Edeard grinned. But Boyd was right. Even with an open and shut case, Cherix had been flawless in his presentation, citing Edeard's provocation, the grudge between Arminel and Edeard, inflamed tension, the panic on the day; doing his best to mitigate the ultimate sentence.

'They had to have someone that good, Chae said as the squad settled in their benches. 'It's politics. The trial must be seen as fair.

When the central chamber was filled to capacity, the clerk trilled for silence, and the three judges walked in.

The day before the trial began, Solarin had told them that Owain, the Mayor himself, would take the role of chief judge of the proceedings. It was a very rare event for the Mayor to sit in court, even though his office was the head of the judiciary. Edeard somehow hadn't been surprised. Politics. Again. The city wanted to see the gang members punished. And there was an election in the spring. The nature of the case gave Owain the perfect justification to step in.

Owain and his two fellow judges called the court to order, and requested the closing statements from both councils.

Edeard listened with a growing sense of excitement, maybe even a sense of suspense. It was a foregone conclusion, Solarin's relentless speech made that perfectly clear, expertly demolishing the mitigating circumstances Cherix had so carefully built up. But even so, Cherix almost made Edeard feel sorry for Arminel, a life led astray through no fault of his own, dreadful childhood, abandoned by parents, fallen into crime because the city didn't care…

Surely they won't fall for this? As he looked at the faces of the judges, they were totally impassive, their minds perfectly shielded.

After the submissions, Owain announced a recess so the judges could consider their verdict. Edeard and the others found themselves back out in the ante hall again, trying not to let their feelings leak to everyone else.

Grand Master Finitan came over to talk to them. 'Any doubts about the outcome? he asked quietly. 'You seem subdued.

'No sir, Edeard said. 'But Cherix is good.

'He has to be. The Grand Council can't afford any accusation of bias.


'You are becoming a proper citizen of Makkathran, aren't you?

'I do my best, sir.

'I know. Finitan drew him away from the other constables. 'Then consider this; the offer you will be made after the case is over is not about ability, it is made to test you.


'If you accept, it will show you understand the city's politics, and indicate you play by the same rules as the rest of us. If you refuse, if you claim you're not worthy, or wish to demonstrate your humility before the Lady, or something along those lines, then you're telling everyone you're a dangerous idealist.

'Yes, sir, Edeard said blankly; he didn't have a clue what the Grand Master was talking about.

'You have my blessing either way. But it has to be your own choice. I would simply to ask you to consider what you can accomplish on the outside looking in. Think about it.

'I will sir.

Finitan patted Edeard on the shoulder, and went back to the group of Masters from the Grand Council.

'What was that about? Macsen asked.

'I haven't got the faintest idea.

* * * * *

The three judges took two hours to deliberate. When the court was recalled, Arminel and his four fellow accused were made to stand as Owain read out the findings.

On extortion all five accused were found guilty.

On conspiracy: guilty.

On the attempted murder of two constables, a charge levelled at Arminel alone, he was found guilty.

Arminel kept his face and mind composed the whole time. Edeard was expecting the man to at least glance in his direction, but his resolve never wavered.

Owain then put a square of scarlet drosilk on his head. Edeard finally saw Arminel tense up.

Gustape, Falor, Harri and Omasis were sentenced to twenty years in the Trampello mine. They were led away to the holding cells. Arminel stood alone, facing the three judges.

"The crimes you have been found guilty of are exceptional, Owain declared. 'I don't believe that I have ever encountered such deliberate wickedness in my time on the Grand Council. To compound this, you have constantly refused to cooperate with the constables and tell them the names of other members in your vile criminal organization. While this might earn you their gratitude, it does nothing to encourage leniency on my part. We have never had the death penalty on Querencia. For this you can thank the Lady, who in her wisdom believes that there is no human soul which cannot be redeemed. However, I see no sign that your salvation is possible. As a consequence I find myself with no alternative but to sentence you to incarceration in the Trampello mines for the remainder of your life. May the Lady bless your soul upon its ascent into the radiant heavens, for no one else will. He banged the gavel. 'This court is concluded.

* * * * *

The spectators filed out of the central chamber while Edeard and his squadmates sat on their benches in a mild daze.

'Wow, Macsen said.

'Life, Boyd said.

'That's just about unheard of, Kanseen said.

Master Solarin turned to face the constables. 'I believe the last case where a life sentence was issued was forty-two years ago: the Golden Park Ripper. A most unpleasant individual. Before your time, of course. For that you may consider yourselves lucky.

'Wow, Macsen said again.

'Congratulations, young man, Master Solarin said, and put his hand out.

Edeard took the old man's grip gently. 'Thank you, sir. You got the verdict for us.

'I didn't have much work to do, thanks to your extraordinary gift. I wish you luck in your future endeavours. It has been a privilege to be your legal instructor. But to use an ancient phrase, I think you have outgrown me now.

'Oh no, sir. I'm hoping for a lot more cases.

'And you'll get them, of that I'm in no doubt. And I'm not the only one, it would seem. Do you see the gentleman over there? His gnarled finger pointed with only a slight tremor.

Edeard and the others glanced in the direction the old lawyer indicated. They saw a man in a flamboyant blue jacket and grey drosilk shirt making his way along the main aisle. He was probably approaching the end of his first century, yet still hale and healthy, with thick brown hair hanging over his collar, only a few strands of which were turning to silver. He had heavy gold rings on every finger, and loops of gold chain round his neck. His face was fattening, the result of many years of good living. Even so, he looked physically powerful. He was watching them with pale-green eyes that were overshadowed by a broad forehead. Some accident or fight long ago had left him with a jaw that was unable to close straight, giving him slightly lopsided features. His whole appearance was one of a successful, self-confident merchant. As if to confirm this, he was accompanied by two beautiful girls who wore expensive dresses and a lot of jewellery. They were several years younger than Kristiana, Edeard decided with a little burst of sympathy for them. Then he met the man's gaze. It was a scrutiny every bit as intense as the one the Pythia had given him all those months ago. Edeard instinctively knew there was an enmity between them, and returned the stare levelly even though he didn't know why.

'Who is that? he asked quietly.

'That, Master Solarin said with extreme distaste, 'is Captain Ivarl.

'Has he some kind of ship? Edeard asked. He was mildly put out by the way the others groaned disparagingly.

'No, Chae said. 'He doesn't own a ship, though he makes out he used to captain a merchantman. Ivarl is the owner of the House of Blue Petals.

Edeard had heard of that establishment; a bordello in the Myco district, next to Makkathran's port.

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