, the man waved a stained finger in the general direction of the bar while a turquoise-haired di'Taykan yelled, "And don't come back!" out the open hatch. He jerked as the hatch slammed shut, announced with the overly precise diction of the very drunk that it had totally been worth it, flopped over onto his left side, and went to sleep.

"We'll start there," Torin said.

The Vritan Kayti was a di'Taykan bar, and the trick with di'Taykan bars was to take a good long look into the corners, realize that sex was not a spectator sport, and get on with things.

Not a spectator sport for most people, Torin amended, dropping into a chair at an empty table and ordering a beer from the center screen. Took all kinds. Werst was at the bar, Mashona had disappeared behind a drape of multicolored gauze, and Ressk had joined a game of darts. Torin doubted she had any subtle left, and since the last thing they wanted to do was give the game away and spook the bastards into killing Craig, it seemed like a better idea to let people come to her.

She ran her thumb around the inert plastic edge of the screen.

As more of them recognized her, someone would.

It was merely a matter of time.

Or would have been if she'd had any time to spare. Not counting time spent in Susumi space, Craig had been with the pirates for approximately twenty-eight hours. If they'd folded directly here after scooping him out of the debris field, he'd spent anywhere from three-and-a-half-to-five days in Susumi-couldn't be more precise without the exact equations but three-and-a-half days minimum.

The militaries of oldEarth had a saying: Everyone breaks on the third day.

But Craig had information they needed. Page's death had been an accident, an accident that said they'd wanted him alive more than they'd wanted him dead. They'd take their time with Craig.

Three-and-a-half days minimum in Susumi. Another day in real space.

Four days.

If it was true that everyone broke on the third day-and Torin had no way of judging because the Primacy hadn't taken prisoners-what happened on day four? Did they keep him around, keep him alive, in case they had other questions?

What if she was wrong?

What if he was dead?

What did she do then?

Destroy the people who killed him. Easy answer. But what happened after?

"… think you're too fukking good to pay attention?"

The voice had been a constant background drone for a few minutes, but that last bit had volume enough to break through her thoughts. The grip on her shoulder snapped her the rest of the way back to the here and now.

The slam of bone against the table brought a moment's silence, a roar of laughter, then the business of the bar carried on.

He was Human, Torin's height, and his bare arms were heavily muscled. He might have been attractive, but the blood running down his face from above one eyebrow made it hard to tell.

Torin grabbed a fistful of vest and hauled him up onto his feet. Looking past him, she spotted three di'Taykan and a Human who were still finding the situation funny. "He with you?" she asked, raising her voice slightly. When one of the di'Taykan indicated he was, she shoved him in their general direction, sat down, and accepted a fresh beer from Werst.

"Price of these things is fukking proof piracy isn't confined to space," he said, as she took a drink. They sat silently, watching an orange-haired server clean up the blood with practiced efficiency. "Seems like you've solidified your more badass than thou reputation, though," he continued once they were essentially alone again. "Nicely done, Gunny. I know how you did it and barely saw you move. You okay?"

"Thought you said you were watching?"

"Not what I meant."

"I'm fine."

"Really? Because I'd be willing to bet you haven't bothered doing anything since Ryder was taken but try to get him back."

"Your point?"

"I'd be willing to bet," he repeated, "you haven't ranted or raged or used any of time you spent in Susumi to fall apart for a few minutes."

"Who would that help?"


Torin thought about sticking with the party line, gunnery sergeants didn't fall apart-not for a few minutes, not at all-but gunnery sergeants had the entire Corps helping to hold them together, and she'd given that up.

"All that pressure you're under…" Werst tapped a fingernail against his glass. "Cracks are starting to show, Gunny."

A missed drop of blood gleamed a translucent crimson in the light from the menu.

"I'm not under…"

What if Craig was dead? What if they were too late?

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