"Because you learned you're Force-sensitive?"

Marr colored. "Maybe. Partially."

Khedryn did not press. He thought of all the scrapes he and Marr had been through the past six years and realized that all of them had been of his own making. Marr had simply followed his lead and respected Khedryn's call. Khedryn figured he owed Marr the same, at least this once.

"Try not to get Junker shot up, eh? And you are on shuttle service and that's an order. If it gets too hairy, you abort and jump out of the system, no matter what Relin says. If you get aboard that cruiser, you drop off that Jedi and get out. Flotsam can get Jaden and me out of the system if need be."

Marr did not respond, and Khedryn liked the silence not at all. "That's an order, Marr. Understood?"

"I will do my best," Marr said.

Khedryn gave him a gentle shove. "You come back with the same look in your eyes as these Jedi and I'm throwing you off the ship for good."

Marr smiled, the tooth he'd chipped in a brawl Khedryn had started on Dantooine a jagged reminder of his loyalty. Khedryn looked out the cockpit window at the grainy, rough surface of the asteroid on which Jaden had set Junker down.

"This didn't exactly go as planned, did it?" he said.

"It rarely does," Marr said. "Variables. Always variables."

A fist formed in Khedryn's throat. He stared at his reflection on the transparisteel and swallowed it down. He wanted to say more to the best and only real friend he'd had since leaving the Empire of the Hand as a young man, but managed only to turn, reach out, and say, "Good luck."

Marr took Khedryn's hand, shook it. "And you."

Khedryn took one last look around Junker's cockpit, moved past Marr, and started to go, but Marr's voice pulled him around.

"Captain. For you."

Khedryn turned to find Marr holding out a stick of chewstim.

He took it, supposing it said all that needed to be said.


When Khedryn had Flotsam prepped and loaded with envirogear, he got on Junker's shipwide communicator.

"All hands to the galley one more time. Attendance is mandatory."

He took a roundabout way to the galley, walking Junker's corridors, cognizant of the fact that it, and Marr, might not return from Harbinger's landing bay.

If they made it to the landing bay.

He knew he was getting sentimental; knew, too, that he could not afford to do so. He was the captain and as such had certain obligations.

Beginning with this one, he thought.

When he reached the galley, he found Jaden, Relin, and Marr standing at the table, looking questions at one another.

"Time is short," Relin said.

"Gotta make time for this," Khedryn said.

He went to the food locker, pulled four drink glasses, and poured all of them a double from the only bottle of decent keela he kept on the ship. He carried the glasses to the other three men, handed one to each in turn. Relin sniffed at the glass.

"I do not consume alcohol," he said.

"You do now," Khedryn said. "Captain's orders."

Relin half smiled and relented with a shrug.

Khedryn held aloft his glass, and the others mirrored his gesture. With nothing better to say, he recited an old spacers' toast he remembered from his adolescence.

"Drink it down, boys, for the black of space is cold. Drink it down, boys, for it's always better to live hard and die young than live not and die old."

Everyone smiled. No one laughed. All drank.

Khedryn slammed his glass down on the table. "We go."


Khedryn took the copilot's swivel seat in Flotsam's tiny cockpit. It had been a while since he'd sat in the Starhawk's cockpit, and the tight confines made him feel like he was sitting in a metal coffin.

Instrumentation was live. He shook off the sense of foreboding and performed a final preflight check. Everything showed green. He stared out the tapering transparisteel window, eyeing the swirl of rock and ice, faintly backlit by the cerulean balloon of the gas giant. They were coming around to the planet's dark side. The deep blue oval of the super storm was nowhere in sight. They would pass unmarked by the planet's giant eye.

"We are go for release," he said.

"Go for release," Jaden said from the pilot's seat. "Warming engines. Disconnecting."

The modified couplings released with a series of deep clicks and Flotsam floated free of Junker, just another piece of debris floating in the gas giant's belt of ice and rock. Repulsors carried them safely away from Junker and the asteroid.

Khedryn felt a moment of intense vertigo as they moved off, and he knew it had nothing to do with motion sickness. Jaden must have noticed his feelings.

"When is the last time you sat in the cockpit of something other than Junker?"

"Been a while," Khedryn acknowledged. Usually Marr flew Flotsam, if it proved necessary on a job. "Marr will take good care of her."

"Of course he will," Jaden said. He activated the comm and raised Junker. "We are clear."

"Copy that," said Relin. "You are clear."

Hearing Relin's disembodied voice struck Khedryn oddly, made him experience the same sense of disconnectedness he sometime did while watching time-lagged events on the vidscreens in The Hole.

Except in Relin's case the lag was five thousand years rather than only a few months. It was as if Relin had already happened, as if he were a foregone conclusion that Khedryn could only watch but not affect.

He cleared his mind, his throat, tasted the after burn of keela in his phlegm.

"Do you find it odd that Relin asked nothing of the current state of the galaxy? I'd be as curious as a spider monkey."

Jaden fiddled with the instruments, and Khedryn imagined him putting a filter around his thoughts. "I am not surprised, no."


"He knows he is going to die," Jaden said, his tone matter-of-fact. "Whether he succeeds or not, he is dead. The radiation will kill him."

Khedryn's voice was not matter-of-fact. "What about Marr?" He reached for the comm, not sure what he would say, but Jaden's hand closed over his.

"Relin will ensure Marr's safety as best he can. He is a Jedi."

"Jedi." Khedryn spat the word as if he were trying to rid himself of a foul taste. He recalled stories of C'baoth's betrayal of Outbound Flight, and feelings he had not known he possessed bubbled up from his gut and slipped between his lips. "You Jedi think you know right from wrong, always making life-and-death decisions for others. How can you be so certain about it? These are lives, people."

"I am certain of nothing," Jaden said, and Khedryn heard a surprising resignation in the Jedi's tone. Khedryn's anger floated away with the rocks and ice.

"Why are you really here, Jaden? I mean, why really? The vision, yes, but it's more than that."

Jaden licked his lips, stared out the cockpit glass, then finally turned in his seat to face Khedryn.

"You really want to know?"

Khedryn sensed that Jaden wanted him to really want to know. He nodded.

Jaden stared straight at him, no evasion, and spoke in a tone as flat as a droid's.

"During the civil war, when the Jedi assaulted Centerpoint Station, I led one of the teams."

"I heard of that. The whole station was destroyed."

"My orders were to move fast and leave no one behind us as we advanced. At one point, we met stiff resistance from the Confederation and some Corellian sympathizers. Eventually we forced them back and they fled into a cargo hold and sealed the doors."

Khedryn could see that Jaden was not seeing the present. He was looking at Khedryn, but his eyes had followed his memory back into the past. He was seeing whatever ghosts haunted him.

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