'Then it can be done? Dinlay asked eagerly.

Edeard had brought Dinlay with him, while Macsen and Kanseen went to meet Setersis. Not that he didn't trust Dinlay with anything, it was just that Macsen would be better suited to deal with the chief of the Silvarum stallholders association. Boyd, of course, was with Isoix, discussing their notion with the Jeavons chamber of trade.

'Such impatience, Master Solarin muttered disapprovingly. One of his ge-monkeys brought a thick leather-bound tome over to his desk, and placed it gently on the huge square of blotting paper in front of the ancient lawyer.

When he'd been shown in by a legal apprentice, Edeard had thought the whole office had been built from books. Each of the five walls were covered from floor to ceiling in shelving, holding thousands of volumes of law. There might have been a window, but it had long since been blocked over. The ceiling had three blunt stalactites that shone orange, giving the books a dingy brown hue.

Master Solarin opened the book. He licked the tip of his forefinger, and began to turn the pages. Edeard wanted to volunteer to help. It was all so painfully slow. He deliberately didn't turn to look at Dinlay.

'Ah ha, Master Solarin said happily. 'I thought I remembered this one.

'Sir? Edeard asked.

'I believe I may have found what it is you are looking for.

Edeard leaned forward. The page the book was open at had greyed over the decades, but the ink was still firm and black.

'Here we jolly well go, Master Solarin said. His shaky hand traced a line of the print, his mouth working silently.

'What does it say? Dinlay pleaded.

Edeard shot him a warning glance.

'It says, Constable Dinlay, that nine hundred and thirty two years ago, the Grand Council passed the by-law of district exclusions. This is an edict which allows the District Master or District Representative to declare the right of admittance revoked for any person deemed detrimental to the sanctity of the locale. Issuance of such warrant may be duly authorized by the District Master or District Representative on their own authority, without supervision by a judge or magistrate. He looked up from the book. 'I believe it was proposed in Council by the District Master of Cobara so that he might prevent an over-amorous suitor from wooing his only daughter. If you remember your history, Constable Dinlay, the two young lovers in question were Henaly and Gistella.

'Really? Dinlay said with a happy smile. He turned to Edeard. 'They eloped on the Oxmaine, and founded Love's Haven, and planted the vineyards there. That province still produces some of the best wines on Querencia.

'Wonderful, Edeard said, resisting the impulse to use his third hand to give Dinlay a good smack. 'So we can use this law to ban gang members from coming in to Jeavons and Silvarum, without having to legally prove they're gang members?

'Any person for any reason, provided their name is on the warrant and signed by the District Master or Dist—

'Yes! The District Representative. How do I get them to sign?

'Oh Dear Lady, were my lectures completely in vain?

'You petition them, Dinlay said proudly.

'Indeed, constable Dinlay. I am glad not all of my words fell on deaf ears. As a resident of Makkathran you have under most ancient law the right to make a petition of enactment. Such that a District Master, or- Master Solarin paused for emphasis, 'a District Representative, can require the constable station commander of their district to enforce whatever law the supplicant believes has been violated. Now, as the assistance of the citizenry is implicitly required, as stipulated in the articles of formalization of the constabulary six hundred and twenty-two years ago, this elder right of petition has subsequently fallen into disuse. However, it has never been retired.

'You mean we can use this loophole to get the District Master to sign the warrants? Edeard asked.

The skin of Master Solarin's ancient face produced even more creases as he frowned in disapproval. 'You will never become a lawyer, Constable Edeard, for which blessing my Guild will doubtless be most relieved. There is no such thing as a loophole. Lawyers merely advise our clients on how to apply laws and the precedents they establish.

'Thank you, sir. Edeard rose from his chair.

'A word of caution, my young friend.


'You can petition them to enact a law, but you cannot force them to undertake said enactment. To obtain those signatures, you will need their cooperation.

'I understand, sir. My colleagues are working on that.

* * * * *

It was a big petition. Edeard had to back up the initial street association meetings personally, persuading the stallholders and shopkeepers and tavern owners and merchants, and a dozen other tradespeople that his idea was worth trying. With his small base of political allies like Setersis, Ronark, and Finitan, and his own reputation, he began to gain the backing he needed. A week after the meeting with Solarin, the Jeavons chamber of trade, and the Silvarum chamber of trade simultaneously laid down a formal request to see their respective District Masters and Representatives.

They convened in the library of District Master Vologral's mansion. Edeard had only met the Jeavons Master twice before, at formal events. There, they'd made small talk, trying to weigh each other up. He was heartened by the fact Vologral was an all of Finitan on the Grand Council.

Vologral and the other three Masters stood behind a long table, listening to the official request as made by the speakers of the chambers of trade, then he turned to Edeard. 'Can this work?

'I believe so, sir, Edeard said. 'We know probably seven out often involved in the protection rackets, certainly in our districts. Those are the ones we already have warrants for. If the gangs send in new faces to collect their money, we'll know who they are straight away, and we can add them to the list.

'But keeping them out… Vologral looked apprehensive.

'In total there are fifteen bridges into the two districts. Each one will have a pair of constables on duty from now on to enforce the exclusion. We just need the legal basis.

'And the mooring platforms? How many of them? You can't guard them all.

'There will be three permanent patrols inspecting the mooring platforms at random; in addition our ge-eagles will be scouting constantly. I'd point out that a court can levy a considerable fine to any gondolier who violates a city by-law. We'll need to make an example of the first few cases, possibly with confiscation of their craft. After that, they'll won't be so keen to help the gangs.

'I can imagine the Gondolier Guild's reaction to that, Deveron, the Silvarum Representative muttered.

'The Waterwalker is making an effort to help us, Setersis said quietly. 'I for one am happy to cooperate. Deveron looked at him, and said no more.

'Very well, Vologral said. 'I am provisionally inclined to grant your petition. I will sign the warrants. However, I give you notice, Waterwalker, that I will review the situation in three weeks' time, after the Festival of Guidance. If I am not satisfied that racketeering has subsided, or you are not holding the line against the gangs, they will be revoked. Do you understand?

'Yes sir. Thank you, sir.

'Do you have the warrants here?

Edeard beckoned Felax and the other three probationary constables who were waiting at the back of the delegation. Each of them came forward carrying a tall stack of paper.

'Great Lady, Vologral grunted when he saw how many warrants the young constables had brought. 'I didn't know I was excluding half the city.

'Seventy three people to start with, sir, Edeard said.

'Gentlemen, Vologral said to his fellow Masters, 'let's hope we don't get writer's cramp. He sat down at the long table.

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