'My fiance will be back from patrol this afternoon, she told him. 'Eustace is a lieutenant in the militia. Guarding our borders, she added with a large dollop of irony.

'Ah, Edeard said. He glanced at her left hand, seeing a slim silver band like twined vines. A single diamond was set in its crest.

She bent round to look at his expression. 'That doesn't bother you, does it? You're the Waterwalker.

'No. Not worried. He did wonder what kind of marriage it would be, a thought which must have shone through his shielding.

'I'm a third daughter, Jessile said with a kindly smile. 'We're marrying because after twenty-three years I'll finally get out of the family mansion; and he gets a dowry to live off. Poor boy's a fifth son of the family Norrets' second son, which entitles him to a big slice of nothing. Daddy's promised me an estate in Walton province; they say it has a nice big house.

'That's why you're marrying?

'Of course. She paused the sponge on the top of his spine. 'I know I'm going to miss Makkathran, but I suppose I'll get used to country life. I'll visit the city every season.

'What about love? he asked.

Both girls smiled delightedly, letting wistful admiration flow free from behind their own veiled thoughts.

'You're so sweet, Jessile said. 'That's one of the things about you. I can sense it so easily. We all can. You're just endlessly fascinating. Is it true the first time the Pythia met you she said you'd be Mayor?

'What? No! She said no such thing. He struggled to remember what she had said.

'I'd like you to meet my friend Ranalee, Kristiana said. 'She's a Gilmorn, they're a merchant family. Horribly rich. She's a second daughter, very marriageable; and she's expressed, in complete confidence to me, how strongly she'd enjoy knowing you.

'Uh, right.

Kristiana stood up in front of him, wiping long damp hair from her shoulders with deliberate slow movements. 'She's pretty, too; and young, in case you were wondering. If I introduce you, we could all celebrate together tonight.

Edeard found himself short of breath.

* * * * *

Boyd was waiting outside Edeard's maisonette, wearing a long fur-lined coat over his smartest uniform. A slushy rain was dribbling out of an overcast sky, damping his hair. He started to say something, then stopped abruptly as Kristiana and Jessilo emerged just behind Edeard. The girls were swathed in long woollen wraps, as were currently fashionable. They just about covered up their expensive theatre dresses.

'Ladies, Edeard said courteously.

They both smiled demurely, and allowed him to kiss them on the cheek.

'Don't forget, Kristiana said. 'Tonight. Me and Ranalee.

Boyd watched in awe as the girls hurried along the walkway to the stairs. They were giggling after a few paces, arms linked, their heads leaning in together to not-quite-whisper.

'The Alrado theatre in Zelda district, Kristiana's longtalk shot at him.

'I'll be there, Edeard smiled happily at their departing backs.

'Two! Boyd exclaimed once the girls were clattering down the stairs.

Edeard knew his smile was now boastful. Didn't care.

'Lady! How do you do it. Step aside Macsen, the new king is on his throne.

'How was Saria? Edeard countered. 'Wasn't last night your fifth?

'Ninth, actually. Boyd's grin turned sinful. 'She's a Matran, you know, sixth daughter of their next District Master.

'Good for you, Edeard said. He still didn't really know his way around Makkathran's aristocracy; though he'd certainly met an awful lot of the younger members recently.

'She let slip she'd be acceptable to a proposal. Can you imagine that? Me, the son of a baker marrying into the Matrans!

'Is it so unusual?

Boyd slapped Edeard's back. 'Oh you country boy!

Edeard wondered what his friend would have to say on the subject of a second daughter in the Gilmorn family. Right from the beginning he'd thought the city's obsession with lineage and money to be unhealthy, as if such considerations were paramount. Of course, it might just be that Ranalee was a lovely person as well. Only one way to find out.

They made their way across the low bridge over the Outer circle canal and into the Majate district. Arminel's trial was being conducted in the central chamber of the Courts of Justice, the largest there was. Outside, the walls of the big ante hall were punctured by a series of deep arriere-voussure arches leading to the offices of the judiciary and their clerks. A lot of people in fine robes were already gathered there waiting when Edeard and Boyd arrived. Edeard respectfully acknowledged the looks cast in his direction as they made their way over to the cluster of constables around captain Ronark. He recognized several members of the Upper Council; Imilan the chemistry Guild's Grand Master, Dalceen, the District Master of Fiacre, Julan, District Master of Haxpen, and Finitan of course, who at least seemed genuinely welcoming with the sly grin he shot at Edeard.

'About time, Kanseen said as they joined the constables. 'We're about to go in. There was the faintest hint of suspicion leaking through her guarded mind. Edeard reckoned that was deliberate, she usually had a very strong shield. She never voiced any dismay at the success he was having with girls right now, but he knew it bothered her. In any case, he knew she'd had numerous invitations from various Grand Family sons; though that would more likely be a cause of annoyance for her.

'They wouldn't start without him, Macsen teased.

'I've given my testimony, Edeard said with a straight face. 'I don't really need to be here.

She pulled a face at him.

'And yet your ego delivered you here in time, Macsen said, equally innocently. 'How fortunate we all are.

'Any word on Dinlay? Edeard asked, ignoring Macsen's taunt. He was slightly disappointed their squadmate wasn't at the Courts of Justice. When they'd all visited Dinlay last, just a couple of days ago, the doctors had said he was almost ready to leave the hospital. It would be light duties only for another month or so, but the bullet wound was healing well.

'Bit much to expect him to be here as soon as he's out, Captain Ronark said. 'He'll probably start tomorrow.

'Yes, sir, Macsen said.

'Here we go, Sergeant Chae said.

Master Solarin from the Guild of Lawyers emerged from the nearest archway, assisted as always by a couple of ge-monkeys. After the debacle of Arminel's previous trial, Edeard had asked Captain Ronark if the district station could retain their old legal tutor as prosecuting council this time. To his surprise, the captain had agreed. But then as everyone in the whole city knew, this time Arminel and his cohorts were going to be found very very guilty. It was just that Edeard felt more comfortable with Solarin prosecuting. At least the ancient lawyer knew how to present a case, and wouldn't succumb to any procedural tricks employed by the defence.

'All waiting for me? Master Solarin said cheerfully. 'How very flattering. Come along then, let us do battle one last time.

The clerk of the court appeared at the big doors leading to the central chamber. 'The case of Makkathran versus Arminel, Gustape, Falor, Harri and Omasis is called to session, he announced loudly.

Master Solarin made his painfully slow way to the central chamber, with everyone else falling into place behind him, as tradition dictated.

Once again Master Cherix had been retained as Arminel's defence council. He followed the constables in, accompanied by two junior lawyers, seemingly unperturbed by the stature of the case.

'Wish I could afford him, Boyd whispered to Edeard and Kanseen as they made their way to their seats. 'In fact, if I ever do get arrested, I'm going to ask for him.

'When you get arrested, you mean, Kanseen smiled back.

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