'What happens to the rest of the city? Deveron asked. 'Aren't we just exporting the problem?

'They'll wait to see if it works, Setersis said. 'If it does, they'll join in quickly enough. Decent people have had enough.

Vologral signed the first warrant. 'So suppose you do succeed? Exclude them from everywhere but Sampalok, for I know damn well that Bise will never sign one of these. What then?

'I imagine that will be up to the Grand Council, sir.

'Ha! Vologral gave Edeard a sly smile of approval as he reached for another warrant. 'Not such a country boy after all, eh?

* * * * *

It began the very next morning. Ronark changed the squad shifts, which in itself was fairly historic; dispatching five constables to each of the bridges leading into Jeavons from Drupe, Tycho and Majate. Silvarum's station captain did the same with bridges to Haxpen and Padua.

As dawn broke, the constables took up position. News of the exclusion had spread in that lightning-fast way any novelty did in Makkathran, especially one concerning the Waterwalker. A lot of people turned up to see if it was actually going to happen. At some bridges they applauded when the constables appeared. Sandwiches and hot tea and coffee were produced and offered to the new guard squads. Then everyone settled down to see what the gangs would do.

At midday, eight men walked across Golden Park. They were young and tough, knew how to handle themselves in a fight, and had a strong third hand. By the time they reached the district's southern point adjoining Birmingham Pool there were five ge-eagles orbiting high above them. Only two of which belonged to the constables.

'Getting a real burst of nostalgia here, Macsen sang out as Edeard's squad jogged along Macoun Street.

'Nostalgia is a happy sensation, Kanseen grunted. 'This isn't.

Edeard tended to agree with her. He glanced at Isoix's bakery as they sped past. 'You all right? he asked Dinlay with a direct longtalk whisper.

'Oh Lady, yeah. Dinlay's thoughts were aflame with expectation. They'd spent the morning walking round the two districts on a random route, making themselves visible, knowing there would be a showdown at some time. It should have been a time of high excitement for Edeard, but he'd got another letter from Salrana; she'd been delayed again.

He ran out of Macoun Street on to the broad sweep of the alameda. The weeping hasfol trees were just budding, a multitude of blue and yellow striped leaves expanding out of their whorls to greet the warmer skies. Right ahead of them was the blue and silver bridge which looped high over the waters of the Great Major Canal to Golden Park. Sergeant Chae was standing at the foot of it, giving Edeard's slightly out-of-breath squad a nonchalant look. 'I'm insulted, he said loftily. 'You don't trust me?

'Procedure, sir, Macsen puffed. 'We're the reinforcements.

'But I haven't called for you, yet.

Edeard gestured at the bridge. 'All yours, sir.

'Thank you. Chae glanced round at the eager crowd that was building. 'This is nostalgic, eh? He turned and led the four constables of his squad up on to the bridge.

'Have any of them got guns? Boyd asked.

'I can't sense any, Kanseen said. 'Edeard?

'No. Nothing. Ivarl will want it to appear like they're just ordinary citizens. He needs to make us the bad guys.

'Hey Waterwalker, a young boy yelled out cheekily. 'Are you going to do it again?

'Not today.

'Oww, go on, please. Run over the pool. I didn't see it before.

The eight men had reached the other end of the bridge. Chae and his squad were standing on the apex, arms folded. Waiting patiently.

'This is a different day, Edeard said out loud. The crowd were dividing their attention between him and the gang members over on Golden Park. 'This day we banish the gangs from your streets and lives.

The gang men stepped onto the bridge.

'You! Chae bellowed. 'Pocklan, we know you and your friends. Come no further.

The eight men kept walking forward.

'I have a warrant signed by the District Master of Jeavons excluding you from this district.

'I have done nothing wrong, Pocklan shouted back. 'I am a free man. I may go where I please in this city. That is the law.

'Halt and turn around. Go back where you scum came from.

Boyd nudged Edeard. 'Look who's here, he growled.

Edeard glanced over where Boyd indicated. Master Cherix was standing at the front of the crowd, watching intently.

'We knew they'd try to quash the warrants in the courts, Dinlay said.

'Please don't let this come down to lawyers, Kanseen moaned.

'I'm visiting my mother who lives in Jeavons, Pocklan said, appealing reasonably to the silent spellbound crowd. 'She has only a few days to live. Would you deny me that right?

'What a load of bollocks, Dinlay said under his breath.

'Piss off, Chae said, jabbing his finger forcefully back down the bridge. 'Now.

'Sergeant, Master Cherix said. It wasn't a particularly loud voice, but the authority behind it carried a long way.

Chae turned round, an expression of utter disgust on his face, backed up by some very strong thoughts escaping past his shield. 'Yes? Sir?

'I am this fine gentlemen's legal counsel. May I see this so-called exclusion warrant please?

'It's back at the station.

'Then until you produce it, and let him see it, as is his right, my client is free to go about his business in whatever district of this city he chooses. As do his equally innocent colleagues.

'All right then, Chae said, and jabbed his finger at Pocklan again. 'Wait here. I'll send a runner.

'No, Sergeant, Cherix said. 'You cannot detain my client without just cause. It is your responsibility to bring the warrant to him. Until it is read to him, he is free to go as he pleases.

'I can't run around the district after him and the others, Chae said.

'That is not my client's problem, Master Cherix said affably.

Pocklan's smirk was indecent. 'Step aside, he told Chae.

Edeard walked forward. 'Master Cherix.

'Corporal Edeard. How nice to see you. I believe you can be of some help in this unfortunate matter. Your colleague here was about to act unlawfully. As a constable of this city, I am asking you to see the law is enforced equally and fairly.

'My pleasure.

Master Cherix beckoned Pocklan. 'Come on across the bridge now please my dear chap. You are quite safe with the Water-walker himself guaranteeing your legal rights.

'Were you referring to a warrant like this? Edeard asked innocently. He pulled a roll of parchment out of his tunic.

Master Cherix's unctuous smile flattened as he started to read. 'But this warrant names—

'You. Edeard smiled. 'Yes. And as such, I am required — by law — to assist you out of Jeavons as quickly as possible. He reached out with his third hand.

Master Cherix yelled in consternation as his feet left the ground. The cry turned to pure panic as he kept on rising. The crowd on the alameda gasped as the lawyer soared away over the bridge, continuing to gain height.

'Put me down! Cherix screamed with his voice and longtalk. He was higher than the buildings behind the alameda; higher than the white metal pillars lining Golden Park. Still ascending, The watching ge-eagles had to curve sharply to avoid him.

'Did you hear something? Edeard asked.

'He told you to put him down, Kanseen pronounced solemnly.

'Oh, fair enough, Edeard said. He let go.

Cherix fell out of the sky with a incoherent shriek of fright. He landed in the middle of Birmingham Pool, producing a tremendous splash. The crowd cheered wildly.

Chae turned back to Pocklan. 'Now where were we?

Pocklan gave the sergeant a furious look; then glanced over his shoulder to where an impassive Edeard was waiting. He turned and led his companions back into Golden Park.

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