'Shoot him, a longtalk whisper ordered.

How did they see me?

Medath fired. The bullet almost got through Edeard's shield. A powerful telekinetic shove sent him skidding down the slight incline. He had a terrible flashback to the day by Birmingham Pool when Arminel had pushed him over the edge. Lady help!


The bullet struck him, as did a further telekinetic blow. Edeard was shunted over the edge of the platform. His arms flailed wildly, but straining fingers missed anything solid.

'Can you fly, Waterwalker?

Edeard plummeted downwards, screaming all the way. He instinctively tried to grip the tower with his third hand. He could even feel the force lock into the grainy structure of the wall. It didn't stop his descent.

His thoughts arrowed down to the city's slumbering mind as the air roared around him. Can you help? he pleaded to the slow, giant thoughts.

It was useless. He was falling. Falling.


Somewhere on the edge of perception he heard her scream wildly. He directed one last thought — / love you. Content she would know. It made death more bearable. Falling.

Beneath him a vivid wave of alarm gushed from the minds of the constables scurrying round the base of the tower. Falling.

Any second now.

He braced himself for the terrible burst of pain which would strike for an instant before death.


'How the Ladyfuck are you doing that? Chae's dazed voice asked.

Something slapped Edeard's arse. It was the ground.

'Huh? Edeard grunted dumbly. He looked up to see a circle of about ten faces peering down at him, all of them wearing utterly incredulous expressions. His hands patted the ground in disbelief. He was down. Intact. 'I fell… he blurted. But of course, it always felt like he was falling when the city lowered him down to its tunnels. It must be the same out here.

There was a near-hysterical laugh threatening to bubble out of his throat. Tears were already leaking from his eyes as the shock kicked in.

Some of the constables staring down were shoved aside. Kanseen and Boyd lunged into the gaps.

'Edeard! Kanseen squealed. 'Oh Lady, what happened?

'Trap, he said weakly. He pointed up at the dark shape of the tower looming above them, surprised by how much effort it was just to raise his arm.

'Medath? she asked in surprise.

Edeard nodded. It was hard to breathe, his body was tingling everywhere, and now he was starting to shake. His farsight could just discern a pulse of animal terror from somewhere. It was growing fast. 'What's happening? he rasped. 'What?

'Edeard? Boyd was sounding very faint. Chae was frowning, glancing round.

Edeard didn't have the strength to speak. 'Can you sense that? he longtalked.

'What? Kanseen asked.

Then Chae was broadcasting pure alarm. 'Move! The old sergeant pushed at Kanseen with his third arm. At the same time he tried to jump backwards.

Edeard saw it then. Directly above him. A black human silhouette against the green-glowing beauty of the Ku nebula. Edeard tried to roll away, what was left of his telekinetic strength roused feebly to ward off the plunging body.

Medath hit the ground two feet away from where Edeard was lying. Chae was only half clear. The collision produced a vile crunch as a multitude of bones snapped.

Edeard stared vacantly at the tangle of broken flesh beside him. Blood dribbled out of Chae's slack open mouth. The sergeant's eyes moved very slowly to meet Edeard's gaze.

Far away someone was wailing. It sounded like Kanseen.

'Sergeant? Edeard asked.

'Oh by the Lady, Chae longtalked. 'For a moment there, that really hurt.

'No, Edeard said. 'Oh no.

Chae let out his final rattling breath. Edeard tried to hang on to the man's mind, his farsight following the thoughts as they diminished. As they dwindled towards their extinction they disconnected from the body. Edeard perceived the spectral shape of Chae rising up to stand over his own corpse.

'Sergeant? Edeard sent in desperation.

'Oh my Lady, the spectre sent back.


'Edeard? It was Dinlay kneeling beside him: frightened, shouting.

'Can you see him? Edeard whispered.

'Edeard, you're going into shock. Try and focus on me.

'This isn't shock. Edeard gifted them his perception. There was a collective intake of breath as the constables gathered round saw their sergeant's spirit smiling gently.

'I can feel it, Edeard, Chae explained. He was looking up, searching the heavens. 'So beautiful. They're calling to me. The nebulas are singing. Can you hear them?

'No, Edeard wept. 'No, I can't.

A gaggle of Mothers from the central church were arriving to investigate the furore, their anxious voices stilled as they received the gift of Edeard's perception. Then the Pythia herself was standing next to Chae's broken body, an expression of serene joy on her face. One hand reached out tentatively, trying to touch his spirit.

'I want to go, Chae told his enraptured audience. 'I have to. There's nothing left for me here.

'You'll be lost up there, Edeard told him. 'Stay with us, stay until the Skylords return to guide you.

'The songs, Edeard, oh the songs. What a welcome awaits us.

'Wait. Please.

Chae smiled down. It was as though he was giving a blessing. 'Don't worry about me. I'll follow the songs.

'May the Lady bring you safe to the Heart, the Pythia said.

'Thank you, Dear Mother, Chae replied. He reached up to the sky as if it were a physical thing he could hold and own. His shape began to waver. As he looked down for the last time the slightest frown appeared on his phantom features. 'Who are you? Then his outline swirled away with astonishing speed as it rose towards the nebulas he sought.

Edeard fell back with a last sob. Darkness claimed him.

* * * * *

Consciousness returned with a slow flush of warmth. Edeard felt perfectly content lying wherever he was, with his eyes closed and his mind at rest. He was breathing normally. Not particularly hungry. A light sheet lay across him. What more could anyone ask?

'Kristabel, he said, knowing she was there. He didn't use farsight, he just knew.

'You're awake. Her fingers stroked his face.

He opened his eyes to see her smiling down at him. It was the most wonderful sight.

'Don't you ever do that again, she chided.

'I won't.

She kissed him. 'People have been worried, she said.

'I'll bet. Edeard looked round. He was in some grand room, high ceilings, walls covered in tapestries and oil paintings. Familiar wood-framed glass doors opened on to a hortus; bright sunlight shone through. 'Is it midday already?

'Um, Edeard, you fell two days ago.


'Our doctor said you were suffering a combination of exhaustion and shock. She gave you something to keep you asleep, she said you needed time to recover.

Edeard pulled a face as he licked his tongue round inside his mouth. Something tasted bad.

Kristabel handed him a tall glass of water.

'Thanks, he lifted himself up gingerly as she pushed some pillows behind his back to support him.

'You're the talk of Makkathran. Again, she told him with a sly grin.

Edeard gave a feeble shrug.

'I thought you were going to die when you called me. Her eyes began to fill with tears.

'I'm sorry. He reached for her, holding her close for a long time. When she'd calmed she said, 'And now you can fly, too.

'I can't, actually. That's something else altogether. The city, Kristabel, it helps me.

'The city. You mean Makkathran?

'Yes. He could sense the puzzlement in her mind. 'I'll try and explain, it's quite complicated. Perhaps I should explain to everyone. I don't know.

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