"Out of my way!"Cho pushed past Huirre and slammed both fists down against the air lock's inner hatch. Once. Twice. "Get this thing open! Now!"

"I'm trying, Captain!" He could hear the whine of excuses in Dysun's voice. He should never have brought her and her thytrins on board. "But with it slaved to the outer hatch…"

"I don't fukking care! Get. It. Open!" He couldn't hear anything from the ore docks. Not fighting. Not her boots against the deck coming closer.

"You okay, Captain?"

He turned on Huirre, pleased to see his nose ridges snap shut as he backed up. "Where the fuk were you?" he snarled.

"She killed Doc! I wasn't fukking facing her unarmed. I was going to bring you the tasik Doc dropped, but it wasn't working. I tried to get it working." Huirre glanced over his shoulder and pounded on the hatch, but Cho wasn't falling for that we're in this shit together crap.

"Liar! Coward!"

"You ran!" Huirre's lips drew back off his teeth. He glanced back toward the outer hatch. "Is she coming after you? The gunnery sergeant?"

"Shut up!" She wanted him dead. She was hurt, but that wouldn't matter. People like her, people like Doc, they just kept coming. "Dysun! Every second I'm in here, you lose ten percent of your share!"

The inner hatch opened.

Yeah, that lit a fire under her ass. "Close everything and get to your board. You, too!" Cho turned far enough to see Huirre slinking out of the air lock. "And later, when this is over…" He layered enough menace into the pause to keep Huirre's nose ridges closed, then he pivoted on one foot and ran for the control room. "Move, damn it!"

Behind him, he heard Dysun ask about Doc.

"Dead," Huirre told her.

Dead. Big Bill thought he was winning, but he was wrong. There was an oldEarth saying, the bigger they were, the harder they fell and every species Humans had run into since hauling their asses into space had a variation on it. These sorts of sayings became universal for a reason, and Cho was going to fukking prove it.

Big Bill was going down! "Marines, we are leaving." Arm pressed against the broken rib, Torin struggled to match Craig's stride. He was making good time using the heel of his left foot, but pain of impact was easier to ignore than a potentially punctured lung.

Not a competition, Torin reminded herself silently. It didn't matter if Craig ended up carrying her the rest of the way to the lockers as long as they both got there while breathing remained an option. "Werst, take the Star out; rendezvous by the ore docks!" *She's locked down, Gunny!*

Of course she was. "Ressk, you said if you took her out of Vrijheid's operating system, the station would kick her clear?" *Yeah, but when we detach from the station, proximity protocols will have the docking computer try and take control whether it has a record of us or not.*

And that would give Big Bill control of the Star. "Can you lock it out?" *Not without closing down communications.*

"What does… never mind." Torin raised a hand Ressk couldn't see. Explanations she wouldn't understand were explanations she didn't need to hear. "All right, shut down the comm. Then the gravity. Open the loading doors. Blow the Star free, then get in as close to the ore dock as you can. Mashona, get the grapples on the armory…" Mashona had never used a grapple gun, but she could blow the eye out of the Queen of Spades with anything else, so Torin had no concerns about her being able to fake it. "… and shoot one our way. We'll use it to get back to the lock."

"Roger, Gunny.* *Gunny,* Ressk broke in. "The Heart is armed.*

"Mashona, you're cleared to return fire." *With the cutting tool, Gunny?*

"No, open a window and throw empty beer pouches at them. Yes, with the cutting tool! It's a just a bennie with delusions of grandeur." *Roger, Gunny.*

"All right, people, you know what you're supposed to do. Get your thumbs out of your asses and do it!" *Meet you outside, Gunny.*

Torin lost the ping of the implants going off-line in her labored breathing. Civilian life had left her appallingly out of shape, but she managed to sound almost normal when she said, "Looks like we're on our own."

"About time," Craig snorted as they limped to a stop at the lockers. "Cramps my style when the kids listen in."

"You have a style?" Torin reached past him for the latch, but he stopped her, fingers closing around her jaw.

"Your head's still bleeding."

"It's a head wound. They do that."

"We need to…"

"Rip a piece off my sleeve."


"We just need to stop it from dripping in my eye. Running out of time," she added when Craig opened his mouth to protest.

"Later," he muttered, grabbing the edge of damaged sleeve and tearing a strip free.

At this point, Torin figured later referred to enough that there was no time to expand on it. When Craig raised the fabric tentatively toward her face, she took it from him and pressed it down over the cut, the blood on the surrounding skin tacky enough to hold it in place.

He rolled his eyes and yanked the locker open. "This one was Nadayki's. This one… Doc's." His tone said he thought she'd have trouble wearing the latter suit.

She felt closer to Doc than she had to anyone since Craig had been taken.

"You're too tall for Doc's." Torin yanked the suit out of the fill niche and let it pool to the deck, the torso held more or less upright by the tanks. "Fuk. My boots…" Bending was pretty much out of the question.

Craig dropped to one knee and unfastened them. Torin resisted the urge to run her fingers through his hair.

She had hold of the locker, mostly to help her stay standing, when the gravity cut out. Anchored, she folded her legs up and shoved them into the rising suit. Teeth clenched, she started to twist, but Craig's hand crossed in front of hers, reached into the collar, and magged her boots to the deck. After that, it was as simple as getting into an HE suit with a cracked rib and four useless fingers.

At least no one was shooting at her, which made suiting up significantly more fun than on three previous attempts.

Just before she slid her good hand down the sleeve, she reached into the locker and touched the gray plastic suit mount. Her fingers brushed against Craig's as he did the exact same thing.

It felt like the first time she'd smiled in… several lifetimes.

Given the smile, their teeth cracked when Craig leaned forward and kissed her.

Emergency klaxons didn't so much shatter the silence as bludgeon it flat.

"Because I'm just that good," Craig murmured as he pulled away.

Torin bit her lip. Laughing now would shatter the tenuous grip she had on the gunnery sergeant, and her work wasn't done.

The crack of seals breaking, of atmosphere beginning to vent, caused a hindbrain response, but training kicked in before panic, and Torin had her helmet flipped up and sealed before the currents started pulling. Craig may have been born dirtside but he was station raised and had lived his life in space-odds were high he'd sealed his helmet even faster.

The inside of Doc's suit smelled like hartwood, a popular scent for men's toiletries back home on Paradise. At one time or another, both Torin's brothers had used it. She hadn't smelled it on Doc when she'd killed him.

The rush of escaping air had already begun to pull on the outside of the suit when Torin released one boot, twisted, bent her knee, and remagged it to the wall. It was a fight against the equalizing pressure to get the second up, but she managed. Body parallel to the deck, helmet pointed toward the opening doors, she turned her head to see Craig had assumed the same emergency position.

The boots were designed to hold even against an atmospheric pressure of 1.06 kilograms per square centimeter suddenly leaving the station.

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