Dan stared at her. Twelve lords a-leaping, I hadn’t even thought of that. Jupiter’s atmosphere must be loaded with hydrogen and helium isotopes. Cardenas smiled slightly. “I presume you could make a considerable fortune from all this.”

“I’ve offered to do it at cost.”

Her brows rose. “At cost?”

He hesitated, then admitted, “I want to help the people of Earth. There’s ten billion of them, less the millions who’ve already been killed in the floods and epidemics and famines. They’re not all bad guys.”

Cardenas looked away from him for a moment, then admitted, “No, I suppose they’re not.”

“Your grandchildren are down there.”

“That’s a low blow, Mr. Randolph.”


“It’s still a low blow, and you know it.”

He smiled at her. “I’m not above a rabbit punch or two if it’ll get the job done.” She did not smile back. But she said, “I’ll spin this Mars work off to a couple of my students. It’s mostly routine now, anyway. I’ll be back in Selene within the week.”

“Thanks. You’re doing the right thing,” Dan said.

“I’m not as sure of that as you are.”

He got up from his chair. “I guess we’ll just have to see where it all leads.”

“Yes, we will,” she agreed.

Dan shook hands with her again and then left her office. Don’t linger once you get what you want. Never give the other side the chance to reconsider. He had Cardenas’s agreement, no matter that it was reluctant.

Okay, I’ve got the team I need. Duncan and his crew can stay Earth-side. Cardenas will direct the construction job.

Now to confront Humphries.


And he’s madder’n hell,” Pancho finished. Dan nodded somberly as they rode an electric cart through the tunnel from the spaceport to Selene proper. Pancho had been at the spaceport to meet him on his return flight from Nueva Venezuela, looking worried, almost frightened about Humphries. “I guess I’d be ticked off, too,” he said, “if our positions were reversed.”

The two of them were alone in the cart. Dan had deliberately waited until the four other passengers of the transfer ship had gone off toward the city. Then he and Pancho had clambered aboard the next cart. The automated vehicles ran like clockwork along the long, straight tunnel. “What do you want to do?” Pancho asked. Dan grinned at her. “I’ll call him and arrange a meeting.”

“At the O. K. Corral?”

“No,” he said, laughing. “Nothing so grim. It’s time he and I talked about structuring a deal together.”

Frowning, Pancho asked, “Do you really need him now? I mean with the nanotech and all? Can’t you run this show yourself and keep him out of it?”

“I don’t think that would be the smart thing to do,” Dan replied. “After all, he did start me off on this fusion business. If I tried to cut him out altogether he’d have a legitimate gripe.”

“That’s what he expects you to do.”

Dan watched the play of shadows over her face as the cart glided silently along the tunnel. Light and shadow, light and shadow, like watching a speeded-up video of the Sun going across the sky.

“I don’t play the game the same way he does,” he said at last. “And I don’t want this project tied up by lawyers for the next ninety-nine years.” Pancho grunted with distaste. “Lawyers.”

“Humphries brought the fusion project to me because he wants to get into Astro. I know how he works. He figures that he’ll finance the fusion work in exchange for a bloc of Astro’s stock. Then he’ll finagle some more stock, put a couple of his clones on my board of directors, and sooner or later toss me out of my own company.”

“Can he do that?”

“That’s the way he operates. He’s snatched half-a-dozen corporations that way.

Right now he’s on the verge of taking over Masterson Aerospace.”

“Masterson?” Pancho looked shocked.

Dan said, “Yep. Half the world drowning and the rest cooking from this doubledamned greenhouse, and he’s using it to snatch and grab. He’s a goddamned opportunist. A vampire, sucking the life out of everything he touches.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“Keep his investment in the fusion project to a minimum,” Dan said. “And keep the fusion project separate and apart from Astro Corporation.”

“Good luck,” she said glumly.

Dan grinned at her. “Hey, don’t look so worried. I’ve been through this kind of thing before. This is what the corporate jungle is all about.”

“Yeah, maybe, but I think he’ll get rough if he doesn’t get his way. Real rough.”

With a brash shrug, Dan replied, “That’s why I keep Big George around.”

“Big George? Who’s he?”

Dan had made his quick trip to Nueva Venezuela without George. He didn’t feel the need for a bodyguard once he was off-Earth. In fact, he hadn’t seen the Aussie since they’d arrived together in Selene for his meeting with Doug Stavenger. “I’ll have to introduce you to him.”

The cart reached the end of the tunnel and stopped automatically. Dan and Pancho got off; he grabbed his travel-bag and they walked to the customs inspection station. Dan saw that the two uniformed inspectors were still checking the quartet of people who had arrived on his flight. On the other side of the area, by the entrance gate, an elderly couple was saying goodbye to a young family with two children, one of them a tot squirming in her mother’s arms. “So whattaya want me to tell Humphries?” Pancho asked. “He’ll wanna know how you did with Dr. Cardenas.”

“Tell him the truth. Cardenas is joining the team. She’ll be here in a few days.”

“Should I tell him you want to set up a meeting with him?”

Dan thought it over as they stepped up to the customs desk. “No,” he said at last.

“I’ll call him myself as soon as we get down to our quarters.” Humphries seemed surprised when Dan called him, but he quickly agreed to a meeting the very next morning. He insisted on having the meeting in the Humphries Space System’s suite of offices, up in the same tower on the Grand Plaza that housed Doug Stavenger’s office.

Dan accepted meekly enough, laughing inwardly at Humphries’s gamesmanship. He tried to phone Big George, got only his answering machine, and left a message for George to call him first thing in the morning. Then he undressed, showered, and went to bed.

He dreamed about Jane. They were together on Tetiaroa, completely alone on the tropical atoll beneath a gorgeous star-strewn sky, walking along the lagoon beach while the balmy wind set the palm trees to rustling softly. A slim crescent of a Moon rode past scudding silvery clouds. Jane was wearing a filmy robe, her auburn hair undone and flowing past her shoulders. In the starlight he could see how beautiful she was, how desirable.

But he could not speak a word. Somehow, no matter how hard he tried, no sound would come out of his mouth. This is stupid, Dan raged at himself. How can you tell her you love her if you can’t talk?

The clouds thickened, darkened, blotted out the Moon and stars. Beyond Jane’s shadowy profile Dan could see the ocean stirring, frothing, an enormous tidal wave rising up higher, higher, a mountain of foaming water rushing down on them. He tried to warn her, tried to shout, but the water crashed down on them both with crushing force. He reached for Jane, to hold her, to save her, but she was wrenched out of his arms.

He woke, sitting up and drenched with sweat. His throat felt raw, as if he’d been screaming for hours. He didn’t know where he was. In the darkness of the bedroom all he could see was the green glowing numerals on the digital clock on the night table. He rubbed at his eyes, working hard to remember. Selene. I’m in the company suite in Selene. I’m going to see Humphries first thing in the morning.

And Jane’s dead.

“You’ve been quite a busy fellow,” Humphries said, with obviously false joviality. Instead of meeting in his personal office, he had invited Dan to a small windowless conference room. Not even holoviews on the walls, only a few paintings and photographs of Martin Humphries with celebrities of various stripes. Dan recognized the current President of the United States, a dour-faced elderly man in black clerical garb, and Vasily Malik of the GEC. Leaning back relaxedly in the comfortable padded chair, Dan said, “I guess I have been on the go quite a bit since we last met.”

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